
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

#IWSG for February 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

The awesome co-hosts for this month are Allison Gammons, Tamara Narayan, Eva E. Solar, Rachel Pattison, and Ann V. Friend! Thank you!

This month I'm feeling insecure about marketing. Yes, I feel like that most of the time, but it's a painful pinch this month.

There are the usual questions: am I doing enough? Is what I'm doing beneficial? What works and what doesn't and how do I tell? Why can't every writer be granted a free marketer by a genie?

I'm at the point where I don't know if anything works. I sigh and hang my head, muttering "what's the point?" How well our books do seem to fall into the hands of the Fates. It's all about luck.

Okay. So maybe I don't fully believe that. Hard work and perseverance will get you there. But you have to find out what works for you. That's no easy thing. Where's that genie with all the answers?

I'm doing a short tour right now for my Paramours series, but I'm searching for ways to promote beyond the usual routes. Any advice and suggestions are greatly welcomed.


  1. I am always insecure about marketing. It feels like there's some secret out there that I'm not privy to, but I'm starting to suspect that a lot of us feel that way.

  2. I am not really at the marketing point yet...but I dread what will happen when I am. I suck at selling myself and my wares ;)

  3. I think everyone struggles with the marketing. Every time you promote a book you'll figure out more of what works and doesn't for you. I'd struggle this all too.

  4. Thunderclap?
    If you find that genie, let me know.

  5. I like the sound of that genie!

    Keep doing what you're doing marketing-wise, but also have faith that your stories are out there and are reaching people even if you don't have concrete proof. :)

  6. I wish I could give you advice about marketing, but I still haven't gotten that far with my writing, lol! Good luck with it though, from what I've read, it's tough on most writers.

  7. Hi,
    I can't give you any advice about marketing because I am learning it myself, but I do wish you all the best, and I hope you find the right mix that works for you.

  8. I am always insecure about marketing, too, only I already know I'm not doing enough because I very seldom actually do any. So at least you're trying and learning. I think that's probably half the battle right there.

  9. That genie would help a lot of us, I'm sure.

    It's hard when authors with the same publisher I have, are doing so much better than I am.

    It's a waiting game, I'm sure.

    You have a lot out there. It will happen for you.

    See you tomorrow!

  10. You're right about not know what works, marketing-wise. It's a crap shoot. Keep trying.

  11. Marketing has been changing so fast the past couple of years, it's hard to tell what works anymore.

  12. Marketing makes me so insecure that I just hide from it. You're doing much better than I am!

  13. Marketing makes me nervous. I am quite reticent and shy about it.

  14. Hang in there. You are not alone and although I am not there yet, I still have those fears. I know read everything I can about and when I can afford sometimes take webinar courses from authors who are successful at it. Getting the knowledge and learning how to apply it is the best I can do. The rest is just faith that hard work will pay off. Keep your chin up.
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

    "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear." Mark Twain

  15. You're asking yourself the same questions I ask myself every time I have a new book out. Why does one do really well and another one not so much? Do blog tours work anymore? Do Facebook posts? Does Twitter help at all? If you figure it out, you could get rich by selling the secret to others.

  16. Thank you all. I know I'm not the only one struggling with this. It's tough to figure out what works. All your encouragement helps, though! :)

  17. I know what you mean. There's so much advice out there, but then I'll try something one author says worked for them and nothing happens. It's different for everyone and hard to figure out the "right" way for you and your own books! We'll be trying a Bargain Booksy campaign for Peter to try and reach more readers. I'll let you know how it goes!

  18. When you discover that road, let me know. I don't have the answers to getting it out there without lots and lots of help and money to advertise. I don't have the money to advertise. But I'm reveling in the joy of the accomplishment of finishing and getting it birthed, but sales - not so much.

  19. I suck at marketing and at times it has threatened to take the joy out of writing for me, but I swore I wouldn't let that happen. If you could find that genie, I think he or she would do us all a world of good!
    Good luck with your tour.

  20. I'm not there yet, but hopefully will be later this year. However, in preparation Christine I'm learning a lot from author entrepeneur Joanna Penn. You might find something that you don't know about marketing on her website. It's worth a try. Wishing you a productive and happy February.

