
Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday Five for March 25, 2016

1. One week until the release of Big Longing (Sasquatch Susies #2)! I haven't had much time to prep for this release. But I hope when the whole series is out, I can do a big promo.

2. I finished the first big round of edits for Big Burning (Sasquatch Susies #3). Reading it again made me excited, and I remembered why it was my favorite one in the series. I predict it will likely be released in May.

3. I haven't done much else lately. A little critiquing and no writing. I'm aching for time to write. Not having that outlet is starting to affect my mood. My muse gets grumpy when she doesn't get her time!

4. I've been having lots of fun with my little guy during his two week long spring break. Though I think both of us are ready for school to start up again. He loves going to school, and I love that he loves it. Plus, you know, I love having a quiet house to write!

5. It's almost time for the Easter bunny to visit out house again. Tomorrow we'll be having breakfast with the Bunny at a local firehouse. The firefighters make an awesome breakfast and the kids get to do an egg hunt. Then we'll be munching on chocolate all weekend. Have a Happy Easter!


  1. Happy Easter, Christine. Our school holiday starts today for two weeks, just as the weather is taking a turn for the worse :-(

    Good luck with the new release, and the one after that. You're on such a roll!

  2. Hi Christine .. yes holidays are wonderful .. but can see the enjoyment you both get from school! That firestation egg hunt sounds just perfect ... Happy Easter - cheers Hilary

  3. Glad everything is coming together with the series.
    That's cool the firefighters are doing that for the kids. Our church is doing something similar as well tomorrow.
    Have a great Easter!

  4. Good luck with the series!

    Have a Happy Easter, and I hope your little guy finds lots of eggs during the hunt. :)

  5. Busy life, but you still get it done! Congratulations!
    Happy Easter!

  6. Hope the family has a pleasant Sunday weekend.

  7. Happy Easter Christine!! Hope you all have lots of fun with the Bunny at the Firehouse. How exciting! My Muse gets grouchy too when new writing is not flowing from my fingertips. I'm sure there'll be plenty of lush time once the holidays are over. Take good care!

  8. Happy Easter, Christine!

  9. Hope you have a happy Easter! And how does one get a two week long spring break? That sounds wonderful (though I imagine a little long for parents!).

  10. Hope you had fun with the Easter Bunny. That sounds like a blast!

  11. Super excited about your upcoming launch:) And yes, I can completely relate to needing writing time:)

  12. Enjoy those years of fun with your cute guy is little and all the holidays are exciting. Now that our kids are older, holidays are calmer but they all love coming home and eating at mom's house. We went to those fireman Easter events too at one time.

  13. Thanks to everyone for stopping by! I'm slowly catching up on returning comments. Have a terrific week. :)


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