
Monday, February 8, 2016

Have you signed up for the MEME Blog Hop yet?

C. Lee McKenzie, Tara Tyler, and I are hosting A MEME Blog Hop!
We want to help chase away the winter blues with some Encouraging, Inspiring, and Funny MEMEs! Join us the week of February 29 - March 4!

Easy Peasy "rules":
1) Post a MEME during the week (use your own pic or an easy meme maker app) - and if you can't think of anything, pass on encouraging words from one of your reviews, or an inspiring quote! 
2) Visit others.
That's it! Then, your awesome hostesses will hop around and ooo and ahh and choose one entry each to win an ebook. AND two lucky random participants will win a $20 gift card.


  1. What a fun idea for a blog hop! Haven't signed up for it yet, since I'm still easing back into the blogosphere, but I'm definitely considering it. And aw, that cat pic is so precious!

  2. Just signed up. I'll add it to my post on Monday that week.

  3. Hi Christine - have fun .. I'm sure I'll see lots of amusing entries and be able to have a giggle or two. At the moment anything remotely wanting to stay around is being blown eastwards! Cheersand have a good week - Hilary

  4. I haven't signed up because I'm still confused as to what I'm supposed to do. Make an inspiring picture?

  5. That'll be a fun blogfest. I have to admit, though, I didn't even know there were meme-making apps.

  6. Thanks, everyone! It's going to be tons of fun. And don't worry if you can't make your own. There are millions of memes out there you can use!

  7. You convinced me. I wasn't sure if I should join or not but I'm in.

  8. I think I'll just hop around to see the memes during the week. I could use a good laugh. :)

  9. I signed up! I'll likely pop it in during my IWSG post and visit lots that day!

  10. Yes, I love a good meme! The more off-color, the better. Inspiring is okay too, but give me a good laugh. Can't wait to see what people make.

  11. We're gathering a very nice group for this meme hop! Hurray!

  12. Sounds fab!! I'll be popping by for a few laughs and some inspiration. Sorry I can't fully commit this time round but I'll look out for the next one. Wish you all a lot of fun.

  13. What a super fun idea! I love a good meme :)

  14. I'd like to but honestly I can't. These days I never seem to accomplish all I'm suppose to be doing. I better not. Though I love cats. But that's not the point, right??!! I do love dogs too. But really ... see how badly I'm procrastinating now. Nobody can waste more time than me doing nothing. Oh, BTW, thanks for visiting IWSG.

  15. Pictures of cats rule the interwebs!

  16. Definitely a worth pic to bring a smile to my face. Thanks. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  17. That sounds fun. I'll have to look up how to make a meme.

  18. I'll sit this one out but I'll be around to check out some of the entries!


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