
Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Five for January 22, 2016

1. It's Friday already? Where did my week go? I had two days to myself this week between MLK Day and snow days. I haven't been that productive, but I do have some big news... which I'll share soon. Subscribers to my newsletter will hear it first. So if you aren't already a subscriber, all you have to do is put your email address into that little widget on the right and click!

2. I haven't managed to get more than a few hundred words of writing done, but I've been keeping up on my critiquing for one of my critique partners. I do love getting to read new awesome stories before everyone else!

3. The Paramours Tour is just over a week away, but I'm going to do less touring this year with my books. What I want to try to do is have guest posts on blogs more often. Spread out the dates throughout the year. Keep myself out there without the fuss and stress of touring. I also wish to welcome other authors to guest post on my blog. I'll host them on Mondays, and I'm open to a variety of topics. If you'd like to write a guest post for me, please email me and we can work out the details. As you might have noticed, my most popular posts on my blog are guest posts.

4. Adorable kid moment of the week: My son had his 100th Day of School yesterday, and he wanted to dress up for it. He wore a button up shirt and tie with a Superman t-shirt underneath.

5. Finally, an awesome and easy Meme Blog Hop! I'm happy to host this with the terrific Tara Tyler and C. Lee McKenzie. We're giving away ebooks and gift cards. The rules are simple: post your meme and visit others and smile. I'll be reminding you of this again very soon! Sign up here.


  1. Can't wait to hear your exciting news Christine!! What a great idea to celebrate the 100th day in school. Never heard of that before. Make the most of every celebration. He's growing up so quickly. Have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Christine - always special to have good news to share. 100th day at school - that's great he's so excited still .. and I love the 'uniform'!! Good luck and I'm sure the Meme will entice some intrepid venturers ... cheers Hilary

  3. Spreading guest posts out is a good idea. I did a week tour for my last book, and then the remaining fifteen or so spots were spread out over three or so months.
    Like what your son wore!
    And interested in the guest post...

  4. I usually do a one-week tour...I might need to think about that, since my book is coming out in four parts close together. I'll be wearing everyone out if I do three separate book blog tours. Let me know when you want me to help out with promotion. You know I'm always up for supporting other authors!

  5. Less touring and more just general keeping your work out there sounds like a great idea and much less stressful.

    Love what your son wore for his 100th day of school! I also like that the day itself was recognized.

  6. At my work, we can wear jeans on two-hour delay & snow days for the local school. I must admit it's nice! =)

  7. I saw the photos of your little man on Facebook - he's so sweet. I hope he ripped open the shirt and the end of the day and flew out of school!

    Looking forward to hearing your news.

  8. You do have one adorable kid. That's awesome. Did he do the big reveal by the end of the day?

    And speaking of big reveals, I can't wait to hear your big news!!

  9. I can't wait for the exciting news! =D Also, you should email me about being a guest on my blog. I'd love to pimp you out there. =)

  10. Can't wait to hear this big news. And cheers to keeping your blog tour simple. Some people absolutely kill themselves over a tour, trying to be everywhere at once... it's too much.

    And that's awesome that your son wanted to dress up for his 100th day of school. I don't think I even dressed up for my own graduation.

  11. This has been a less productive week for me as well. I got some good stuff done, but not much writing. :( You can do a guest on my blog! I'll probably ask to do one on your in May/June when my book drops. :)

  12. Looking forward to the news. Let me know if you'd like to do a guest post on my blog. My guest post feature's on Thursdays. :-)

  13. How exciting about your big news! Looking forward to learning more about it... :)

    And I can only imagine how stressful blog tours can be, so I'm not surprised you want to keep those on the simpler side now. If you'd ever like to do a guest post on my blog in the future, I'd be more than happy to host you there!

  14. Already signed up for your newsletter :)
    Sorry you didn't have much time to yourself, but at least you did manage some writing and family time.
    I left a comment to host you on my blog during the tour but haven't heard anything back yet on it.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Your kid sounds so cute!

    I'm unable to do a blog tour for my upcoming release because I have too much going on in my life right now. I'm not good at keeping up with blogs on a normal day as it is.

    Looking forward to hearing your news!

  16. Thank you all. I hope you had an awesome weekend! And yes, when my son got home, he did the Superman pose for me! :)

  17. I'm excited about hearing your big news. And I'd love to exchange guest blog posts with you. We did it before so I think I have your email. Thinking about the hop.

  18. I think your plan for tours and guest posts is smart. I'm not sure if I would do a paid tour again but never say never, I know.
    Love the Superman shirt story!


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