
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

#IWSG for February 2018

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Stephen Tremp, Pat Garcia,Angela Wooldridge, Victoria Marie Lees, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!

This month's optional IWSG question: What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

I write urban fantasy most often. I love the myths and magic, and then placing those in our modern day world. Finding out how supernatural beings fit in our society, how they work, the secrets, the adventures. Our seemingly cold technological world doesn't need to be without magic.

My insecurities this month: I'm writing the final book of my trilogy. Right now, I'm in love with the second book. It's as fantastic as the first. But this third one, I don't know. Will it be as good as the first two? Will it be a spectacular ending to the trilogy? Or will it flop?

I'm trying not to think about those things as I'm writing, but those doubts creep up on me. It's not an unusual thing. I always wonder if the book I'm writing will be better than the last. It should be if I'm learning and growing as a writer. But what if it isn't? What if it all sucks?

IWSG newsletter news: Have you subscribed to the IWSG newsletter yet? We have helpful articles and links, and a featured industry guest each month. For February, we have Lisa Cron (author of Wired for Story and Story Genius). I'm so excited!

If you're an IWSG member and you have some news you'd like to share with the group, drop me an email at and I'll put it in the newsletter.


  1. I'm embarking upon writing the third installment of my trilogy, and I've been having the same concerns. It's a daunting prospect to write a satisfying ending to a series. Or, so I assume. It's not like I've done it. But if anyone can do it, it will be you.

    And I love your reasons for loving your genre. Happy writing!

    1. Thanks, M.J. Endings are hard. I've read so many good books that have endings that stink. I don't want a stinky ending!

  2. I write fantasy too and am on book 1 of a series. Before I even think of whether I could publish it, I have to write #2 and be sure I'm deep as a writer to write the third book. So I get what you mean about being insecure. But you have a plan for your series, so I'm sure the third book will be great.

  3. Well, I've read your Totem books and your writing definitely doesn't suck. It's quite the opposite :-)

    I've started working on the second book in my series and having similar doubts. Am I getting better or is this just as bad as the last one. {Sigh.}

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your book. I'm hoping our doubts make us work harder and we will get better.

  4. I can understand you thinking about and wanting the last book of your trilogy to be as good as the first two books. That is human. But don't let it rob you of your freedom to write freely from the heart what you want to write in your third book. Relax and write one scene after the other. It's going to be outstanding.
    Wishing you all the best.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  5. It will NOT suck! You care so much about making your work great for your readers. How can it not be?! :)

  6. The book I'm working on now is close to urban fantasy and I'm enjoying the process of fitting these characters secretly into our world.

  7. Here from Alex's blog. My last novel was an Urban Fantasy. It's an interesting genre for sure. I'll have to check out your book. I'm sure it's great.

  8. Don't stress over the third book. With each one you grow as a writer, so it will be better!

    1. Thank you, Alex. I can't help but stress. Yet we'll see how much I like it when it's done. :)

  9. Ugh. Don't you love the end of trilogy jitters? But seriously, you're a great writer, so buck up and keep at it. You've got this.

  10. I guess that's always a problem when you plan a series, will the stories be as good as each other? But, your books are awesome, so I doubt you need to worry. On the other hand, worrying shows you care, which is good!

    1. Thanks, Annalisa. I hope the worrying makes us strive to be better.

  11. I feel like a series can keep going strong as long as each book is powered by great ideas, and not just aimlessly written about the characters having random new adventures.

  12. That's the hard part about series, but I know you'll find a way to make Book 3 spectacular. :)

  13. I can't freaking wait to read book 3. How's that for helping get rid of your doubts? ;)

  14. I hope you get a spark and fall in love with book 3. And I love the way you bring magic into today's world.


  15. It won't suck, Christine! I promise! I go back and forth with my current WIP. Some days, I'm like, this is the best thing I've ever written. Other days, I'm like, someone should put this thing out of its misery. :)

    1. I know those ups and downs. I'm on a down with it right now, but that's okay. I keep pushing onward.

  16. I'm struggling to even start the last book of my series because I know how I want it to end, so I'm telling myself "What's the point of writing it then?" Not good. I have to write it for my readers, but the motivation just isn't there.

