
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

#IWSG for February 2019

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Raimey Gallant, Natalie Aguirre, CV Grehan, and Michelle Wallace!

This month's optional question: Besides writing, what other creative outlets do you have?

Currently the other main outlet I have is playing Dungeons & Dragons with my friends. I've been the acting Dungeon Master (DM) for a while now running The Rise of Tiamat campaign. We're nearly at the end! I've used a lot of different things to help me in my position as the DM. I've used puppets for council meetings and perler bead dragons when the heroes were conferring with the metallic dragons. I write little notes and tie them with ribbons. Yesterday I wrote a speech one of the non-player characters would share with one of the heroes. It was 2,000 words!

This month's insecurities: Perhaps prepping all that gaming stuff might be why I haven't done much writing otherwise. But I'm having great fun with it. I figure as long as I'm writing something, it's okay. Just keep the mojo flowing. And even as I say it, I feel guilty. I can't erase that feeling completely.

I've been doing better exercising and eating. I'm almost done a new cover for The 13th Floor Complete Collection. I've been doing a lot of things other than writing my WIP. I tell myself it's okay, but part of me doesn't believe it yet. I need to do it all! I don't, really. But you know how over-ambitious muses can be...


  1. Wow, you really go all out! Your Dungeons & Dragons gatherings sound fun!

    Sorry to hear you've been feeling guilty, though, writing-wise. (Know what that's like far too well!) The fact that you're still keeping the mojo flowing with any kind of writing is definitely a good thing.

    And oh, how exciting about the new cover for The 13th Floor Complete Collection! Cannot wait to see what you've come up with this time. Your covers are always fabulous!

    1. I don't know if I'll ever be rid of that guilt feeling. I just have to learn how to work with it better.

    2. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

      i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

  2. Being a Dungeon Master must be fun. ^_^

    I feel guilty when I’m not writing. Even when I am writing, if it’s not “the main” project I feel like a slacker. That said, I believe all creative pursuits benefit out writing. Though I can say we shouldn’t feel guilty all day, I don’t think it’ll help. Lol! I need to find something fun like D&D during writing lulls. It sounds like a great outlet. :)

    1. And they call me the Dungeon Mistress! *LOL* I call myself a slacker too, but I do my best to stay busy somehow.

  3. I was at a Ren Faire over the weekend, and they had a D&D tent. It made me think of you. And I would think that acting as a DM could totally count as research for potential future stories. I once totally justified a weekend spent playing Legend of Zelda that way.

    Looking forward to checking out the new cover when it's ready!

    1. Ooh, D&D at a Ren Faire! Fun! Oh yes, I'm coming up with all sorts of story ideas... that have nothing to do with my WIP. =P

  4. It's a different kind of challenge with writing which will help you stretch.

    1. It definitely is. Thanks for stopping by, Diane. :)

  5. Good for you for doing better with the eating and exercising! And all the creative work you're doing will carry over into your writing. No worries! :)

  6. I hear you on telling yourself it's okay that you are focusing on other areas of life, but not really believing it. We're hard on ourselves sometimes, remember that. <3

    1. We're totally hard on ourselves. Yet that keeps me productive! :)

  7. I used to DM! Just takes so much time. But it is a hell of a lot of fun.

    1. It's tons of fun! It's been such a marvelous campaign, but it's almost over and I'm ready to be just a player again.

  8. Good for you keeping yourself healthy. I've never played D&D but I know some people who do.

  9. Life has to be fun as well as productive. I've never played this, but I'm sure I'd like it. I just started playing Wordscapes, and it's already addictive.

    1. Wordscapes is totally addictive! I try to keep away from word games or I'll end up playing for hours. *LOL*

  10. I remember back when I was DMing D&D. I once drew a map and exposed it to nitric acid fumes for several days just to give it an aged look. It was literally falling to pieces as the players read it for clues. Those were the days.

    1. That would be so cool! The closest I've gotten to such a thing is running a lighter under a piece of paper to give it an aged look. :D

  11. I've always been interested in how DMs work and how they're able to make creative decisions on the fly. Usually, when the pressure is on me, I blank out!

