
Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Five for October 30, 2015

1. Big excitement this week as Mayhem in the Air is now available. It's a marvelous collection of short stories from the talented authors of Untethered Realms. My horror sci-fi, "The Silent Wind" is included in the anthology. Next week, we'll start a two week tour with exclusive excerpts and a giveaway where you could win a $40 gift card! The collection is only 99 cents. A steal with all the awesome stories in it!

2. Oh, more fantastic short stories! I received word yesterday that 9Tales Told in the Dark #7 is available for pre-order and will be released November 23rd. My horror story, "All I Want For Christmas" is one of the nine scary tales. This makes up for the rejection I received earlier this week.

3. I've had a good writing week even with my son having a couple of early dismissal days from school. I finished the first novella in a new series for my publisher. The series is called The Sasquatch Susies. I'll leave it to your imagination what that's about for now.

4. My mom will be visiting next week. We do all our Christmas shopping, so we don't have to freak out at the last minute. It's nice to have it all done before December, but it's difficult to find places to store gifts in our little house! Not just store them, but keep them out of sight of my little guy.

5. One day until Halloween! I love this time of year. We had a fun time last weekend at the Trick or Treat Trail, and we went trick or treating at the university on Wednesday. Tomorrow I get to see all the costumes as the kids come to our door. My little guy, er, puppy is super excited.

(My son and his buddy at the Trick or Treat Trail.)



  1. It sounds like you've got a lot of exciting things going on! Happy Halloween!

  2. Awe he's so cute! Happy Halloween! :-)

  3. congrats...a productive week for you.

    oh...I'm so excited too. Love Halloween. I've got a fun array of photos queued up for tomorrow too.

  4. Look at all that awesome writing news! Way to go, Christine!

    That costume is just too cute. Enjoy your Halloween!

  5. Congrats on the writing successes!

    I can't think about Christmas when there's Halloween candy to eat. :)

    Your little guy is adorable - love the costume!

  6. Two anthologies - very cool!! Will announce the first one on Monday for you.
    You and your little guy have a great time this weekend.

  7. Happy Halloween! Congrats to the story acceptance! And it's good to get Christmas shopping out of the way, but I can see how hard it'd be to hide presents from your son. He's smart and likely to find them. LOL!

  8. Congrats on all the good news. Your little guy is adorable. Have fun.

  9. You're doing your Christmas shopping already? Wow! That's impressive!

    Have a great Halloween! Your son looks adorable in his costume!

  10. Congrats on the 9Tales anthology!! Happy Halloween and have a great time with your mom. :)

  11. Happy Halloween!
    Congrats to all the good news you have. =)

  12. Congrats on both anthologies. I don't even think about Christmas shopping until December!

  13. Happy Halloween Christine! I wish you a wonderful Christmas shopping trip with your mom. That will be so much fun. A precious time to share with her. Thanks for the great post and I wish you a productive November. All the best, as always.

  14. At the moment, I'm busy reading the Twisted Earths collection... and enjoying the great variety of stories.
    Congrats on the release of Mayhem in the Air - sounds like another winner.
    Happy Halloween!
    The kiddies look awesomely cute!!!

  15. Happy Halloween!

    I like to get my Christmas shopping done early. Like you, I have fun finding places to store it all.

    Enjoy the time with your mum!

  16. Cute. Hope you had a fun Halloween!

  17. We've both gotten more into Bigfoot recently, and the lore surrounding him, so I'm just curious to hear more about the The Sasquatch Susies. Glad you've got a lot of great things going on. Hope you and your little guy had a good Halloween!

  18. Thanks, everyone! I had a busy weekend with a sick hubby. Now on to a busy November! :)


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