
Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Five for May 27, 2016

1. I survived talking to the university class. I didn't lose my voice or faint, and I remembered to wear pants. I even got a few laughs. So I'll count that as a win. Though, it was extremely awkward and nerve-wracking for me. Speaking in front of people is just not for me.

2. I'm still fussing with my Totem covers and their fonts. I think I might have one that works. Maybe. Ack! I need to stop messing with them and be done. It's stealing my writing time.

3. One short story competition loss this week. One short story submitted. Very little writing was done. I blame it on the fonts!

4. Yesterday was my son's kindergarten awards. He wore his bow tie shirt. So cute! Every child received a medal and a certificate. So sitting through eight classes took quite a while. My son also won a medal for the highest academic achievement for boys in his class. Proud mama right here. Today is his last day of school, and then it's ten weeks of summer break!

5. Friday Five will be on summer break too. It'll be back in August with a new logo. My blogging will be very light over the next two months. I have some incredible guests scheduled, though. Please come visit and let them know how awesome they are.

Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Hi Christine - congratulations on the University talk ... that will make the next one easier: good for you. Clever son - how wonderful to be there with him and see him collect his award. 10 weeks .. wonderful break - enjoy .. though we'll be seeing you around occasionally ... cheers Hilary

  2. So plesed your talk went well, Christine. I used to love giving seminars and engaging with the audience. You should do it more. It becomes addictive and such a pleasure. The nerves subside, although they will always flutter :) Well done.

    Congratulations to your lovely son. He follows his incredible mother! :)

  3. You have a clever lad there!
    Glad you got through the university talk. Good thing you remembered pants.
    I'll still be posting most Mondays this summer, but I'll take time off during the week. See if I can't actually write something.

  4. WOW!! Your son is off to an excellent start!!! Congratulations!!!

    Our kids have another month left of school. Have a great summer with your boy!!!!!! :)

  5. "I remembered to wear pants." <---Hahahahaha! Always a good start to a public speaking engagement. Combine that with the other things you mentioned, and it definitely counts as a win.

    Those fonts can certainly be a major time suck. I'd blame them, too.

    Congrats to your son on his academic achievement award. That's awesome. Hope you both enjoy your summer break!

  6. Talking in front of a group is never easy. Congratulations. Even after having taught chemistry classes in college for years, I still get nervous before each lecture, so I can only imagine what you must feel.

  7. Congrats on the university talk - and to your son. Gosh, 8 classes is a lot to sit through.

  8. Those fonts are a bugger, eh? I think you've almost nailed it so you'll be back to writing soon.

  9. You and me BOTH on the public speaking thing. So many authors thrive on it and it just isn't me!

  10. Yeh for you on a successful public speaking event!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful summer break, and that you enjoy the lighter blogging schedule. :)

  11. Thanks, everyone! We had a fantastic long weekend. Hope your week is starting off great. :)


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