
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

#IWSG for July 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Nicki Elson, Juneta Key, Tamara Narayan, and Patricia Lynne!

This month's optional question: What are your ultimate writing goals, and how have they changed over time (if at all)?

A long time ago, I wanted to be the next Stephen King. I wanted to be picked up by a big publisher and an agent, be an international best seller, make millions, and have movies made from my books. If that still happened, I'd be ecstatic, but I'm much more realistic now.

I no longer feel the desire for an agent, and I don't query publishers. I'm in control of my own destiny. Being an indie author wasn't an option when I was young, but these days, it is a wonderful choice. I'd love to be able to make enough money to equal my husband's salary which would make me a mid-lister. In our publishing world, that would be a marvelous achievement. And instead of movies, I would love an HBO show or series on a cable channel that follows my books as well as Game of Thrones followed Martin's.

I have no doubt my ultimate goals will change again in ten or twenty years. The industry might be a whole different beast then.

* * * * *

We're only sixteen days away from this month's IWSGPit! Click on the image for all the details. It's a fantastic opportunity for writers.

8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

P.S. I'm lounging by the lake and reading this week. I'll get around to everyone's blogs later this month. Have a great week!


  1. I'd be happy with a series. Just not a movie produced by the SyFy Channel.
    Enjoy the lake!

  2. Yes, I think we are all more realistic and yes, our goals will probably change as our lives and the industry changes.

  3. Being an indie author wasn't an option either when I first started out writing. Times sure have changed...and they will again!

    Enjoy lounging and reading! Hope you're reading some good stuff....

  4. That would be fantastic to reach midlist status. Seeing how much you publish and having read some of your work (it's awesome), I think you could have a real shot at it. :-)

  5. Happy reading, Christine! Sounds delightful. Are you on Litsy yet? It's a great social media site for book lovers. If you join, let me know so I can get the Litsy Welcome Wagon happening on your profile. Anyway, yes, who knows what kind of beast the publishing industry will turn into in 10 years... :)

  6. I thought I'd be published by fourteen, and would be instantly rich and famous. How things have changed.

    Enjoy your vacation!

  7. I hear you on all of that and second you. I got a letter just last week from a reader who wanted my Maiden of Time series turned into a movie. Talk about a dream come true, eh? (As long as it's done right.)

  8. I'd love to see a series made from one of your book series. Amazing!
    Hope you are enjoying your vacation. :)

  9. I think it'd be cool to see my books as a TV show. Usually when I'm writing, that's how I visual the story.

  10. Dropping the querying process out of your life sure does free up a lot of time. Whoever invented that was totally grinchy.

  11. Yeah, indie authoring wasn't an option for me, either, when I started out. It's always interesting to watch the industry evolve.

    Enjoy your lounging at the lake time!

  12. It's good to be in control of your own destiny:) It allows you to be more nimble and adjust to changing conditions too:)

  13. It is possible to make a living at it. Elizabeth S. Craig does.

  14. I’d love a movie or mini series on Hulu or Netflix! Stephen King’s Path was never easy to follow, but things have changed so much, there are several options now that are just as good. More options, higher chances, maybe, right? ^_^

  15. I would love to have a tv series, but . . . I didn't list that one. :)
    Great goals!
    Happy lounging by the lake! Enjoy! :)

  16. Hope you have fun lounging and reading! At least you're really good at the indie game. :)

  17. It would be cool to have a book/series turn into a TV series or movie. We'll have to see what the publishing world has in store for us. :)

  18. You had to rub it in about the lake! I no longer query agents either. I've spoken to too many at conferences and I'm not convinced they can help until you sign with a big publisher.

  19. A book series would be freaking awesome, wouldn't it? A dream come true. I saw you pics on FB and the lake. It looks fabulous, enjoy!!! Happy 4th.

  20. I've never liked depending on someone else to decide my fate so I'm loving the freedom of choice writer's enjoy today. Hope you enjoy the lake & have a fantastic vacation!

  21. I can totally imagine your 13th Floor Collection as a TV series.
    My main goal is to keep on enjoying the writing life.
    Enjoy your vacation! Happy 4th July!

  22. Hi Christine - you're obviously enjoying your break ... and being able to self-publish makes it so much more satisfying and as we progress we can enhance our skills - you do that pretty well now. Take care and enjoy the 4th - cheers Hilary

  23. I think a lot of your books would make good movies. I hope you see that dream come true. Happy 4th and IWSG!

  24. Hope you had a great 4th and are reading tons of good books :)

  25. How about a Netflix original? Yeah, I'd settle for that. ;)

  26. A show or movie based on your books would be so much fun, for sure!

  27. Yep, our goals have a way of changing as we get older. (and wiser?) When I was writing my first book, I daydreamed about who'd play the parts in the movie. Now? I'm ecstatic whenever someone buys one of my books. :)

  28. Thank you to everyone who popped by the other week. I'm slowly catching up on things. Hope I'm getting older and wiser! :)


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