
Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday Five for August 19th, 2016

1. Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I've had a Friday Five. Things have been super busy in my world, and then every single person in my household got sick. Not with just a little cold either. Horribly sick. My poor husband still hasn't recovered from his terrible bronchitis after a month. With all of that, I'm way behind where I want to be writing-wise. I'll be blogging only once a week for the next two months in an attempt to catch up.

2. My little guy started grade one, and he's loving school. Grade one is a big jump not only for him, but for us as parents too. It's so different than the fun and play-as-you-learn activities kindergarten. Reading and math assignments, spelling tests, social studies, and science.

3. I revealed the first three of my Totem series covers this Wednesday. It finished up my summer series on the mad science of book covers. I'm immensely pleased with the way they turned out, and I've gotten terrific feedback about them. Now I need to come up with taglines and blurbs. Yikes!

4. I finished revising Totem #3, and I'm ready to start writing the first draft of Totem #6. I'd hoped to be one more book ahead of this, but I'm pushing onward still shooting for my mid-October release date.

5. For the first time in over eight weeks, I'll have a quiet weekend. I have my local critique group meeting, but that's it. I'm going to rest and enjoy some quiet time with a good book.

Have a lovely weekend!


  1. Sorry to hear about all that sickness! I hope you enjoy your quiet weekend. We all need one of those once in awhile.

  2. Everyone got sick?! Yikes! That's horrible, for sure. Falling behind on writing is more than understandable, when dealing with something like that. Best of luck catching up!

  3. waz with you guys?

    Not supposed to be sick in the summer. That's a winter thing...doncha know!!


  4. That means you will have homework assignments!
    Sorry you've been sick. Hope you can catch up.

  5. I hope everyone is feeling better now!

    Aw, first grade! How exciting for the whole family. :)

    A quiet weekend sounds lovely. Enjoy!

  6. So sorry to hear you've had a session with illness, that can truly ruin a summer and make writing near impossible. Glad to hear your doing much better, and still ready to release something new! Congratulations on Totem!
    Enjoy your weekend and the book you've chosen as company!

  7. Rest up! I hope Brandon is enjoying school so far!

  8. Life sure is keeping you busy. Tell your husband to be careful. Based on what my wife's told me, once you get bronchitis, it's easier to catch the next time.

  9. Glad everyone is on the mend, and big congrats to your son! I caught sight of your series on FB - looks great. And enjoy the weekend. Sounds like you've earned it.

  10. I'm glad you are all on the mend and I hope you enjoy a stress-free and peaceful weekend! Your Totem covers are fantastic. I'm amazed at all you manage to accomplish with your writing!

  11. Have a good weekend. I gotta work tomorrow so now much of a weekend for me.

  12. You're so busy and you've accomplished so much! It cracks me up that you think you're behind. It's like you're sorry for getting 499 things done instead of 500! I hope everyone at your house recovers soon and you have a lovely and peaceful weekend!

  13. Hope you all feel better soon! You're doing so well with your books - you might be behind where you want to be, but look at what you're achieving, it's awesome!

  14. Thanks, everyone! We're doing a little better today. Had a quiet afternoon at the library. :)

  15. Sounds like you deserve a quiet weekend. Hope hubby is better soon. I'm sure your little guy will tear up 1st grade and love it.

  16. Well, I hope your husband is feeling better by now and your weekend was as quiet and productive as you wanted it to be. And cheers to your little one. Since they start them on harder subjects earlier and earlier, I assume you'll soon be helping him with algebra homework. Or maybe he'll be helping you...

  17. Sounds like you really need your quiet time. I hope it's restorative!


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