
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

#IWSG for June 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Beverly Stowe McClure, Tyrean Martinson, and Ellen @ The Cynical Sailor!

This month's optional question: What's harder for you to come up with: book titles or character names?

Book titles. By far! I love coming up with character names. I have lists and lists of names. Book titles are incredibly difficult for me. I usually ask my writer friends for title suggestions. I try to keep my titles simple, but even then, I'm banging my head on the desk to find something that encompasses the story.

This month's insecurities: Time. I'm so behind on everything. This is not unusual for me. I know in the summer, I have precious few hours on the computer to work. Family comes first. I try to make to-do lists to reasonably fit that. But I'm looking at my June list and shaking my head. There's so much I want to do. I should be easier on myself. I tell myself to not worry. But my creative juices want to propel me forward at a speed that is hard for me handle. Then I berate myself for not getting enough done. I'm kinder to myself than I once was, but I'm still my own worst boss.

What are your insecurities this month?


  1. After reading a couple of blogs, it looks as if book titles is the hardest to figure out.

    Time is very difficult!! Family is always first, that's good. Our kids have school until June 23rd, that's when I get a break from babysitting my grands.

    Have a good one.

  2. I totally agree!
    It's frustrating when you want to write and produce but the hours fill up with life stuff instead.

    1. Oh, I know. Thankfully I have a few hours now with summer day camp these next couple of weeks.

  3. Maybe your summer to-do lists need to be even shorter? And if you did that, you'd still be one of the most productive people I know! :)

    1. Thanks, Madeline! My list should be shorter. But so far, it's been a good week.

  4. LOL! I hear you. Why do you think I write about time manipulation? ;) I heard the best advice from an older gentleman with TONZ of responsibility. When he was asked how he did everything that was expected of him as he got older and had less energy. He responded that he no longer did everything, only the most important things.

    1. That's the best advice! :) Hehehe. Oh yes, time manipulation. I want Hermione's Time Turner.

  5. There's never enough time, but we should be kinder on ourselves.

    1. We should definitely be that... but we are an ambitious lot! ;)

  6. I can get behind on my own work but not everyone else's.

    1. That's true, and you are one busy woman. Good luck with everything this summer!

  7. I'd write a to-do list, but I can't spare the time, and it would be so long I would fall into despair. Better to throw out some nuts to the baby squirrel tapping at the sliding glass door and keep reading IWSG posts. (Much more fun, too.)

    1. That is much more fun! :) I have a baby bunny in my backyard. Just one. It likes my son's playhouse!

  8. I hear you on the time and prioritizing family! I wish we could do both at the same time. Wouldn't that be grand?

    1. That would be wonderful. Where is that cloning machine when you need it?

  9. I have an old list of possible character names. I guess I need to update it because I still struggle to name minor characters. Especially the antagonist!

    1. I update my list with every story just because I like looking at names. :)

  10. It's so hard not to put too much ourselves. I've been actively working on being nice to myself, and it's definitely making a difference. I'm hoping to get it on autopilot one of these days. :)

    I also have lists on top of lists of character names. I'm a collector. Of course, scrolling through all those names isn't the most fun.

    1. It would be wonderful if we went on kind autopilot one day. :)

  11. I'm careful not to pick names of antagonists that I know unless, well, they deserve it. ;-) Names are so much fun to work with!

    1. Definitely! Some antagonists deserve what they get. Hehehe.

  12. I make list of names too. Happy IWSG!

    1. I have names that I'm just waiting for the perfect characters for. :)

  13. Yeah, time always seems to be slipping through my fingers too. But as a result, I feel that much better if I actually accomplish something:)

  14. So far, it seems the majority of us writers have trouble with titles over character names.

    1. Titles are tricky. They have to draw readers to the book. I've named a cool vampire Bert, so I'm good with names. Hehehe!

  15. It seems like we are all so much harder on ourselves than on others. Try to be a nice boss to yourself! I hope you and your family have a fantastic summer. :)

  16. Summer and Christmas are both rough with kids home. I've decided to do one 'project' each day (bigger cleaning projects, repairing, painting or whatever). Everything else gets stuck in between. Maybe wine works for that too...hmmmm...

    1. *LOL* Maybe it does! I try to keep the projects down. My son is getting old enough to help with some things too.

  17. we are so alike - i also love naming things AND never have enough time to dedicate to all my writing ventures!
    also - love Morena’s cover from earlier post. nice work!
    happy June!
    Tara Tyler Talks

    1. Thank you, Tara! So much to do, so little time.

  18. Nothing more precious than family & time! I also struggle to find time for everything. One day at a time!

    1. Taking it one day at a time is all we can do, for sure.

  19. Being kind to yourself is critical. The rest works itself out. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Sometimes I blame it on my muse. Am I allowed to do that without getting into trouble?!

  20. Hi Christine - it's good your family is getting the most time ... it also gives the brain some time to think around things. You've always got lots going on - but enjoy life with your projects - cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary. Counting down to family camp in beautiful Wisconsin. :)

  21. I'm a horrible boss of me. So I totally get that. Keeping up with everything I want to accomplish in a day is impossible. Can you figure out how we can clone ourselves?

    1. I'm still waiting for Alex to tell us the secret of clones! *LOL*

  22. I hear what you say about being your own worst boss and not being as kind to yourself as you should. However, you are kind to your family and they are first in line for your attention, so you get extra points.

  23. I am the Title Queen. I may not get much in between the covers, but I have a title and cover art for every project. My worst insecurity right now is that I do not seem to be in control of my time. But if not me, then who? I'm a tough boss, too. I think so many of us 'think' we should be able to do so much more than one person is capable of doing, because we are SuperWriter. Family does come first. And we need to give ourselves a break.

    1. Yes, definitely, that's it. We do want to be SuperWriter! Except I haven't any cosmic powers and no radioactive bugs have bitten me. I just run on chocolate. :)

  24. I think most of us struggle with titles. I ask my critique partners for advice. And I can always relate to the late of time. Good luck managing it.

    1. Thanks, Natalie! My CPs are fabulous at coming up with titles too.

  25. It's crazy how family and life keep wanting time! LOL I guess it probably makes our writing better though.

    1. Definitely! More real life experience equals better writing. :)

  26. I feel the same about book titles and character names. The latter are a breeze. The former, well, we probably have matching forehead bruising. :) Happy IWSG day!

  27. As productive as you normally are, I imagine your low productivity still beats me hands down. :p

    1. You're doing fantastically! And here I think I need to be twice as productive as I usually am. It's that crazy boss of me... who is me.

  28. I beat myself up a bit too when I don't feel like I'm getting much done. The difference is that I really don't get much done and you really do! LOL. But family comes first, and I know you're an excellent mom. That's important.

  29. Christine, I can relate. Time has been more of a nemesis than Thanos for me. Frustrating but i'll break through. Best wishes to you.

    1. Thanos has nothing on time! Thanks for dropping by. :)

  30. I'm with you re names.I wish I was a fast writer to use up my list of great names. Can't understand why anyone has probs coming up with them.

    1. I know that feeling! I have some terrific names that I'm just waiting on the right characters for.

  31. My summer is nowhere near as busy as yours, but I can still relate to how elusive time is. There definitely never seems to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything!

    And that's awesome how easily character names come to you. They used to for me, too, but lately it takes me months to figure one out, LOL. And I love your titles, so even though those are more of a struggle for you, it all seems to work out, in the end!


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