
Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tsunami Crimes Blog Tour and Giveaway

Christine’s Question for Chrys: What was the most challenging part of writing Tsunami Crimes?
You expect me to say the tsunami, right? In which case, you’d be…wrong. If your second guess is what happens to Beth after she’s taken prisoner by criminals, you’d be…wrong again.
The tsunami came so easily to me. I actually skipped Beth and Donovan’s honeymoon and touristy scenes to dive right into the tsunami. I don’t know if it was easy because of all the research I did, my excitement, the nightmares I’ve had of tsunamis, or my fear of drowning, but every part of it came to me without any effort. Even the chapters after the tsunami were a snap for me to write.
I used a lot of my own fears and experiences throughout Tsunami Crimes. I depict my near-drowning incident when a wave stretched clear over my head and crashed me into large rocks. I held onto those rocks for dear life as the water tried to suck me back. If I hadn’t, it would’ve taken me. That very moment is in
Tsunami Crimes. Even hallucinations I’ve experienced, and memories from when I had spine surgery at fifteen, made it into this book.
Now you’re probably asking, So? What was the most challenging part?
Do you recall how I said I skipped Beth and Donovan’s honeymoon and touristy scenes? Yup. Those were the most difficult parts for me to write because I had to go back, after reaching THE END, to fill in those chapters. I skipped them to get to the excitement, and then I had trouble getting in the mood for them after writing all of that excitement. But I did it, and I actually enjoy those scenes now. My characters deserve the happiness they experience in those moments. It was the least I could do…before unleashing Mother Nature on them. Again.

Beth and Donovan have come a long way from Hurricane Sabrina and the San Francisco earthquake. Now they are approaching their wedding day and anxiously waiting to promise each other a lifetime of love. The journey down the aisle isn’t smooth, though, as they receive threats from the followers of the notorious criminal, Jackson Storm. They think they’ll be safe in Hawaii, but distance can’t stop these killers. Not even a tsunami can.
This monstrous wave is the most devastating disaster Beth has ever faced. It leaves her beaten, frightened. Is she a widow on her honeymoon? As she struggles to hold herself together and find Donovan, she’s kidnapped by Jackson's men.
Fearing her dead, Donovan searches the rubble and shelters with no luck. The thought of her being swept out to sea is almost too much for him to bear, but the reality is much worse. She’s being used as bait to get him to fall into a deadly trap.
If they live through this disaster, they may never be the same again.

On SALE for $2.99!


P.S. Hurricane Crimes and Seismic Crimes are on sale for 99 Cents!

Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series. She is a blogger, reader, auntie, vegetarian, and cat Lover. Get Lightning Crimes (Disaster Crimes 2.5) for FREE!


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Christine and Chrys - great info on how you approached your storytelling .. but I'm glad I don't have dreams or experiences like you've had - no wonder you can write about them. Thanks and good luck for the book - cheers Hilary

  2. Scary a wave almost took you. You certainly knew how the characters felt.

  3. @Hilary, many of my dreams influence my stories.

    @Alex, I won't ever forget it.

    @Juneta, thanks!!

    Christine, thank you so much for having me on your blog today!

  4. I'm glad it worked out! I don't skip scenes too often, but the few times I have, I was always glad I did. Those scenes always turned out better because I took the time to give them the attention they needed and didn't rush through them to get to the high excitement!

  5. Given I live in a tourist trap state, the tourist part would be easy for me to write because during the summer hubby and I go tourist trapping on the weekends.

  6. @Krystal, I don't like to skip scenes, but if I'm not motivated to write it, I will. And you're always turns out better that I skipped it.

    @Patricia, I had a lot of notes to write the touristy scenes. The problem was...those scenes were "boring" compared to the other scenes. ;)

  7. Congrats, Chrys. Glad you got round to giving your characters some happy times!

  8. I jump around scenes too. I once left a place marker in a manuscript and my beta reader got a good laugh at my "insert some sex here".

  9. Chrys, you're very welcome. Loved your answer! And thanks to everyone for stopping by. :)

  10. @Nick, thanks!

    @Elizabeth, ha. That is funny!

    @Christine, I'm glad you liked my answer. :)

  11. Congratulations, Chrys!!! Glad you returned to give them a honeymoon :)

  12. Sounds cool:) I can't imagine writing a book about my own phobia - hats off to Chrys on that:)

  13. The book sounds very interesting Chrys! I'm sure writing about your own fears really fueled creativity and emotion in the book. Congrats and wishing you much luck.

    Hope you're having a great weekend, Christine.


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