
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Two marvelous free promo events looking for author signups!

I've got two awesome free promo events coming up in February to share with authors!

Paranormal Candy is hosting both. The first is an all month free book campaign on Book Funnel. Already we have nearly 50 authors signed up. Imagine the social media reach with this!

If you have fantasy and romance books (any sub-genre welcomed!), you can signup HERE. Click on the image above to see who is participating so far.

So many authors will be doing promos for Valentine's Day next month. We planned to do something different. February 26th is Tell A Fairy Tale Day. We love fairy tales so much, we want to celebrate them for a whole week!

If you have a fairy tale book or any type of re-telling, you can join this wonderful free promo event. Signup HERE.