
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Word Witch Wednesday - whipping up the news

Good news or bad news first?

The good news: I don't know if this is the bigger news, but here we go! The release of the first three of the Totem books is going good in that the readers who has read the books love them. Yay! Yes, the whole book ad thing didn't work out, but I've learned from it.
I'm on schedule for getting the next three Totem books out starting in January. The covers are done, and I'll reveal them next month.

I'm behind in writing the final three books. I wanted at least book #7 to be done by now, but I haven't set any release dates for them yet, so I'm safe in that aspect.

The bad news: my publisher, Ellora's Cave, is closing. I've regained all my rights for the nine books I had with them, and I'll publish them myself next year. I won't discuss all the details, but if you want to read about it, check out this article here. You can email me about it if you're really curious.

This is the second time I've had a bad experience with a publisher. I am thankful for the ability to publish my work myself. It's tough out there right now, especially for romance authors. Issues with Samhain Publishing and Harlequin also add to the mess writers have been dealing with this past year. Is it a wonder so many people are going indie? If Tor or Penguin want to sign me, then I'll be excited about working with a publisher again, but at this point in time, I have no desire to do so.

I'm not blocking off that path in my journey, but I'm putting my focus on being an indie author now. It's a little sad, and more than a bit scary since it will all be on me, but I'm one of those folks who find their determination strengthened by such things.

Never give up your dreams. You just may have to forge another path to get there.


  1. Sorry to hear about your publisher - it's still such a tumultuous industry. I'm sure it'll work out for you though :-)

  2. Hey. It's good you have some good news. It isn't hard just for romance writers. (I assumed y'all were the only folk selling).

    The industry is definitely in a quandary. I think the Indie side would settle and writers could earn a buck if this whole, insane free books fad would collapse. I don't know when folk will figure out they are saturating the market.

    But don't let me rant.

  3. Sorry they are closing. Seems that's happening a lot lately. At least you have experience with indie publishing.

  4. You will be fine, Christine! You have so much oomph and creativity, you'll do awesome on the indie route. And I love what you said about forging a new path to our dreams.

  5. I'm so sorry, Christine! I totally understand your trepidation, but you're a queen when it comes to this stuff. If anyone can rock the market, you can.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about the Publisher. The three you named are fairly well known too. You'll do great. Congrats on the new books coming up too.

    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  7. At least you're getting all your rights back and can put the books back up.

  8. Big bummer when a publisher that is willing to publish your work closes. One of the reasons I went indie. It is a lot of work in that route but at least you are in control.

  9. I understand your hesitation to go with a publisher for now. Personally, I can't see using one, unless it was for audio rights or print-only or something like that. At least at this time while everything in the publishing industry is still so volatile.

  10. I definitely think I'm going to be sticking with self-publishing for a while, too. I had an underwhelming experience with my first publisher (am sitting out that contract so I can get my rights back), and while my second publisher has been okay--I'll give them the rest of the series--I do sometimes feel there's more I can do for myself than these publishers can (or are willing to) do for me. I'd sign with an agent and/or agree to work with a bigger publisher, but I don't think I'd sub to a small press again. Chalk it all up to experience.

  11. Thank you all for your sympathy and encouragement. You guys make it easier to shout out: Never surrender! :)

  12. Oh, wow, so sorry to hear about Ellora's Cave. Way too many publishers seem to be closing anymore, so I'm not surprised you want to stick with the indie route for now. Glad you were able to get your rights back, at the very least!

  13. Forging a new path is my theme for 2017!
    Good luck!

  14. I seem to recall reading something about Ellora's Cave last year. I'm sorry it hasn't worked out, but I'm glad you have the option to go indie and have experience to do so confidently. Best of luck!

  15. Well, I'm sorry about the publisher, but you know I love self-pub!! I'm with you - it almost seems too risky to sign with small or even medium publishers these days. Which is unfortunate because we don't want all the power amassed at the top, but we have to protect ourselves as writers. For me, I love controlling all aspects of my book, so I most likely wouldn't be willing to give that up unless I got a Big 5 deal. Never say never of course, but those are my current feelings. Anyway, you'll do awesome!

  16. I'm sorry about Ellora's Cave but glad you are able to get your rights back and re-publish yourself. You already have such great experience with indie publishing that I know you'll continue to rock the indie world.

  17. If anyone can pull this off post-EC it's you. I'm sorry to hear it, though. Good luck with your upcoming releases!


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