
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Word Witch Wednesday - writing and marketing potpourri

I'm so close to finishing the final book of the Totem series. I still do not know exactly how the final twist will work, though. The thrills of being a pantser! Next time, I'll have an end in mind before I start a series. (I've said this to myself every single time I write a series!)

Pantser tip: Don't let not knowing what happens next slow you down. Let the story take you there. It has never failed me yet. Some plots just take longer than others!
I've written a few short stories recently. A couple of them were horrible. I reworked a third one and hopefully it reads better now. I sent it into my local critique group for this month's meeting.
Writer tip: Not everything you write is going to be awesome. Sometimes when we write, it's just for practice. Any writing, brilliant or not, is important for improving your craft.

I've been busy critiquing for my local group and my critique partners. Such awesome stories! I love getting a sneak peek at these tales before anyone else does.

Critiquing tip: Make sure to add comments in about how parts made you feel. Say you laughed at this part or got angry or sad. The author wants to know what kind of emotions they're evoking.

I offered Dark Dawning (Totem #1) for free for the last five days. This time around, I didn't do any promoting apart from my newsletter, blog, and other social media. I had half as many downloads as when I used paid ads.

Freebie marketing tip: Freebooksy is a fantastic place to advertise. It's not the cheapest, but it is where I always go as a reader to look for free reads. Asking other authors and readers, most look to Freebooksy first as well.


  1. I'll remember Freebooksky.
    Some of my critique partners have been very good about noting how something made them feel. I've gotten smiley faces and almost made one partner snort her coffee.

    1. Making someone snort their coffee is a great power! Use it wisely. ;)

  2. That's an excellent point about not everything we write going out into the world. I've been reminded of that while participating in Story A Day this month - some of the stories I've written are definite clunkers. :)

    1. Thank you. Yes, I have to remind myself of that too, especially when it comes to the longer stories.

  3. Sooooooooo many free books. No wonder it's so hard to sell one.

  4. Hi Christine - thanks for the Freeboosky link ... and good luck with finishing things off - yes if we help others, we must just add those little extras in - that will help them ... cheers Hilary

  5. I like the pantser tip (especially because I am one!). Sometimes you just have to keep going even if you have no idea where it will lead you.

  6. Being close to the end is so exciting isn't it?! ^_^

    I love leaving smiley faces and exclamation points on stories on I'm critiquing. It's always helpful to know when something's funny or suspenseful or whatever, for sure!

  7. I miss the critiquing stage. It's so much fun! You know, I haven't fully pantsered a book in a long time, but I remember what a ride it was. And how many rewrites go into it. =)

  8. Great tips! I'm looking forward to reading Totem #9. Keep writing! :)

  9. I'll have to check out freebooksey. I had not heard of it. Congrats on achieving goals.

  10. Excellent advice. Adding emotional responses is a good idea.

    I haven't done any marketing in months and boy does it show. It's pretty obvious that doing nothing doesn't help.

  11. I've never heard of Freebooksy, but it sounds like a site I'd throughly enjoy.

    Congrats on being close to the end of your series! I know how I want my new project to end, but I have no idea how to actually write it. I'm nowhere near being close to the end, so I have plenty of time to work it out.

    And I love critiquing pages for fellow authors. It's always so cool to see what others have come up with.

  12. And added what engages or at least that it engages. A huge coup if you ask me. Thanks for the tips. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  13. Great tips, Christine! The critiquing one is definitely helpful.

  14. Thanks for the great tips. I try to make an effort on pointing out things that I absolutely love in the story as well!

  15. Thanks for all the great tips. Whenever you're want something promoted, don't forget to call on me.

  16. I didn't know about Freebooksy so thanks for the tip! It's frustrating though to have to use paid ads for a free book. I'm sorry your downloads were less.
    Looking forward to getting caught up with your Totem series soon, I know I will love it.

  17. I hadn't heard of Freebooksy before - I'll have to check it out.

  18. Good luck with the twist. Hopefully you didn't paint yourself into a corner.

  19. I don't always know the ending when I start writing either. Sometimes I'll get an ending scene that I want to work toward, but by the time I get there it ends up being different. LOL

  20. You are doing amazing.. bet it feels amazing to have #9 close to finishing... I love the Totem series :)

  21. Great to hear you're nearing the end, that must feel pretty exciting. There's a lot to be said for following your instinct!

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