
Monday, October 17, 2016

Dark Dawning is here with a giveaway!

It’s a dark day when someone murders one of their own.

Shifters across Alaska are going missing. When up and coming interior designer Ametta Dorn rescues the gorgeous Kodiak shifter Lucky Osberg, she comes into the crosshairs of two relentless hunters. While Lucky sets his sights on wooing her, the killers seek to not only capture her in her powerful polar bear form but to also take her skin.

To prevent her murder and the deaths of other shifters, she must work with Lucky to track down and stop these merciless hunters. After all, their enemy’s plan for shifter skins is something much more terrifying than collecting mere trophies.

  Buy it on Amazon.

Add to read on Goodreads.

I'm so excited to share with everyone the world of Totem! This has been my biggest project ever. Nine books. At around 25k words per book, that's almost 200k!

I've been doing giveaways for my newsletter subscribers, but in celebration of today's release, I wanted to do one just for you. The first person to respond in the comments with their favorite type of shifter will win a surprise pack and digital copies of the first three Totem books!


  1. Hi Christine ... this sounds a very dark twisting tale ... good luck, I'm sure many will enjoy. And then a wonderful give-away ... leave me out ... someone will love reading the books. A shifter ... a mover and shaker ... but probably more a drifter ... cheers and very good luck to one and all - Hilary

  2. Many congrats on your latest release, Christine! Totem sounds like such an amazing series, and I can't help but love how Ametta's form is a polar bear! Shifters in general are so much fun to read about. Not sure I have an absolute favorite one, but two I've gravitated to as a writer are the nix and the ruvanush. (I read too much folklore, LOL.)

  3. Congrats on your new release, Christine. It sounds awesome and I love the cover.

  4. Congratulations! That is a lot of books.

  5. Congratulations, Christine! Good luck with everything! :)

  6. Congrats on the first book in the series.

  7. Thank you, everyone! It's an exciting day.

    And congratulations to Heather Holden who is my giveaway winner! :)

  8. Congratulations, Christine. Very kewl that this is happening now. Best of success.

  9. That's so cool. I don't think I've seen an interior designer as a hero before. I really like that idea. I have no clue what's going on with those skins but WHOA!

  10. You didn't mention the very good price of .99, or did I miss that? Either way, I got my copy!

  11. Congratulations!!!! 9 books. Wow. That is a big project. :)

  12. Congrats! And best of luck with sales.Of course, now I'm going to be thinking about what my favorite type of shifter is. It's not something I actually thought about before. Hum...

  13. Good luck on your huge project. Congrats on taking it on. I love dragon shifters myself.

  14. Congrats on your new release. I love dark and twisted and that's what it sounds like. And, the cover is perfect.

  15. A big congrats on your new release! You've worked so hard for this. And I do love your writing. Wishing you great success.

  16. Looks like I'm a little late for this contest, but I'm still sharing. Wolves, cats, bears and dragons have been done, and done some more. I think I'll pick... the eagle. They don't change during the full moon, but when the shifter travels skyward... skyscraper, mountain climbing, flying in a plane. Life is complicated for this little beastie. hehehe

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  17. Hooray!! Wow, nine books, I didn't realize the series was going to be that long. Awesome!

  18. SQUEE! Congrats Christine. I think I missed most of release day for this due to the day job and being exhausted. =(

  19. I added it on Goodreads, but man would I love to drop everything and read it right now. Wow. That would be quite a mess...


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