
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

#IWSG for April 2017

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Chris @ Madness of a Modern Writer, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Fundy Blue, and Chrys Fey!

The IWSG question of the month: Have you taken advantage of the annual A to Z Challenge in terms of marketing, networking, publicity for your book? What were the results?

I haven't, but I should. The A to Z Challenge is spectacular. It's a challenge to yourself as a blogger, great for meeting new friends and getting to know old ones better, and it's tons of fun.

April is a super busy month for me with my husband's and son's birthdays and family visiting for a week. So I have declined to participate the last few years.

I've done the challenge as part of a group and on my own. Being part of a group really helps when you're limited for time. Plus, it's so much fun seeing what other members come up for the theme you've chosen.

The first year I participated in the challenge, I wrote a little story called "Fearless." It was so popular, I self-published it. It's still available for free and has had over 100,000 downloads over the past four and a half years. Readers pick up this freebie and then they buy my other books. It has drawn so many readers to me.

The A to Z Challenge and "Fearless" helped start me on the road to being an indie author.

Good luck to everyone participating in the challenge this year!


  1. That's great that the free story has led to sales for your books.
    I'm skipping the Challenge this year, too.

  2. Awesome how being in the challenge helped you on your path to be an Indie author. The challenge doesn't work with my schedule or blog focus so I've never done it.

  3. I remember when you did Fearless for the A to Z—your blog was one of my favorites to hit that month because I loved the story.

    I had to skip the A to Z this year for similar reasons. Fewer birthdays, but more travel.

  4. That's so great about Fearless! I know some of the stories in my collections came from times I participated in A-Z. It really is a wonderful challenge and experience.

  5. That's wonderful, good for you!
    Happy Birthday, husband and son! Mine was yesterday, a lovely day that started with picking daffodils from my garden in the rain. The rain soon turned to sunshine. Dinner out later and a piece of coconut cake with my son topped it off! Perfect, hope your month is too!

  6. Doing it as part of a group sounds like a great idea! I think I could handle the challenge as part of a group. I would be so overwhelmed to try it alone! I'm going to have to go find Fearless! That's awesome that it's had so many downloads.

  7. I loved Fearless. And I have to say, that counts under the promotion label, since it was your writing and you've since promoted it.

  8. And I remember when you blogged Fearless!
    That's good news you've had so many downloads. Hopefully now that CassaDawn is free, the same thing will happen with my books.

  9. Awesome downloads!
    I also think the A-Z is a great tool for networking.

  10. I'm bowing out this year- again. I keep thinking the next year will be less busy and they never are.

    I just read the first book in the Totem series. Well done! I just need to write a review and dig into the next book!

  11. That's an amazing amount of downloads. How wonderful that first story launched your career.

  12. I remember when you were posting Fearless - it was so fun! I'm not surprised at all about all the downloads. :)

  13. Wow! That's awesome Fearless has that many downloads. I'd love to see you do something longer set in your Fearless world. It's a great story.

  14. Perhaps after I finish my first book, I'll take up the A to Z challenge and see if if I can find a way to use it in my marketing.

  15. That is a a lot of downloads. Congrats. No A to Z for me yet. Happy IWSG day
    ' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  16. Hi Christine. Wow! That's a huge positive milestone. I simply don't have the time either. I wish you much luck with all your writing projects.

  17. That's awesome Fearless started because of the challenge. I loved that story.

  18. Thank you to everyone for commenting and stopping by today. :) I was feeling under the weather, but hopefully I'll be able to catch up in the next few days.

  19. It's interesting, that for many years, I could never do NaNo, because November was the worst time of year for me, for the longest time. So I understand how challenging April is for you (not that it's your worst month, sounds like a happy time for you).

  20. Offering it as a freebie was nice of you. When you decided to post, I bet you didn't know you'd be doing that. ;-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  21. I'm surprised you haven't used A to Z to promote, Christine. You could come up with cool supernatural posts to tie into your stories. :D

  22. That is a great idea to make a short story downloadable on your website. Thanks for the tip.

  23. I picked up Fearless and I do think it worked out well for you!

  24. I loved/still love Fearless!
    Happy Birthday to your family!


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