
Monday, April 10, 2017

The bartender asks what will you have?

Actually, I doubt Bear cares what you drink unless it has to do with how you taste!

Today I'm celebrating with the awesome A.A. Chamberlynn for her big Zyanniversary! If you haven't read her Zyan Star books yet, you need to check out these thrilling urban fantasy books.

My post today will have the heroes from my Totem series sharing with you what their favorite drinks are. Pop on over and tell us what you'd like to drink!


  1. Love the picture. He looks like he could be a bartender.

  2. Wouldn't he be more of a "beartender"? :)

    (Ugh, that was bad. Need. Coffee.)

  3. Laughing at Madeline's comment. Beartender. Though, maybe that means I need coffee, too. :)

  4. Ha! Beartender! Now that will be with me every time I see this post. :) Thank you for the Monday Morning laugh, Madeline.

    P.S. The post will be up later today on Alexia's blog.

  5. Hmmm. Now you have me wondering what bears might find tastes good in a human: beer, wine, coffee? How about herbal tea. That might appeal to them more.

  6. I think that bear is wondering what I'd taste like spinning over an open fire.

  7. Ha I thought beartender was funny, but I do need coffee...there seems to be a theme here...

  8. Woot! I'm so glad you were able to join the cocktail party :)


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