
Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Five for February 12, 2016

1. BIG news! I have the release date of my first novella in the Sasquatch Susies series. Big Yearning comes out.... IN ONE WEEK! *falls over* You can add it to read on Goodreads here. They're moving fast with this series. But they haven't skimped on the covers. Mmmm... Check out Rayce from Big Yearning.

2. This week, I didn't get a lot of writing done on my latest WIP. Monday was a short story day. I revised one story and sent it to my local critique group for our meeting on the 20th. I also edited two other short stories and submitted them. I'm on track with my short stories goal for the year.

3. I'm also on track with my reading goal even though I binge watched the latest season of Orphan Black. Now I have to wait several weeks for the new season! ACK!

4. I always get a lot of people asking me what I'm doing for Valentine's Day. That day is mostly for my little guy. We'll have a treat, and this year, we got him new swim goggles, so we'll likely be spending half the day at the pool! Though, my husband and I do have plans for tonight. Deadpool! Very romantic, yes?

5. Don't forget to sign up for the MEME Blog Hop. I'm hosting with the wonderful C. Lee McKenzie and Tara Tyler. Be it funny, encouraging, or inspiring, we want to see them. Join us the week of February 29th - March 4th. There will be prizes and a giveaway for participants!


  1. One week? Wow! It's amazing how fast your publisher can be. Best of luck with this release! The Sasquatch Susies series will no doubt be a fun read... :)

    Also, a pool day sounds like an excellent way to spend Valentine's Day. Have fun! Hope you and your husband enjoy the movie tonight, too. The promos make Deadpool seem so clever...

  2. One week! Start revving up.
    I think seeing Deadpool tonight is romantic. We're doing the same thing. Then it's vacation time!

  3. Congrats on the release date and on being so on track! :)

    We don't have any big Valentine's plans - just being together and enjoying each other's company, maybe make a nice meal, go walk on the beach, that kind of thing.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Congrats on the upcoming release!
    I plan on staying in for Valentine's Day. The world just gets too crazy, so I'd rather avoid it.

  5. Next Friday will be here before we know it. Congrats on the upcoming release! I have no plans for Valentine's except for staying indoors. It's supposed to be 20-some degrees as a high here. Brrr!

  6. Lucky! I want to go see Deadpool this weekend, but hubby wants to wait until next weekend and we have to go to Canada to do so, plus I have a giant burn on my foot and cant wear shoes, so I'm stuck.

  7. You are rocking the releases! You go girl!

    Deadpool sounds like a great date to me.

  8. We're seeing Deadpool for Valentine's Day too. We're romantic like that too. It will just be Mr. Seckman and all the boys out for the night. It's sometimes good to have grown kids. LOL

  9. Enjoy Deadpool! :)

    That's exciting that the release is happening so soon! :D

  10. Your little guy is so cute. My husband and I did dinner today because he's working on Sunday. Deadpool looks really good. Great cover.

  11. Hi Christine - that's fast - good luck with Dead Yearning .. but the cover is great - I agree there.

    Have fun tomorrow and tonight for you two - your little lad does look so much fun .. and being in the pool is great exercise for one and all ..

    Cheers and Happy weekend - Hilary

  12. How fun!!! And congratulations on your upcoming release. That's awesome!

  13. Congratulations on your upcoming release! That's great news!

    Have a Happy Valentines Day!

  14. Congratulations, Christine! Nicely done.

    Is it true scenes from Orphan Black are filmed in Markham, Ontario? Some of the places sure look familiar.

  15. Thank you all so much! You're awesome. We had a snow day today, so I'm finally starting to catch up on comments. Have a great week! :)

  16. Congrats for the release! I went and saw Deadpool with my best friend- it was a great movie, and totally a love story :)


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