  21. Marketing certainly can take up a lot of time, as I'm finding out, but so long as it's for a book you really love, I believe it'll all be worthwhile:)

  22. It's so hard to determine if the choices we make in marketing are the right ones. I like it when people post what they've tried and what has/hasn't worked.

  23. I know how you feel about wondering if any promo works. I just did one that was a bust and it sucked, but at least I tried. If you don't try anything thing then of course you'll fail.

  24. I've been learning about marketing and promotion over the past month, and I think my head is about to spin off my shoulders. #sigh I wish I could give you some answers. I guess the only thing is to make sure you're interacting with writers who are doing it successfully. I'm sure you're already doing that, though.

  25. I suck at marketing. I was able to give away some free books through Twitter ads, which resulted in a some sales. Nothing to brag about, though. Good luck, Christine :)

  26. I think we have to accept that we're constantly building and no one thing is the answer. I want one of those genies. Really. You write great books. Hang in there. I think building the mailing list is a key component. I keep meaning to post more in FB groups, but I don't do it.

  27. Marketing is the pits!!!!

    If you have loads of money you can pay for promotions, which I've invested in some. I've been told, writing a book is only the first step, then, like any business you have to put money into it, to get something out of it. But as soon as the promo is over the book sales drop tremendously. It's a never ending cycle. But if you can manage a paid promo once a month, that'd help, I hope.

    Christine, I love your writing. I love your books. They're top-notch!!!! Hang in there!!!!

  28. You're leagues ahead of me. I'm going to stalk you for marketing when my time comes. :)

  29. Marketing is tough. Maybe have a song made to bring attention?

  30. Sorry. I'm a bit new myself. I do like the genie idea though. Sign me up. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  31. You're right. No one knows how any kind of marketing will work. Just do what you can and eventually it will all come together. Good luck with the marketing.

  32. I wish I had some advice for you. I guess that is why people hire publicists.

  33. I think keeping a blog is a good way to market yourself. I also learn a lot about new books when there are contests out there. Good luck!

  34. It is a hard one fore sure. I try to learn all I can, but a bit of luck seems to be the magic ingredient.

  35. Hi Christine ... marketing is a challenge, but the more books you have out there - the more opportunities and the more directions you can go. Schools, local writing groups, care homes, old people's homes etc .. a local newspaper ... you're on the right track .. cheers Hilary

  36. Once you figure it out, could you let me know? I'm dreading the marketing once I get to that point. I mean, I understand the concept, but it really does feel like an uphill battle with so many different routes, many of which could be deadends. :/

  37. Marketing. Please. Just shoot me. I hate it. It's killing my mojo.

  38. Marketing never fails to be so stressful. I always feel like I should do more, but am so afraid of annoying people that I end up holding back instead. Sorry you feel just as insecure about this whole marketing thing! Hope your Paramours tour goes well, and that you're able to figure out some fun, new ways to promote your work, too!

  39. Hi human, Christine,

    I'm sorry, my human friend, but when it comes to marketing, I haven't a clue. It seems that a number of humans don't believe that a dog can do pawblishing.

    Seriously, I do hope your tour goes very well. I discreetly market in the background by sharing your pawst! :)

    Thanks for being a part of "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary." Yes, I have to humour my delusional human, Gary.

    Pawsitive wishes and doggy kisses,

    Penny xx

  40. Ahh the fun of marketing:) I find as soon as I stop pushing my stories, the sales just plummet, so it's an ongoing beast. I'm finding FB reader groups helpful, along with promotional newsletter sites to readers, but of course they aren't free, which is a pain. Also, swapping newsletter appearances with other authors seems to help.

  41. I am no where near marketing yet. I still haven't finished editing my novel from last April. Everyone keeps saying that social media is the way to go, but I hear varying POVs on that as well. Email lists and newsletters have been said to help, but I have no experience with that either. I wish you luck! ~Lori~

  42. I utterly failed at marketing, and feel like I kind of wasted my time doing various guest posts when no one actually bought my books as a result of those posts. Paying to get promoted, or doing a local book signing, is probably a better way to go.


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