    1. I do some planning of the main story, but then I just go with it. The players take the story all over the place! Good thing I'm a pantser and I'm used to working with characters who surprise me. *LOL*

  12. I played D and D with my kids a while back, but haven't tackled it since. I might have to propose another try.

    1. It's great fun. Most of the guys I game with are older than me. We're just a bunch of kids in middle-aged bodies!

  13. I never played D+D. I think I'm missing out on some great fun.

    It's great to have other fun creative talents plus writing! Have fun!

  14. I've never played Dungeons & Dragons, but it sounds like a lot of fun. :D

    1. It would be so much fun to play with a bunch of writer friends. :D

  15. That's pretty cool--a Dungeon Master. I'm intrigued.

    1. I go for that behind the screen mysterious look. :D

  16. Hubby is DMing his group right now. He got little wooden tokens and put stickers on them to use in the campaign. (Is it funny I wrote tolkien instead of token at first?)

    1. That's a cool idea! We have lots of minis between our players to use, but I should make some stickers... (Hehehe! Tolkien suits too!)

  17. The game playing, especially your DM role, sounds pretty creative to me.

  18. I have no doubt your brain is still working on the WIP with or without you. Enjoy the rest. D&D sounds so much fun. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  19. I think that counts as very creative. Congrats on the healthy living you're doing.

  20. I'm in the group that has never played D & D, but it sounds like you're having a blast! Relaxation is very important to keeping the creative juices going.

    1. It's so much fun. It's a good way to end the week and laugh really hard with friends.

  21. I never played D&D. I think I might like it, if I try. Maybe. One day.

  22. I've also never played D&D. The video games I've played have always been either solo player, or for two players.

    1. I play a lot of RPG video games too. I like the stories.

  23. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow. I'm sure your subconscious is working on your wip. When you're ready to write, you will.

  24. I’ve always been intrigued by Dungeons & Dragons. I don’t know much about it, but it seems like a good book that you get to be a character in. Lol. Sounds fun!

    1. That's totally how it is! I see it as creating a story with friends. :)

  25. Your game play sounds fun. That is really cool you have a group of people that love to get together and do it still. Happy IWSG!

    1. And it doesn't matter your age. We have players from age of 25 to 55. Though sometimes we all behave like giggling children!

  26. Dungeons and Dragons sounds like a really fun but really time-consuming interest. It sounds incredibly creative. :)

    1. Time-consuming for sure when you're the DM. But I love it!

  27. I think your writing for game play is keeping the juices flowing. When you are ready to get back to your WIP, you'll know it and you will do it.

  28. Looking forward to seeing your new cover when it's done!

  29. Sounds like great fun! I feel vindicated when I write a new story, but still the guilt that I'm not working on 'the one' haunts me. But writing will always be number one with me!

  30. Yes, I can relate. I've stopped, for the moment, writing short stories for contests or whatnot, because I am soooo close to finishing my current WIP! Must get it done. So no more distractions...

  31. I've never seen a girl who does D&D! Cool. I saw a couple of D&D bloggers during 2016's A to Z Challenge.

    1. The number of women playing D&D is growing. I'm the only female in my group, but I belong to online groups where there are many women. It's fantastic!

  32. The D & D thing sounds fun! I bet it's a great way to relax and get your mind off of other things.

  33. I think D&D sounds like so much fun! It's awesome what you put into it, and I'm sure your group adores it. And it is writing and creating--that does have its rewards I'd think :)

  34. Dungeons and Dragons seems fun! Thank you for sharing!

  35. Dungeons & Dragons ... the old fashioned way, right? There's on online game for that? I'd love to see that! I've heard of it but never tried it. Role-playing appeals greatly to me and I wonder just how involved the imagination is for D & D?

  36. Sounds like you've been having loads of fun as DM :-)

    Ronel visiting for Feb's IWSG Day Being an Insecure Writer -- And Happy About It

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