
Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Five for March 11, 2016

1. Today is my final guest post with The Really Real Housewives. It's been such a fun week with those awesome ladies. I've been talking about geek parenting on a budget. Today we discuss SCIENCE!

2. I'm working on book #4 of my Totem series, and it's sounding more like a contemporary romance than a paranormal one. Where's all the creepy stuff? My protagonist is fighting hard to make it all about her. Sure, the theme is discovering her true self, but still, I need to drop more supernatural scares in there.

3. The final edits are done for the second book in my Sasquatch Susies series, Big Longing. The release date is April 1st. No joke! The third book in the series is my favorite, so I'm eager for my editor to delve in to that one.

4. Next week is my son's spring break. The first of two weeks. Yup. Wouldn't you have loved two weeks off as a kid? Since we haven't had many snow days, the kids have two weeks off. I'm making playdates and writing a list of things to do. This means I won't be around as much. So please forgive me if I get behind in visiting everyone.

5. Finally a big thank you to everyone who participated in the MEME Blog Hop. It was so much fun! And you made it difficult to judge. Plus a huge thanks to my amazing co-hosts Tara Tyler and C. Lee McKenzie. Here are the winners:

2 Grand Prize Winners of $20 Gift Cards


J. Lenni's

We also chose J Lenni Dorner (Broken Branch Falls by Tara Tyler & Double Negative by C. Lee McKenzie) and Juneta Key (Sudden Secrets by C. Lee McKenzie & Of Blood and Sorrow by Christine Rains) as 2nd runners up, winning two ebooks each!


And here's the rest of our winners, each receiving an ebook:
Michelle Wallace - Jolissa by Tara Tyler
Tamara Narayan - Pop Travel by Tara Tyler
Jess Haight/Fairday Morrow - (still deciding)
Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. April 1st? Wow, this release will be here before any of us know it. How exciting! And LOL, I can relate far too well to a project masquerading as a different genre. (I've been drawing lots of cutesy art for a WIP that's supposed to be horror, whoops.) Hope your protagonist stops being so stubborn soon!

    And that's incredibly cool how your son is getting two whole weeks off for spring break. I was never that lucky growing up, LOL. Perfectly understandable why this would distract you from the blogosphere. Have fun!

  2. So exciting to have your book coming out so soon! Best of luck with your writing.

  3. Just three weeks away! Wow.
    Two weeks off would've been awesome. You guys have fun.

  4. We used to have two weeks off but not in a row - one in February (Energy Conservation Week, anyone? Or am that I old?) then another week around Easter.

    I bet you'll have lots of fun with your little guy!

  5. Congrats on your upcoming book! And thanks for the Meme win. It was a fun blog hop!

  6. Hi Christine - you had some great entries for your Meme blog hop ... and Science geeking - I'll be over ... Enjoy the holiday with fun things to do for the littlies ... and then your book - amazing what you achieve ... cheers Hilary

  7. April 1st will be here before we know it. Those memes were fun. :)

  8. Thanks again for choosing my darling hamster as a winner! Love the other memes as well! (Definitely identify with the road to Hell being paved with WIPs.)

  9. Your book is going to come out on my anniversary! =D It's like you're giving me and hubby a present...only he won't read it. But I will, so whatever. ;)

  10. Thanks to you all for popping in today! Have a lovely weekend. :)

  11. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Wow, so impressive. Have fun on spring break. I'm on mine now, it's wonderful. Ocean City is a blast!

  12. You are busy, busy, busy. But busy is a good sign! Congrats to all the meme winners.

  13. Your launch is coming up so fast... and it's so excited. you must be very happy:)

  14. Congrats to the winners - your meme hop was such fun! I hope you enjoy your cutie's break and you guys get to have some fun together.

  15. So great to hear about your writing. Keep up the good work, but hope you get some time with your son while he's on spring break. Can't believe it's time for that already.

    Loved those memes!


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