
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wicked Wednesday - shouting it out

When I meet someone or run in to a person I haven't seen in a long time, I do not announce that I'm a writer. In fact, I'm shy about telling people I write books, and it has nothing to do with the genres I write either.

I know lots of writers have the same problem. I promised myself that this year I would be more bold. When I fill out forms for the doctor or dentist, I won't put homemaker as my job. I'll put author. When someone asks what I do for a living, I will declare I'm a writer. Well, I might get a little squirmy and blush and mumble, but I'll get it out.

I had my first opportunity last week (not including my dentist appointment last month!). My husband and I were working out at the gym, and we ran into a guy my husband used to work with. He's a friendly, everyday sort of guy.

I was already red and sweaty from being on a machine. So I thought here's my chance. I can do this!

When the guy asked what I've been doing, I told him I was a writer. He perked up, interested in hearing more, and asked what I wrote. I replied, "I write books for adults."
I received an odd look. He said, "Oh yeah?"
I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I write books for grown-ups." Not any better. Come on, come on. "Urban fantasy and paranormal stories. And erotic romance."

Ha! I said it out loud. Yes!

The guy was very cool about it. He asked if I had a fun pen name and if I had a publisher. He thinks I should have gone with a funny pen name, but at least we were all laughing and talking about it.

If you're a writer, do you proudly declare it to everyone or are you shy about it?

And speaking of books for adults, you can pre-order Big Yearning on Amazon and Kobo. Two more days until the release!


  1. Hi Christine - well you've started telling everyone - and it can and will only get easier .. I'd go with "Urban fantasy and paranormal stories, and then there's my erotic romance" .. it's fun being an author - it gives me options.

    Cheers - Hilary

  2. I've done it long enough that it comes naturally. (Although mine comes out as speaker & author.) Keep doing it, Christine. Soon it will feel natural.

  3. That's awesome! I'm always very reluctant to tell people that I'm a writer (and haven't done so at my new job yet).

  4. I'm getting better, but I still squirm and mumble a bit. Especially when I say I write dark fiction and horror. I usually get some interesting looks. :)

    I think I'd stumble on hearing the word "adult" because in my mind it just differentiates it from Children's books, Middle Grade, YA etc. Instead of "adult" what about "for mature audiences/readers"? That might make it clearer right away? Of course, this just could be me. :)

    Whatever you do/say, be proud! :)

  5. Yay for successes like that! I don't generally share with people about my writing, but I've been trying to be more open about it. The day-job coworkers definitely give me some odd looks, but oh well, it's a part of me!

  6. I've called myself a writer for a few years now. I do put it on forms as my occupation! And I don't mind telling people. But then I sort of stumble when they ask what I write because it's a lot of different stuff. And I don't know how involved an answer they really want.

  7. I'm getting better at this. The part that's hard for me is the follow up question: What do you write? If I could just whip out my phone and say, "See!" my problems would be solved. Unfortunately, I haven't become that quick yet. I stumble over, "Well, most my works are for young adults right now, but I write short fiction for several different groups." Then more stumbling and naming of subgenres--historical, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, horror, paranormal... I SO need to work up a mental script.

  8. Good for you for telling people. I'm still at that stage where I don't want to talk about it face to face.

  9. I make the majority of my money from my freelance-writing business, but people don't want to hear about that. So I've learned to tell them I write children's books. They get all crazy when I tell them that, wanting to know everything about it. "I'm a freelance writer. I write blog posts for entrepreneurs and marketing firms" causes eyes to glaze over.

    I looked forward to putting "novelist" or "writer" on forms, but I've noticed most of the time they don't ask your occupation--they ask "employer." So I have to put "self-employed" and I'm just dying to put "writer!" Nobody really cares about what you put on the form, though, I guess!

  10. I say I am a bon-bon eater. Saying, "I'm a writer" is about as easy as for me as it is for you. Don't even ask me how good I am at suggesting someone read my book. Gosh. I am my own worst enemy.

  11. Great story. You did it! My husband tells everybody so I usually don't have to say anything.

  12. Good for you! I am terribly shy about saying I'm a writer but I am trying to get better about it. I usually just say I'm a librarian and leave it at that. But now you've inspired me to say writer too. :)

  13. Being a writer comes as a secondary thought to being a programmer for me. Then again, I do sling code for a living. I'm not shy about telling people I write, it's just not the first thing that comes up.

  14. Yes, I tell people I'm a children's writer. They are always interested to learn about the books I've written. Good for you for letting people know you are a writer!

  15. Congratulations! That's a big step. I'm shy.

  16. Yeah, I'm starting to come out of my shell about it too..the funny thing is that people get excited now when I tell them. Not quite the reaction I thought I'd get:)

  17. I'm not shy about it, but I often say it's not much of a living.

    Now I have two jobs.

  18. I usually tell people I'm a writer before I tell them I'm a library assistant (my full-time job). It's after that point that I start to get nervous and anxious about telling them what I write and even more so on how I publish.

  19. I've been shy about telling people I'm a writer online so far. I think you're brave. :)

  20. Thanks to you all! I'm glad to know I'm not the only shy one. I think we all should be proud of what we do. It's no easy thing being a writer, but it's immensely rewarding. :)

  21. I proudly declare it, BUT I still feel weird about it. And, of course, I try really hard not to sigh when their response is, "Oh, I don't like scary stuff." Sigh.

  22. Good for you, Christine!! Not only for stating the fact that you are a writer but for hitting the gym - noooooo! :) I will probably admit to being a writer well before I ever set foot in a gym again :) Have a great week!!!

  23. so brave of you

    I need to go to WA ... stand up ... My Name is Mac. I'm a writer.

    ...for the practice

  24. I feel the same way. I'm embarrassed to tell people I'm a writer. Good for you for saying it! I love how you said "for adults"..."for grown-ups." lol That was cute. :) One day, I may have the guts to confidently tell a stranger I'm a writer.

  25. If asked "So what are you doing these days?" I say, I'm a writer.

    It took years for me to say it with confidence though. More like a lot a stuttering, mumbling, and Ah, yanno, keeping busy.

  26. I have no shame in telling people I'm a writer or that I currently am a full-time writer. To me, it's just an integral part of my identity.


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