
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Meet the new Keepers


Meet… the new Keepers of Knowledge…

Hidden within the world we live in are all the beings we tell tales about around the campfire, read about in books, watch in movies. They’re the ones we think about as going bump in the night, standing in the shadows as we walk through a dim area or following us down empty streets.

But in reality, they’re the people standing next to in the bank, buying coffee before us at the local cafe and maybe even ringing you up at the grocery store. They’re everywhere – Vampires, Witches, Mimics, Shifters, Fae, Merfolk, Banshees, Gargoyles, Sphynxes and Werewolves. Blending in with society.

However, despite their acclimation into the mundane world, they have factions of their own. A hierarchy within each race that all answers to the High Council of the Supernatural. And this council has recently deemed it necessary to add a member of each race to the Keepers of Knowledge.

The Keepers – a faction of supernatural beings charged with the vital task of authenticating and recording every major historical event and artifact that exists within supernatural world around us… and all of its secrets. Here, within these pages, you will get to meet each of the new candidates for these coveted positions.

Arriving in Pyreshore is a first look into this world, the town they live in, what brought about this change, and the characters you will come to love.

They who hold the knowledge keep the secrets. After all, every secret needs a Keeper.

10 books, 10 authors, 10 keepers, 1 shared world.

Find it on Amazon & B&N!