
Monday, May 8, 2017

The Snowman Blog Tour & #Giveaway - guest post by Yolanda Renee

I'm excited to host the talented Yolanda Renee on my blog today. I love her books, and she helped me when I had a million questions about living in Alaska. It's where her mysteries are set too!

  1. Setting: How do you bring out the most in your setting; and tension? 

    Alaska, at least to me is, in itself an exciting setting, but this time my antagonist uses the weather to create his horrific art. The Snowman, Stowy Jenkins, originally from West Virginia, hates Alaska and winter, but he decides to embrace circumstance. I not only describe the snowstorms before, and during his killings, I describe the weather in almost every chapter. With each new blizzard, the tension rises. 

    I also use real places, street, parks, and clubs. Although a few are fictional. However, when I lived in Alaska, the window of my bedroom looked out over 4th Avenue and this description is quite accurate: 

    On Fourth Avenue, the busiest street in town, flashing neon signs crackled and whirred in the bitter cold, proclaiming the number of nudes dancing in each risqué establishment. Loud music streamed from the dark interiors of clubs almost in synch with the patrons weaving in and out. Bumper-to-bumper traffic crawled up and down the street as men, eager to blow their wad on booze, drugs, and loose women, searched for a place to park.

    1. Tension - How do you keep it taut throughout the plot?

    My goal in The Snowman, was to keep the story moving. Emotions run high, killings happen frequently, and Stowy becomes more and more sadistic as he tries to outdo himself with each murder or as he calls it, artistic expression. 

    Steven Quaid, newly promoted to detective, is determined and yet stymied by the Snowman’s changing MO (modis oprendi) killing habits. Racism and vengeance are also part of the equation and the ultimate question is, can this killer be caught?

    I think it meets the challenge as a page turner. I’m sure the readers will let me know.

    Thank you for hosting me for the The Snowman tour.

    It takes a true artist to pursue his victims in the art of seduction, and Stowy Jenkins is no exception, especially with blood as his medium. 

    Stowy Jenkins, aka, Stone, and as Alaskans refer to him, the Snowman, is a true artist. His muse, Gigi, is the ultimate inspiration for his painting. Her rejection inspires him to use a very unusual medium…blood.

    While art may be his passion, the taste for blood is his obsession, and multiple murders, the result.

    Rookie, Detective Steven Quaid, is no fan of the Snowman’s murderous exhibitions. A twisted and deadly relationship bond the two men and neither knows who will come out of it alive.

    About the Author: 

    At one time Alaska called to me, and I answered. I learned to sleep under the midnight sun, survive in below zero temperatures, and hike the Mountain Ranges. I've traveled from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, and the memories are some of my most valued. The wonders, mysteries and incredible beauty that is Alaska has never left me and thus now influence my writing.

    Despite my adventurous spirit, I achieved my educational goals, married, and I have two handsome sons. Writing is now my focus, my newest adventure! 

    You can connect with me here:


    This tour-wide giveaway features both print and eBook copies of the four books in the Detective Quaid Series. The giveaway will end at 12 a.m. (EST) on Tuesday, June 6.

    The prizes include: 
    * Grand prize - Winner receives a print copy of all four books in the Detective Quaid Series (U.S. and Canada only).

    * First place - Winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

    * Second place - Winner will receive eBook copies of all four books in the Detective Quaid Series.

    * There will be 3 runner-up winners
    and each will win an eBook copy of THE SNOWMAN or one of the other books in the series (winner's choice). 

    To enter the giveaway, just click on the Rafflecopter widget below and follow the instructions. The widget may take a few seconds to load so please be patient. If the widget doesn’t show up, just click HERE and you’ll be directed to the widget.

    Thanks for stopping by and be sure to follow Yolanda on her month-long tour. You never know what you might find out.

    a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Ooh, bloody! I imagine the weather in Alaska can be quite interesting at times. Congratulations to Yolanda!!

    1. The weather keeps you on your toes, that's for sure. I got caught out in it one too many times! Hi, krystal jane, thanks for visiting!

  2. Alaska as a setting does add depth to this story and series. Christine, thanks for these great questions and for being a part of Yolanda's tour.

    MC Book Tours

    1. Hi, Mason:
      Thanks again! You do an amazing job and I'm so very appreciative!

    2. You're welcome! I was happy to have Yolanda here.

  3. Hi Christine - Yolanda's book sounds gruesomely amazing - I love weather, though would hate the Alaskan cold. I have a copy of her book and must settle to read it (those storms entice) - thanks for this excellent post -it's drawing me in to read a.s.a.p.! Cheers to you both - Hilary

    1. Hi, Hilary:
      LOL I'm not sure I could take that winter cold now, either. When you're young it's all good, but age makes the cold much, much deeper. Thanks for following the tour!

  4. Oh, this is amazing. I'm excited to read it.
    Good luck to everyone who entered.

    1. Thanks, Lux:
      I'm excited for you to read it! Yes, good luck to everyone who enters!

  5. Hi, Christine!
    Thanks for hosting the Snowman today! I'm thrilled to be featured on your blog! And can't wait to read your next Alaskan adventure!

    1. You're welcome! I love your books. So as a fan, this is lots of fun for me. :)

  6. Great interview. I've always wanted to see Alaska and love how Yolanda used the setting to build the tension. Sounds like a great mystery.

    1. Hi, Natalie!
      I hope you get the chance! Alaska is my favorite place. :)

  7. I love that Fourth Avenue's super-charged! I can feel the buzz!
    Great writing, Yolanda!

    1. Hi, Michelle:
      I just had to close my eyes and recall that scene. :)

  8. That he changes his mode of killing often makes him unpredictable and certainly adds to the tension.

    1. Hi, Alex:
      Thanks again for hosting me today too! Changing MO's makes them think there's more than one killer . . .

  9. The weather can be a powerful force and a character itself.

    1. Hi, Diane:
      I think so too. Makes the scene more dramatic.

  10. Thanks to everyone for stopping in today. I'm a big fan of Yolanda's books. I'm so excited I got to be a part of her tour. :)

  11. I like that the weather is used to hype up the scenes as if it's a character in the book too!

    1. Sometimes it just fits! In this case the killer uses it for his 'art'! Thanks, H. R.

  12. Very cool! I feel like Alaska is definitely one of those places you have to have at least visited to portray accurately. Otherwise, I imagine it would just turn out into some kind of silly North Pole-ish cliche.

    1. With the internet today, and google maps, you get a street view of almost any place you can imagine. I still use it to get a 'birdseye' view of an area! Thanks for visiting 'Beer'!

  13. Replies
    1. Definitely appreciate the tweets! Thanks, Lee!

  14. Ooh, absolutely love that cover, and how dark the overall book sounds. Am also intrigued by the Alaskan setting. Have never experienced snow, or anything like that, so settings like this are fun for me to see in books!

    1. Can't imagine not experiencing snow. Wrote a lot of my chapters watching the snowfall outside my window, very inspirational!
      Thanks, Heather!

  15. I love books that use weather to add tension... and not just "It was a dark and stormy night..." lol. It can create such a great atmosphere.

  16. Hi Christine. Hi Yolanda. I love the Alaskan setting. I've read a few books set here and all were awesome, especially Yolanda' series, of course. :-)

    1. Hi, Denise! Thanks for stopping by. I know how busy you are. But especially for taking the time to read and review my books! You are one awesome lady!


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