    1. I felt that way with the last of my Totem series. I just wanted it to end! But it came together so nicely, I surprised myself. I hope the same for you.

  17. Book three can be hard. You have to maintain all the excitement of the first book, but then you have to tie everything up at the end. The bar is raised and that would give anyone insecurities. It'll all work out in the end.

  18. I always struggle with book #3 and worry it won't be as exciting as the first two. Best of luck with that.

  19. Love urban fantasy, for all the reasons you said! Try not to be too nervous about book three--it's hard to wrap up a trilogy, and you may have doubts, but it might just be better than you think!

  20. You do one fantastic job on that newsletter, Christine. I may have something to send along for next time!

  21. I love mixing magic with the real world, too! ^_^

    So exciting that you’re on book three already! As with all doubts, you’re doing the best thing for it: writing anyway. ^_^ Cheering for you!

  22. I'm currently working on an urban fantasy series myself. Good luck with yours!

  23. The one thing I know is getting the words down is the first step. Revising is where the story shines. Keep at it. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  24. Christine, I believe you have the insecurities of all writers. I feel the same way. And I've read your books and have recently purchased another one of yours. Each one keeps getting better and better. I'm wishing you luck in getting your trilogy over the top!!!

  25. Oh my gosh the third book WILL BE AWESOME! I just know it! Keep the faith. :)

    I always check out the newsletter and I enjoy it. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, and I'm so glad you like the newsletter. :)

  26. I agree. I love urban fantasy; anything fantasy, really. I hear you on writing a book 3. I'm not there yet, but I've thought about this a lot, and especially if it's the final book in a series. How do I want to leave the reader? Questions like that.

  27. I love urban fantasy as well. Looking forward to reading your trilogy. Much success with the 3rd book.

  28. I'm sure the third book will be awesome! If you're not happy with it, you can just keep reediting or rewriting until it is. You'll probably end of loving it the best. Good luck, Christine!

  29. couldn't possibly suck or flop. you're one of my fave writers!
    but wait, did i miss the release of the second one? i need something to read, woman!

    hope things are well in your neck of the midwest =) here's to the snow days! they give me time to catch up on blogging!

    Tara Tyler Talks

  30. ps - i'd like to know what books you've read so far this year - do you review them?

  31. I've had those doubts creep in even with short stories. I was feeling majorly low, because I went through a dip in acceptances, and then bam, four acceptances in two months. I wish the highs could carry us through the lows, but the brain doesn't really work that way, does it?

  32. Its hard no to put pressure on yourself once you've had some success. I'm sure this one will also be a great success. Just keep writing, and immersing yourself into the world.

  33. It is fun to see modern culture mixed with fantasy elements. I've been thinking about trying that in a story I'm working on.

    I hope you find great inspiration and ideas to finish your trilogy well!

  34. Well, I've just stuck you on my tbr list, so you have to do a good job with book 3 now ;)

  35. The weirdness with the reply button is happening again!

    Juneta and Gwen, thank you!

    Tara, you didn't miss the release. I'm holding on to it until I've done the third one. Then I can edit them both at the same time to make sure everything matches up. I do review all the books I read. I'm very good at keeping up on Goodreads with that. :)

    Shannon, if only those highs could carry us through!

    Dolorah, thanks!

    Elizabeth, good luck with your story!

    Angela, awesome. Thank you!

  36. Good luck as you strive for greatness with book #3 in that series. One of these days, I like to write a series as well, but for now I'm stuck trying to find the voice of my MC in my current project.

  37. You are very good at taking supernatural beings and fitting them into our society!!

  38. Bravo to you, Christine, to be working on book #3. I think a series is a great idea, but alas, I'm like Tamara. I write one story at a time, searching for just the right voice.

  39. Urban fantasy is such a nifty genre. Although I don't write in it much, I love it when the writers bring magic to our world. You can do your book #3, I'm sure.

  40. I receive the IWSG newsletter lots of good helpful articles in there. I'll have to submit something soon.


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