
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

#IWSG for February 2017
The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Misha Gericke, LK Hill, Juneta Key, Christy, and Joylene Butler!

The IWSG question for this month: How has being a writer changed your experience as a reader?

I confess that sometimes my inner editor will interfere in my reading pleasure. Even if the story is entertaining, a badly written book will infuriate my inner editor. Whether it be technical issues or plot holes or bad characterization, I can't help the frustration.

If those issues are really bad, I will put down the book and not finish it. Five years ago, I would never do such a thing, but my reading time is as valuable as my writing time. I cannot afford to waste my time on a horrible book.

My insecurity this month: Feeling overwhelmed. I know if I just take it one step at a time, I'll be fine. But with the new year, I stepped back and looked at everything I have to do. Then I added more stuff on top of it. What was I thinking? I'm already behind on everything.

Wait, you say. You're a writer. You can make your own schedule.

Yes, I can. But I'm my own worst boss. I demand a lot from myself, and I do like the challenge. Yet at times like these, I can get overwhelmed, and I flail about and eat too many cookies.

How's the year going so far for you?


  1. Life is too short to read bad books. I learned my lesson trying to slog through The Terror.

  2. HI,

    I force myself to concentrate on the here and now, at the moment. If I lifted my head up and took a good look at all I want to achieve in 2017, I would burst out crying. So keep doing what you're doing by taking your one step at a time. There's no other way.

    Shalom aleichem,

  3. I agree with you both. I don't read bad books or those I'm just not enjoying, whatever the reason, anymore. Hope you feel less stressed, Christine. Just take it a day at a time and do what you can. Scale back your goals if you need to so you can enjoy life more. It's so important.

  4. I don't finish bad books either. I've never had the patience to really, but now I'm even more cut-throat LOL.
    I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed but I'm sure you will be able to break things down into manageable tasks. You are so prolific with your writing and publishing I know you will figure it out. Good luck.

  5. I hear you! Especially about wanting to challenge yourself. I do the same thing. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much. But I'd still rather have dreams and goals and push myself to succeed than not. Good luck, Christine!

  6. My reading time has been almost non-existent lately, so I have to be more choosy about what I read. I wish I could read everything on my list, but it's not going to happen :-( Cheers - Ellen

  7. I agree, reading a bad book can be a drain on an already short life. I try to make a point of doing a little research ahead of time to make sure it's something I'll have a greater chance of liking.
    As for being overwhelmed, I'm getting better of letting go of stress. I've slowed down quite a bit and accepted that I can pump out two or three books a year or I can be sane and content. I chose the latter.

  8. Alex, so true!

    Pat, thank you.

    Natalie, I think I may have to do just that.

    Julie, thanks!

    Madeline, I cannot do anything other than dream big. :)

    Ellen, oh, if I only had time to read everything on my TBR list!

    Toinette, that's a good idea of doing a little research first.

  9. I completely agree! I love reading. I'm not having my reading time interrupted with something that isn't showing me a good time. :) I have a problem with feeling overwhelmed as well. And then I do nothing. And it's entirely my fault. LOL! But you're right, if we take things one step at a time, because one step is all we can take at a time anyway without falling on our faces, then everything really will be fine. I wish you the best on managing everything! Looks like you're doing a great job from my end. :)

  10. Yeah, I started and stopped a lot more in my reading. Sorry you are overwhelmed. I am too, so I know it sucks. Fingers crossed of an easier February.

  11. I've put down many a book lately. If the writing isn't up to par, i don't have the time to waste. But when it is excellent, oh boy, I'll read it in a day.

  12. Been there, done that. Now when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I stop, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. I remind myself that the only thing that matters is right here and right now. Then I whisper, "Everything always works out for me." Those two acts have made the world of difference to my life, Christine. It's amazing.

  13. I have a similar issue with reading now. Bad dialogue in particular is my big peeve.

  14. It's the same for me. I used to finish every book, no matter how bad it was, but these days time is too valuable to waste on a sub-par book. Even an average book runs the risk of me stopping and putting it down. Hope I haven't turned into a reading snob.

