
Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Five for May 20, 2016

1. I managed to get a little more writing done this week, but I got sidetracked by research. A lot. I must learn to be more disciplined when reading about fascinating stuff!

2. Tomorrow is my local critique group meeting. I sent in my newest flash piece for them to rip apart. Next Tuesday, the group will be doing a panel for a class at the local university. My nervousness about it has not eased. Talking in front of people terrifies me, but that's why I do it.

3. I started reading the first Harry Potter book with my son. He's not nearly excited about it as I am! He's much more into his Greek Myth book lately. He's obsessed with minotaurs and mazes and wants a three-headed dog named Cerebus! Hey little guy, there's a three-headed dog in Harry Potter. Hehehe!

4. One week of school left. I must write like a madwoman this coming week!

5. I had a terrific time at the zoo yesterday with my son and his classmates... and forty-eight other busloads of children from various schools. What was the zoo thinking?!

Go forth and have an awesome weekend!


  1. Who wouldn't love a three headed dog, by any name!

  2. I bet the zoo thought the animals had escaped!
    One more week of writing uninterrupted - make it happen.

  3. If you haven't already, maybe check out the Percy Jackson books for your son. My nephew (he's 9) loves them - reads them over and over. :)

  4. Good luck at the panel next week! I'm sure you will do great. How exciting. Happy writing! :)

  5. I am so grateful that our schools still have another 7 weeks or so! I haven't been to the zoo for so long - I have to suggest it to the family. Happy writing week :-)

  6. You could mention the Greek myths that are part of Harry Potter, like a three-headed dog. It might help. Have a great weekend!

  7. That poor zoo! It was extra zoo-y that day. =P

  8. Fantastic things happening...and yes, research can so consume our times... wink wink. :) I'm exactly the same. hehe

  9. Speaking in front of people never fails to terrify me, too. Good luck!

    And I can't help but approve of your son's current obsession with Greek mythology... ;)

  10. I really need an in-person group like yours. It sounds like a great bonding experience! I haven't had a face-to-face critique group since the 90s. Everything's online now and it just isn't the same.

  11. Sounds like your son would enjoy Percy Jackson! My daughter loved both series. Ever since we started reading Percy, she's been researching the Greek gods.

    And research is so hard to step away from.


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