
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

#IWSG for March 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm excited to be co-hosting this month, and oh what wonderful company I'm in. Please pop in and say thanks to my fellow co-hosts Lauren Hennessy, Lisa Buie-Collard, Lidy, and Mary Aalgaard!

It's been a rough start to the year for a lot of folks. The last two months went by in a blur for me. Snow days, sickness, rejections. And I ran out of cookies! I hope you didn't, but if you did, what you need is a pep talk.

You are a...

All those rejections shouldn't stop you.


Never give up on your dreams.
You can do it! 

Any post with Nathan Fillion and a cute cat makes me feel better! How has 2016 been treating you?


  1. Nathan Fillion can make everything better.

  2. Sorry the start of the year wasn't good for you. Hope the rest is much better.

  3. Great posters, Christine. You have accomplished so much, regardless of the illness, snow days etc. You are an inspiration!! Thank you!

  4. Hi Christine ... I'd be happy to spend time with your writer! You do manage to fit a great deal in ... and as always you're progressing - we all go up and down ... good luck and enjoy that persevering push! Cheers Hilary

  5. You made me smile - I should have Nathan Fillion in my day more often ;)

  6. My start of the year hasn't been good either. But we both have spring to look forward to. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Oh Yeah!!! Nathan's the man!! What an inspirational post!! Thank You Christine and thank you for co-hosting this month!!

    With your fabulous writing, it's hard for me to believe you've had any rejections...

  8. My start of the year hasn't been stellar either. But it helps to keep barreling forward and resist looking back or dwell on the negative. There will be highs and lows but as long as we don't stop enjoying the writing process, we'll remember fondly the good times more than the bad.

  9. Cute kitties always make me feel better.

  10. I love the show Castle. It's our family show. I also wrote about dreams and staying focused on them. A set back is just a bump in the road. Ride on!
    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  11. Love that quote about remembering why we started something before we decide to stop, to quit. I read somewhere that it's less about our "will-power" and more about our "why-power" - our motivations.

  12. Nathan Fillion rocks!
    Great quotes today.
    And thanks for co-hosting.

  13. Hah! I love it. Everyone needs to be told they're awesome on a daily basis--especially by a cat. Christine, you're awesome.

  14. You ran out of cookies?!?!? Nooooooooooooooooo!

    Thanks for the pep talk. One can never go wrong with Nathan Fillion and cute kittens. :)

  15. 2016 promises to be a great year for writers of the words they want to share. Have at it.

  16. lol - it's another snow day here - 5th one in the past 2 weeks. le sigh.
    Been too busy writing to notice how 2016's been, but you are right - any post with Fillion and a cat is awesome. Will have to remember that trick. :-)

  17. 2016 has been treating me fine. My biggest problem is a lack of focus and I have no one to blame but myself, so here's to buckling down and getting to work!

  18. Out of cookies. I wouldn't survive. Sorry it's been a rough start. My year has been difficult so far as well. Need lots of cookies.

  19. loved all the kitty memes from monday and the writer inspirations from today!
    sometimes i forget why i started and where i'm headed... writing is more of a compulsion for me now - i must organize my chaotic thoughts into stories and i just can't stop!

    thanks for co hosting the meme AND iwsg!
    no, you're awesome!

  20. Thank you for the very encouraging quotes and also for co-hosting this month's IWSG.
    How has my year been so far? Had lots of tests but I'm pushing forward.

  21. This is exactly the kind of motivation I need right now. And sorry to hear about your cookies!

  22. Thanks for co-hosting! You're right, Nathan Fillion + Cat Memes always are a surefire way to make a day better. My year has been pretty good so far. Only a little stressful. :)

  23. So far in 2016 I've been doing a lot of 'waiting,' and it's driving me crazy! Gotta stick to writing to keep my mind off it.

    Thanks for the motivation!

  24. hehe Thank you for co-hosting, and the words of encouragement!

  25. Love that why you started quote. I need to remember that one. Have fun co-hosting!

  26. Ran out of cookies? Nooooo!!!!! Oh and the other stuff sounds challenging too. I'm really looking forward to catching spring fever. Might light a spark.

  27. I can relate. Thanks for co-hosting, Christine. Hang in there.

  28. Nathan makes me smile every every time!!! Thank you for that today! And thanks for co-hosting this month. I love your boost post. I sure need it, especially lately. You are right, this year has started in a very mixed way, good and bad... I'm hoping the good wins out by the end of it!

  29. OMG. You are awesome. I've been trying to catch up on my reading list, so after I got my IWSG post done (around midnight), I started Blood and Sorrows to unwind. Three chapters in, I forced myself to go to bed. I'm groggy and bleary-eyed today thanks to you. All comment typos and crazy thoughts are laid at your feet.

  30. You're awesome too Christine!!! :D

  31. Thank you to everyone for stopping by today! I'm glad I could make you smile. :)

  32. I love his flack jacket. I love being a writer.

  33. It hasn't been a great start to the year. But I keep telling myself that means it can only get better, right? (Not a theory I want to test . . .) And I've run out of chocolate, too. Sigh.

  34. This year has been a blur for me, too. Hard to believe it's March already!

    Oh, also...

    *hands you all the cookies* ;)

  35. Wow! I feel so pumped up! Thank you. I appreciate you being a host this month and good luck on all of your projects and may your cookie jar flow in abundance for the next few months. :)

  36. Running out of cookies is a terrible thing! I agree this year has flown by already! And I do love the inspirational kitten!

  37. That's terrible about the cookies!! I definitely know what you mean about getting sick and all the snow, it has been crazy.

  38. The way I look at it, if you received a rejection letter, at least you have stated to put yourself out there. I have yet to even submit a piece of writing to so much as a magazine. One of my biggest insecurities is feeling I'm not good enough.
    But, true enough, if I don't send something out, it's worse than a rejection letter.

