
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

#IWSG for April 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Olga Godim, Chemist Ken, Renee Scattergood, and Tamara Narayan!

April's optional IWSG question: When your writing life is a bit cloudy or filled with rain, what do you do to dig down and keep on writing?

Years ago, I would have given up when things were bad. Yet I always came back to writing. I couldn't help it. I'm a writer through and through. These days, I'm more easily motivated. I read a good book, watch a great show, take a walk, try something new, or talk with supportive writer friends. I will keep on writing even if no one ever reads what I write because I love it. I'll keep writing until the day when I can plug my mind into a computer and just download my stories that way. Though, I'm not certain I'd really want that sort of implant. But that's a question for another day!

This month's insecurities: Time is being pinched. So much to do away from the computer, and I have two big projects I want to work on. I'm trying to multitask these two manuscripts, but one is dominating the other. I let it have its way because I know I must take advantage of the flow when it's strong. Yet I feel guilty about letting the other sit. Both will get done, but not as soon as I'd hoped. And it's driving me batty.

IWSG news: Unfortunately I had to step away from being part of the IWSG admin team. It was a difficult choice, and I agonized over it. I love what the IWSG offers the writing community. It's such an incredible group. And the admins, holy crow! They are hardworking, organized, and awesome. I learned a lot from being part of the team.

Please welcome Shannon Lawrence as the new IWSG team member. She'll be taking over the newsletter. Be sure to send her all your news to celebrate with the group. Good luck and have fun, Shannon!


  1. I don't know, that implant sound intriguing :-)

    Thanks for all your hard work with the IWSG.

    Cheers - Ellen |

    1. I keep going back and forth about that implant. My cold fingers might appreciate it!

  2. Yay for Shannon!

    Oh my goodness, I HEAR YOU. I think that's the hardest thing for me--staying on one project. I have so many fighting for dominance and this impending fear that I'm going to get to the end of my life and not completed half of them or more. I suppose that's inevitable when new gems keep popping into my head, but what can you do? Keep at it!

    1. I saw on your blog you have several WIPs. You amaze me! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. You are inspiring in all that you do. Hang in there.

  4. I can understand having to let something go when you are as busy as you are!. Amazing. I will miss your great newsletters though. Love them, but I'm sure Shannon will do a wonderful job!

  5. You're a productive writer - they will both get done.
    We'll miss you on the team. You did an awesome job.

  6. I feel your guilt about working on two different manuscripts at once. I have my main story which I hope to publish one day, but I also have the fan fiction story I began many years ago, which I desperately want to finish. After all, that was the story that got me started with writing. But whenever I work on one, I feel guilty about not working on the other.

    1. I wonder why I feel guilty. Then I wonder if it's because I think I'm hurting their feelings! Our stories do feel that real to us sometimes.

  7. You are a not a superhero. We do what we can and I hope you stress free long enough to enjoy the rewards. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  8. Up until last month, I suffered a lot of guilt from sitting projects. It's hard not to feel obligated to certain projects, especially when I'm been actively brainstorming them and have some chapters written down. The way I looked at it for myself was that I do better focusing on one project at a time anyway. In addition, I also do better when I'm really excited about the project. So, if there's enough excitement for the sitting project, I will totally write it when I'm done with the current one. I won't be able to stop myself. :)

    1. Yes, I definitely do better when I'm really excited about something too. :)

  9. I was having a battle over manuscripts. One I had to finish-- the other, I wanted to finish. My solution? I have been using Novlr to write on, so I went through chapter by chapter and roughed out what I want to happen in the baby that was flowing. Now, maybe when I'm done with the one I'm working on, I can hop right back into the other. Fingers crossed.

  10. Time is always the issue. So sorry you stepped down, but I do understand, and Shannon is a super replacement. Here's hoping you get those two projects wrestled into submission and have some time to enjoy the accomplishment.

  11. Most of the manuscripts I am juggling aren't mine so I really feel the pressure not to drop the ball.

    Sad to see you leave the team, Christine.

    1. I can just imagine that immense pressure! Good luck and thank you.

  12. I struggle with what to work on too. Just have to set priorities I guess. Or go with whatever is more insistent. Characters can be pushy that way.

  13. Sounds like you do have a lot on your plate, but power to you for sticking with it:)

  14. You have a lot on your plate, so sometimes you have to let a few things go. I've had to do that, too. It's okay.

    1. It's tough to let go, but I need to sleep too. =P

  15. I have trouble working on two projects at one time. I understand about having to step away from IWSG admin. It's awesome but there so much work behind the scenes. Thanks for all you've done.

  16. I know how it feels to have to put one WIP on the back burner because another is dominating. The most important thing is eventually getting back to the secondary one and finishing strongly.

  17. Is that a question for another day or a story idea? ;)

  18. I gave up the "I'm never writing again" schtick a few years ago. I'll always write. Hang in there, you'll get some breathing room soon.

  19. Happy writing! I think it's awesome that one of your ideas is grabbing your attention.

    1. I figured I needed to go with the flow and take advantage of that. :)

  20. I'm still waiting for the day a computer can download a story from my brain too. It'll be awesome. And let the new story have its time. You'll get back to the other one.

  21. I love your notion of "when I can plug my mind into a computer and just download my stories that way." No need for pesky grammar rules, for adhering to the right sentence structure, etc. The computer will do it all. Or will it? If it is so smart, it might start writing a story of its own and use yours as a blueprint. And you'd probably have to waive your rights to sue in order to download that app. Here is a plot idea for a sci-fi book. :)

    1. I don't think computers will ever be able to come up with stories the way we humans do. *knocks on wood*

  22. Glad you are able to roll more with the hard times. I'm sure it was hard to step back from IWSG, but you can't do everything. I think this group is awesome and wish I had the time to help, but can't with my own blog duties and the rest of life.

  23. Multitasking can be so challenging, for sure. Totally relate to the guilt that happens when one project ends up stealing focus. In those instances, I like to remind myself that working on one WIP always ends up helping another, since I often learn a new technique or skill I may not have developed otherwise. (Don't think the art in EE would've improved the way it did if I hadn't allowed myself to play around with my horror comic, for example.) So, hopefully you can find some peace of mind with the fact that one of your own projects has taken dominance at the expense of another. Best of luck with both!

    1. Thanks, Heather! I love seeing your work as you play around. :)

  24. You can do it! And you are smart to know what things to back away from so you don't overload.

  25. You know you'll always be a writer when it keeps pulling you back. Both those stories will get done in time - try not to stress too much. Sorry you had to step down but Shannon will be a great addition to the team!

  26. I would love to download my thoughts onto the computer. It would save so much time.

  27. It appears that we're somewhat alike on how we recharge our muse. Have a great weekend.

  28. I'm the same. I must write. I've always done it and I always will. It's who I am and what makes me happy. Sometimes I have to set it aside, but I know I'll always come back.

  29. I always came back to writing in the past when things got bad and I even said I'd quit. Even experiencing my burnout, I'm still coming back to writing. :)

  30. Ditto on the coming back to writing. Even if I’m not actually putting words down, I’m always composing stories in my head. Not sure an implant is a good idea, though.

    I know what it’s like to be short of time, so understand your decision to step down from the IWSG admin team. Sometimes we have to put ourselves firs, even if we do feel guilty.


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