
Thursday, June 21, 2018

I'm visiting the Writing and Wellness site today!

I'm excited to be at the Writing and Wellness site today. Colleen M. Story interviewed me about writing and how it affects my physical and mental health. Come say hi!

This amazing site shares information on all aspects of health from studies, experts, writers, and artists. I love the author interviews and all the wonderfully creative ways we each deal with our unique situations.


  1. I'm at the age where health is becoming a focus...otherwise known as getting older. LOL

    I better hop on over and check this site out!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wellness...

    That's the concept of efficient drilling...right

  4. ...okay...I was struggling for something to day...

  5. A new site I have not heard of before.

  6. Excellent article, Christine. I love how you have a support system and the article was all around inspiring. :)

  7. Hi Christine - I need to do more to help my posture - cheers Hilary

  8. Great interview, yes, please publish those writs stretches!
    Love the family photo's. I've never been afraid of the rejections, they always spurred me forward. "How dare anyone tell me I can't do something,"
    But boy do I have self doubt, that's my killer.
    And bad publishing experiences, oh yeah, I can relate!
    Love your work, Christine, and I mean it, you are one of my favorite authors!

    I tried to post this there, but for some reason I was unable to. It's a great interview!

    1. Thanks so much, Yolanda! That means a lot to me. Here's a link to an article that has my wrist stretches. I do #1-4. #3 I particularly really feel even though it doesn't look like much.

    2. Thanks so much. They look wonderful and I will definitely try them. I've got carpel tunnel and arthritis. Something's got to give. :)

  9. Good idea to focus on health issues for writers. Many of us tend to be sedentary, and that's just not healthy at all.

  10. Thank you to everyone for popping by! :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Going over there. Sounds like a cool theme.


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