  39. Rejections are always hard to take - disappointing at best... Keep submitting. Keep writing. Remember why you do it. You love the stories in your head, the words in your heart. So will someone else. Good for you for moving forward for taking that risk.

  40. I keep running out of cookies because the rest of my family eats them. The swine! Guess we'll just have to go out and buy more.

    Nothing worse than looking at the calendar and seeing how much time has passed, is there? I try not to worry about it, but who am I kidding? We're writers, so of course we're going to worry!

    Thanks for co-hosting this months' IWSG!

  41. Thanks, Christine. I needed that wink of awesomeness!

  42. Now this put a smile on my face, thanks!

  43. Sorry the year hasn't begun so nicely for you. I hope things get better soon.

  44. You forgot, "Never give up. Never surrender." - Galaxy Quest.

    Thank you for hosting this month!!

  45. Love your memes!! I still smile every time I visit your blog and see you're from Bloomington. In the 70s, I went to McCalla Elementary, University Middle School, then Bloomington H.S. North. I loved that town. So beautiful, and the IU students and professors make it a warm & intelligent atmosphere to live in. I hope your snow days, sickness, and rejections are over, and may you never run out of cookies again!! :)

  46. Great quotes! Thank you for hosting IWSG this month.

  47. Great quotes and memes. Sorry the start of the year was not so good for you.

  48. Hope the rest of your year goes better than the beginning! And one should never run out of cookies. I just picked up four boxes of Girl Scout cookies, so I'm good for a while. A short while anyway. :)Thanks for the great quotes. Nathan Fillion and cute cats can make anyone's day. Thanks for co-hosting!

  49. You running out of cookies is the most tragic news. Please, please, tell us has the new shipment arrived?

  50. The past two months have flown by. I just feel like the treadmill is getting faster, and I don't know when it'll fling me off, so I keep on running to keep up. Heh.

  51. Hey thanks for the pep talk. Love the graphics. Hope your year is going better for you!! Thanks for co-hosting.

  52. If Nathan Fillion urged me on, my book would be finished. LOL Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  53. Nice! Love the memes, especially the mountain climbing and Nathan Fillon. :)

  54. This post made me feel better too. Thanks.

  55. 2016 hasn't been bad, so far. I'm doing some revising, and getting a little too sidetracked from producing new work, but other than that... pretty good.

  56. Love your pep talk with memes. Sorry, the year started rough but sounds like you have under control. I feel better. Thank you.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  57. I love Castle's writer vest, LOL. Don't be too hard on yourself. You've really gotten so much done, Christine. With all those books you're publishing, you're doing something right! You rock!!! Now go forth and write ;)

  58. Hi there, I'm so grateful for your comment on my blog today. This was my first-ever IWSG day and I'm having a lot of fun visiting blogs and meeting new blogger-writers.

  59. Only writers get rejections. It should be confirmation. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  60. You asked how 2016 is treating me. Well, I'm dealing with the smashed mess left over from 2015. Both shoulders required surgery (rotator cuff injury) and healing takes up to a year. I'm using my entire 12 month allotment.

    2016 has been a time of refocus and new goals. Being able to use both shoulder/arms/fingers without pain has been a huge boost to my well being.

    My heart goes out to those that must depend on others to care for them. When we loose our independence, we needs cookies to get through the day. And of course much more. And a kind word goes a long way. Cheers.

  61. It is hard to believe it is already March! Time does fly. Thanks for the boost and the pep talk. :)

  62. Lol! I stocked up on cookies when the girl scouts came by. Good thing!! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog.


    Great job, Christine!


  64. Sorry about the rough start to your year! What an inspiring (and hilarious) post!

  65. Great post! Sorry about the rough start.

  66. Thank you for co-hosting the March IWSG, Christine. I like your quote about when you feel like quitting. It is always good practice to keep goals in mind and thinking about why you started is an excellent line to remember.

  67. Thanks for co-hosting and for the pep talk. Loved your post and now I'm hungry for cookies.

  68. Thanks for the reminder, the boost of positivity, and for co-hosting the IWSG this month!

  69. I just got my first 2 boxes of Girl Scout cookies :)

    I hope the year improves for you. Winter sickness is such a drag! It can really slow everything down.

  70. 2016 has been off to a bit of a strange start. How did it get to be March? I love your post though--definitely something I need to remember more often.

  71. Just thinking about spring, the digging in my flower beds, the fresh smell of everything coming alive is energizing. I'd go through hell just to once again watch the magic. It's tempting to focus on what's not gone right, the perceived failures. It's a trap. There's so much more to be grateful for.

  72. Great pep talk!!! And you ran out of cookies? NOOOOOO.

  73. Love the pep talk!

    Thanks for the well wishes, I'm on the mend and spring is just around the corner. Good news all the way around!

  74. Great post and I think every writer feels like this many times, and your pep talk is fantastic... love it:) Now I need some cookies.

  75. Yay for Nathan Fillion. I kind of want the vest. Here's to a better 2016!

  76. Thank you all for stopping by and for making my day co-hosting so much fun! :) The IWSG people rock!

  77. LOL, that was awesome. Clever and fun. And needed! Thank you!

    Sorry you've had a rough start. I totally feel ya. No sick days or rejections (but I haven't been querying) but the kid trouble. Oy! ;

    Good luck with the rest of the months in the year! <3

  78. I always love me some Captain Tightpants.

  79. First, thanks for coming by my blog!
    Second--thanks for the memes and the smiles!
    Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian

  80. My year hasn't started off great, but compared to years past, I really can't complain. I hope your year gets better as time passes. Thanks for co-hosting this month.


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