
Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Five for September 4, 2015

1. Work is going at a steady pace for my new project. There is a lot of talking going on. I keep reminding myself that it is the base for a nine part series, so I have to make it solid. It's going to be one of those cases if the characters keep yammering at each other, I'm going to send the bad guys to them!

2. I had a fantastic time co-hosting the IWSG. I visited over 120 blogs. What a surprise they gave us! It's a wonderful opportunity. I'm going to try to think of a story idea for the contest. Who else is entering?

3. No short story news this week. This is the first week in a while I haven't received a rejection. I still have six stories in submission. I need to send out a few more, but I haven't found the right venues for them yet.

4. It's the long Labor Day weekend. Yay! We don't have any plans except a playdate tonight and maybe going to the apple orchard at some point. It's going to be super hot, though. Might have to refill the backyard kiddie pool.

5. Join me on Monday for my big news! My newsletter subscribers have already heard. If you want to be the first to hear all the exciting stuff, please subscribe by typing your email address in that widget on my sidebar. You'll get a free ebook!


  1. Yes we have - congratulations!
    Glad you had a good time co-hosting the IWSG. It really is more fun on the host side, isn't it? And hope you will enter the contest.

  2. Good luck with entering the anthology contest! Not sure yet if I'lll give it a try....

    No big weekend plans here either, but I often prefer it that way anyway. :)

  3. Yay to exciting news! Sounds like you're being productive. I'm co-hosting the IWSG in October, so I'll get to see what it's like!

  4. I hope you find an idea for a story to write. It's definitely a great opportunity. I hope you have a great long weekend!

  5. Yes, congratulations, it's nice to be in on the big news.
    How could you not enter the IWSG contest, it's perfect for you.
    I'm trying to come up with something. Now that I have my Halloween short done, maybe I'll get the perfect inspiration!

  6. The IWSG was exciting. Not sure I'll try it. No story ideas currently.
    Enjoy your long weekend. I'll be working. =(

  7. Enjoy the weekend with no plans! Those are my favorite sometimes. Will check back Monday for the big news! Happy Friday! Trish - tales from trish

  8. Best of luck with all those stories you currently have submitted! And as a newsletter subscriber, your big news is so exciting, for sure. Can't wait for you to post about it so I can cheer for you properly! ;)

  9. We may be going to the zoo or a movie on Monday, but that's about it. It is time for the apple farm, though. Need to get on that!

  10. Congratulations, Christine! As a subscriber, I enjoy being in-the-know. Regarding submissions, things have been pretty quiet lately for me as well. Maybe the editors will be returning to work after Labor Day, and we'll have ourselves an acceptalanche.

  11. Thanks, everyone! Have a great week. :)


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