  15. I can't tell you the number of books I've started and haven't finished. It's very much like a writer to take on too much and become overwhelmed. I know how that goes.

  16. I miss reading. Whenever I have time now, I devote to writing, or promoting, or editing, or doing graphics, etc...

    Do you have to do lists on top of to do lists? I find that I wake up flailing then feel better once I itemize my to-do's

  17. LOL! My husband tells me I am the worst boss in the world. But like you, I always feel behind. I also have to-do lists for my to-do lists.

  18. Your own boss... There are still only so many hours in the day.

  19. I get really annoyed with that inner editor. Even when I go back and reread some of my favorite books, I start noticing misplaced commas and verb agreement issues. Sometimes I wish I could switch the inner editor off so I could sit back and just enjoy a book without noticing every grammatical error.

  20. You know what...that thought about your reading time being just as valuable as your writing time is pretty insightful. That is a great way to look at it. I have to choose my reads as wisely as I choose what i write.

  21. You won't write your best if you're overwhelmed. Take a break and come back refreshed! You are a slave driver! lol

  22. I feel you on your "reading time is as valuable as my writing time." I hear you. Every hour counts, and you have to use it productively. There's only so much time each day. I know people who read 50-100 books a year and I don't know how they do it. They must not have kids, or jobs, or something. I dunno. Maybe they just stick the pages on their face and absorb the words through osmosis. That would be an awesome super power.

    IWSG February

  23. I hear you on setting aside a book that bugs you. I've done that myself.

    I hope your time demands don't end up too much!

  24. I'm the same way. I used to feel bad for putting down a bad book, but that was just wasting time I could have spent reading a good one. I do the same thing with beer, mind you. I don't have stomach space to waste on beer that tastes like rubbing alcohol.

  25. I almost wrote the exact comment as Alex. Life is too short to waste time reading a bad book or watching a bad movie, (except if you paid to see it at the theaters). I agree with your post entirely!!!

    Your output amazes me, Christine!! I wish I had the time and determination that you put into your writing. I can see why you feel overwhelmed, but if you're anything like my daughter, you do your best work when time is running out, and feeling pressured.

  26. Your answer really matches mine. That inner editor has made me pickier but that's not a bad thing. There are so many good things out there.

  27. Since becoming a writer, I'll notice things more, but it hasn't really stopped me from enjoying reading. I can turn my inner editor off easily.

  28. Do cookies help with your time-management? What kind? I need help in that department.

  29. I've been feeling overwhelmed lately, too. My goals for the year are pretty low-key, and already I seem to be failing at them. Good luck catching up with everything you need to do! Your accomplishments always amaze me, so I have no doubt you'll find a way. Sending cookies, in the meantime! XD

  30. Cookies! Did you say cookies? Are you sharing??

    Being self employed is not as delightful as it seems. Those schedules need to be kept if you want to keep being your own boss.

  31. I know a book is good when my inner editor finally switches off for a while.
    And yeah, I can relate to the "What was I thinking?" question. Sigh.

  32. You and I should start an "Own Worst Boss" club. ;-)

    In fact, I'm having to fight with myself just to give myself a lunch break right now, or else I'd have been working from waking up to sleeping.

  33. It's funny, and not in a ha-ha way, that logic and emotion misalign. Small bites are best when the pile of work is sky high. Good Luck!

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  34. If it is really bad where I can find not enjoyment in the reading I don't force myself.
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  35. I've gotten to where I put down books I'm not enjoying too. Time's too short as it is. And I get the overwhelmed feeling. I'm already behind where I hoped to be by now. *sighs*

  36. Life IS to short to waste on bad books. As you say, as a writer our reading time is way to precious.

  37. I want to break out the red pen with so many books I've revisited as an adult, even knowing they were published in an era when a lot of those things weren't considered weak writing or mistakes. It's hard to go back to reading just for pleasure after learning how to write and edit for publication.


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