
Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Writing Update

The first draft of Totem #7 is done.
The first draft of #8 is almost done.
I have no idea where the story is going to take me in #9.

But then it will be done. I'm eager to move on to a new world.

And now I want to change all my covers to something like this!

I'm pushing to finish #8. I'll see you next Wednesday for the IWSG. Have a great week!


  1. Congratulations on another draft done! Go, go, go! ^_^
    I really like that picture up there! It's striking.

  2. Congrats on getting a lot done! Love the cover picture :)

  3. Congrats on getting your drafts done. That's awesome! See you next Wednesday.

  4. Just wow. That's so much are work. I hope the series takes off and sell a whole bunch. :)

  5. Keep going - you can do it! :)

    Love that cover!

  6. Thank you, everyone! That is not the cover, unfortunately. I can't make the other covers work as well as that. Ametta has the right look for it, but it also gives more of a YA and fantasy feel rather than adult urban fantasy.

  7. I do love what you've done with the teaser.

    One more story - you can do it.

  8. When I'm finishing up a series, I always get eager to move onto the next world too.

  9. This has been a marathon, Christine. Great job, and I love that cover with the bird/woman's face fused.

  10. You're nearing the end! I'm excited to see how the Dorn sisters (hopefully) save the day.

  11. You are crushing that series! I know what you mean. I'm on the last book in the Grape Merriweather series. Looking forward to something new as well. :)

  12. Good luck finishing up! You're knocking them out.

  13. Congrats on the great progress! You always seem to be getting so much done.

  14. Great job, I can't wait to read the rest of them!
    Oh dear, IWSG - how could I forget? Thanks for the reminder! :)

  15. Yikes. That means I better get reading on what you sent me. Can I take a long nap first?

  16. You're getting so much done! You rock!

  17. Looks to me like you're making great progress. I should follow your example. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  18. I hope you have a good week too! I'll have to check them out.

  19. You are doing so well in releasing this series regularly... well done.


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