
Monday, November 13, 2017

Remakes Blogfest

Most of remakes suck. Big time. And they're making so many of them nowadays! Yet there is that moment when one comes along that is better than the original.

The marvelous hosts of this blogfest, Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather M. Gardner, want to read about those remakes that don't suck. Be it movies, music, or books. Click HERE to find a linky list of participants and discover some awesome remakes.

I've watched a lot of movies in my years. Many of them horror flicks. I'm much more into the suspense side of the horror genre now, but once upon a time, it's was all about the gore. One of my favorite movies was Sam Raimi's Evil Dead. So when I heard they were remaking it, I refused to see the new one. No way. Bruce Campbell rules!

But I couldn't resist watching a little of the remake...

And then all of it. The 2013 remake was awesome! It didn't try to capture Raimi's quirkiness and the star didn't try to be Bruce Campbell. It stood on its own. It's gory, nightmare level, but it isn't trashy. Highly recommended for horror fans.

What are your favorite remakes?


  1. Despite my love for Bruce Campbell, I've never seen either Evil Dead movies. Horror just isn't a genre I can get into. Glad you had a positive experience with the remake—that's not always the case. :)

  2. I really liked the Rob Zombie Halloween remake. I also really like the new Spider-Man. And I thought Christopher Nolan's Batman movies were really good. I loved Jack Nicholson's Joker, but Heath Ledger was just amazing.

  3. I've seen the original Evil Dead movies but they were a bit too gory for me. I think my hubby refuses to see the remake because he's a die hard Bruce Campbell fan.

  4. I'm not really into horror so didn't see these. Glad you liked the remake.

  5. I haven't seen the Evil Dead remake for the same reason you mention. Perhaps I'll check it out after all.

  6. I'm not really into movies... let alone horror!
    I'm the one who has a pillow hiding my face when others are watching horror movies! LOL

  7. Making a note! Pretty sure I saw the original way back when but don't really remember. Sigh. Getting old. :o

  8. I've seen the original and its sequel but not the latest version.

  9. Ah, I almost listed this as well! It was a good remakes. Evil Dead was one of the first real horror movies I saw when I was far too young. :) X

  10. I should check this one out. After becoming a Walking Dead fan, I need more zombies! If you have NetFlix, I recommend Train To Busan.

  11. Loved the original Evil Dead but haven't see the remake. I can't imagine it being done with out the tongue in cheek comedy, though I suppose the original wasn't "supposed" to be funny, was it?

    My favourite horror remake is Tom Savini's Night of the Living Dead. Loved the original and the remake for different reasons.

  12. I'm not into horror. Such a scaredy cat! LOL Isn't this a fun blog fest?

  13. All right, maybe I will watch it. I'm just such a fan of the original.
    Thanks for participating in the blogfest!

  14. Hi,

    I haven't watched the film, and I restrict myself to reading horror rather than watching it, poor tolerance for gore. Visiting from the Remakes fest and pleased to be here.

  15. Nope nope nope. Can't do the gore. But Scott does love "The Evil Dead."

  16. I've never even heard of this one! My link didn't work on the Linky. I think it's because I screwed up the path with the switch to my new blog.

  17. I can't recall if I've seen the remake, but I did see the original Evil Dead and did enjoy it.

    Seems like each new horror film tries to out gore the earlier ones. I'm beginning to think that I preferred more when films inferred more of what happened than actually show us guts, blood, and body parts in all their full color stomach churning gruesomeness. The effects fascinated me in the earliest films that resorted to these effects, but now I'm not sure how much further they can take it.

    Tossing It Out

  18. i've never gotten into horror. we're more action and drama around here. the Star Trek reboots come to mind and i'm a sucker for the newer BBC version of Sense and Sensibility.

  19. I don't care for horror movies and will only watch if with someone who really wants to see it. I don't want that stuff in my head lol. TV depicting war and medical stuff is bad enough for me. I do love thrillers but do not like gore or horrible stuff. I will admit I did like Silence of the Lambs but will not rewatch.

    Not familiar with this one.

  20. I have never seen the remake! I didn't even know there was one.

  21. I didn't realize there was a remake either. I'll have to check that out.

  22. See, I may never have watched this without your recommendation. :)
    Next time I'm up for a little scare fest, I'll have to try this one.

    Thank you for joining our blogfest today!!!

  23. I vaguely recall hearing about this remake, but not a lot. I guess that's a sign it wasn't bad because if it was then people would have lost their minds.

  24. I haven't seen the original or the remake. It sounds like either of them might give me nightmares :-(

  25. Thank you to everyone for stopping by today. I'm struggling with a nasty headache, so I'll be a lot slower in making the rounds, but you'll see me this week. :)

  26. "Bruce Campbell rules"- truth! I'm glad they didn't try to recapture the original; there is no way they could have.

  27. I've still resisted watching that one, maybe I'll have to give it a go.

  28. Evil Dead is hilarious. And I love Bruce Campbell. He's awesome in Burn Notice.

  29. I'm not too familiar with movie remakes, so I blogged about song remakes instead.

  30. Never saw this but I tend to avoid horror films.

  31. This is a good remake. I love the original as well.

  32. I thought the remake was pretty good. It was an entirely different entity from the originals, which is how I think every remake should be. If they aren't bringing something new to it, what's the point in remaking it?

  33. Thanks Christine for the recommendation. Have not seen it but will but it on my list I need to see a couple good horror movies.


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