
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

#IWSG for May 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: E.M.A. Timar, J. Q. Rose, C.Lee McKenzie, and Raimey Gallant!

This month's optional question: It's spring! Does this season inspire you to write more than others, or not?

None of the seasons inspire me more than the others, but I've noticed many of my stories take place in the fall. I do try to push forward fast in the spring, because it isn't long until the summer. I get very little done in the summer, because my son is off school.

My insecurities this month: I've fallen behind where I want to be. Last month was busy with family visiting and birthdays. I had also been sick. Oh the new things you learn when you're ill so you can use that later to torment your characters! Did you know that salivary glands can get infected, swell to the size of baseballs, and they can get stones like kidneys? Thankfully I didn't get stones, but boy, could you imagine passing that? Yikes!


  1. A lot of my stories take place in the fall, too. ^_^ I love that quote! Adding it to my collection. Embrace it don't hate it, right? Our pain serves to make everything that much more real for the reader. ^_^ Poor characters.

  2. That sounds like a nasty illness. I'm trying to imagine passing salivary gland stones. Sounds awful. Hope you're feeling better. Love that quote about writers taking notes when they're sick :-)

    1. I can't imagine passing those stones. Thank you!

  3. I love that quote—when a writer gets sick, they take notes. So true!

    Sorry that you've been sick, and that it's put you behind. I'm behind where I was hoping to be at this point, too. Here's hoping we both catch up soon!

    1. Thanks! High five to May being a super productive month. :)

  4. Such a great quote! Thanks for sharing it.

    Wishing you good health going forward! :)

  5. Fun quote! Sorry that you have been sick, but those are times to just do the essentials and rest. And being with your son when he's off school is important. The time flies and you need to appreciate it.

  6. That's a great quote. That's a good reminder that any kind of suffering we go through will ultimately be good for our writing!

  7. Replies
    1. It didn't hurt, but boy, was it uncomfortable!

  8. Love the meme :-) I hope you're feeling better now -- all the more to torture your characters ;-)

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions

  9. Oh no! The whole salivary gland thing sounds horrific. Hugs that you feel better. That quote really is appropriate.

  10. Baseball-sized salivary glands? Sounds painful!
    Love that quote!
    I hope you've recovered fully, Christine!
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Writer In Transit

    1. It wasn't so painful but it was uncomfortable! Thanks, Michelle. :)

  11. I can't imagine!!!
    So glad you're feeling better, and I've no doubt you'll catch up. Have a great spring!

  12. I did not know what about salivary glands, but I did know that about tonsils, which is why I just had mine removed. lol

    1. Oh the glands in the neck! How much trouble they cause us. :) I'm happy you're doing good now.

  13. Love that quote - it's so true! I have absolutely no voice today so had to take the day off. Hoping my salivary glands do not try this out! :)

    1. Yikes! Rest up and feel better, Jemi. The salivary gland thing is uncommon, so hopefully you have no worries.

  14. This is so true! I haven't given any of my characters vertigo yet, but soon ... (evil grin).
    I did know that about the glands - it happened to one of my daughters - not fun. I'm sorry and I hope you are on the mend!

    1. Vertigo. Excellent way to torture a character!

  15. Oye! Being sick is so not good. Sorry about that, but glad you wrote about it being past tense. I'll have to check to see which season I favor in my writing. Never thought of that before.

  16. Everything does seem to be research for characters and story plots, lol. Hope you are feeling better now.

  17. Great point about not getting much done in the summer. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. If only there was some way of warning your characters!

  18. No, no I did not know that stuff about the salivary glands. It sounds very painful.

  19. Love the quote. I take notes no matter what happens to me and I've got years of them. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  20. LOL! What doesn't kill you makes you a better writer. I hear you there! We got this nasty bug that a month later, we're still battling. Go away stupid sickness. =)

    1. We had that bug earlier in the winter. Hope you're resting and feeling better!

  21. Hi Christine - a writer ... always has pen in hand, or mobile with notes on ... etc. Good luck with shrugging off the bug/s .. take care - cheers Hilary

  22. Does that mean you looked like a chipmunk? Oh! I'm glad you're better.

    1. *LOL* If only I looked as cute as that. I would describe it as more of a bullfrog look.

  23. Hope you're feeling better! My friend just had a kidney stone that wouldn't pass removed - a most unpleasant experience. But as you point out, a gold mine of information.

    1. Yikes! Hope your friend is resting and healing up. Thanks for stopping by, Lee. :)

  24. I've never paid much attention to the time of year my stories take place. It didn't really matter for most. Although, Leaves of Fall is taking place in the fall. That was just a happy accident.

  25. I just can't imagine how passing a stone from the salivary glands would work. Then again, it's probably better not to know. LOL! I hope you can catch up where you want to be before school ends.

  26. Summers slow me down too, though it's usually blogging that suffers the most.

    I didn't know your salivary glands could get infected. That does sound awful!!

    1. My blogging slows in the summer too. Here I thought swelling of the salivary glands meant mumps!

  27. Yikes, sorry you were sick and no never heard of that before scary.

  28. What a wonderful quote on getting sick, and so true. I had a short story written based on my own experience of being ill. I'm guessing, some of your future characters will suffer from the salivary gland infection. Yicks. Poor buggers.

  29. Oh no, Christine! I hope you're feeling better. We've been sick at my house too. Bleh. I like fall the best :)

    1. Bleh to being sick! Thanks for stopping by, Gwen.

  30. Sorry you've been sick. I'm about where I want to be writing but not with all the other parts of the business. It's stressful.

    1. I know it! Hopefully you catch up. Have a nice weekend!

  31. When I used to act, my acting teachers used to say, "Use it!" in response to whatever I was going through personally. Sounds like you're making good use of that advice! :)

  32. Everything is a "writing experience." I was sick a chunk of April and am behind where I hoped to be, but there is nothing to do but keep moving forward. I hope you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks! That's all we can do is move forward. :)

  33. Dang real life! It keeps getting in the way of our interactions with our fantasy worlds and friends. lol

  34. Glad you're better! Love the quote :)

  35. No I did not know that about salivary glands. Now I'm going to be extra worried every time someone in my family gets sick.

  36. Loved the quote. LOL Sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you feel better soon.

  37. I'm so sorry you were sick, Christine! (Eww on the salivary gland infection, haha.) Now that you're feeling better, though, I'm sure you'll catch up in no time. AND you'll have come through with a whole arsenal of research—without having fallen into the research rabbit hole! How's that for a bonus?

    Wishing you a month of May full of success!
    Guilie @ Life In Dogs

  38. It is kind of amazing how little you get done when kids are out of school. You'd think teachers get a break in summer until you remember, most of them are parents too!

  39. No, I never knew that about salivary glands. See? Reading blogs actually expand one's mind. Now how can I work this fact into a conversation? Hmmm... Enjoy the summer with your son. Writing is a lower priority in my thinking.
    JQ Rose

  40. I think winter is my most productive season. I'm too busy doing yard work to get much writing done in the spring. Enjoy the summer with your son!

  41. I feel you with the illness and I hope you're better by now!

  42. I'm able to write much more in the summer because I get a few weeks off work. I typically find it hardest to write in the winter as when it's so cold and dark I just want to go to bed early and I can barely drag myself out of bed in the morning! Sorry you fell behind and got sick, but unfortunately life happens. I'm sure you're back on track (or working towards it) by now.

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  44. Thanks a lot for your support guys. I appreciate our master writer community !


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