
Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday Five for September 18, 2015

1. Did you hear my BIG NEWS this week? I'm still in a bit of shock. The first book of The Paramours, Ghost Dancer, will be released in one week. I don't have any links or info yet, so it'll be a rush to prepare for it. But it's so exciting. I had hoped one book would be out by Halloween, and if my publisher keeps being so speedy, maybe I'll have two! I'll wait until all three books are out before touring. I need a lot of time to prepare for that. A week isn't enough time.

2. In the short story realm, I got word from a venue that they were interested in one of my stories if I made a few changes. So I made the changes and resubmitted. Hopefully they'll like what I did.

3. I didn't get much new writing done this week. I'm over halfway done with the first novella in my nine part series. I don't have a name for the series or the novella yet. That's driving me a little batty. I shorten my titles when I work with them. Like Dice & Debauchery is D&D and Of Blood and Sorrow is OBaS. This new project has been shortened to BS. I can't continue on with something I'm referring to as BS! Okay, I can continue writing, but I really need to think of a proper title.

4. I designed and ordered some new postcards and bookmarks this week. They're so pretty! Please tell me I'm not the only person who gets insanely excited about these sorts of things.

5. Big weekend ahead. It's our local fall fair. Good food, games, and a parade. My son has a buddy's birthday party to go to, and I have my critique group meeting. Lots of fun! And speaking of fun, the Untethered Realms authors talked about what we'd do if we were transported back to medieval times. Stop on by and let us know what you would do.

Have a terrific weekend!


  1. Well, most of us refer to our works in progress as BS, so why not?
    That's awesome your series will be out so quickly. Will give each one a shout out for you and you know you are always welcome at my blog when you tour.

  2. Congrats on Ghost Dancer, and good luck with all of your upcoming projects! :)

    I tend to call my WiPs by the protagonist's name since I rarely come up with a title until the end.

    Your weekend plans sound like fun!

  3. Ghost Dancer sounds like something I would love to read. I'm excited that it's going to be coming out so soon. Yay!!! Congratulations! :D

  4. I love how everytime I visit your blog you have good news! I'm so glad so many good things are happening.
    Have a great weekend! Trish - tales from trish

  5. Alex, thank you!

    Madeline, thanks! I have three protagonists, but otherwise, usually I use the name too.

    Chrys, thanks so much!

    Trish, that's only because bad news isn't so great to read about! =P Thank you. :)

  6. Oh, so much exciting news! Good luck with your release next week, and your short story re-submission, too!

    And LOL, I always get batty when my projects are title-less, too. Titles really help ground a story for me, so yeah. XD

  7. The fall fair sounds fun. That reminds me, the local Carrot Festival is coming up. They do it every fall, and unlike the yearly Shalom Festival in Saratoga, the Carrot Festival is more realistic to enjoy without any kids. They have things for people of all ages.

  8. I have a few stories without proper titles. Instead they are silly titles like "Mmm Brains" so calling yours BS just makes me LOL.

  9. A title will come to you, don't worry:) And again, huge congrats on your news. I'm so excited for you. the series is fantastic.

  10. Congrats on the new series! And there's nothing wrong with referring to the bear shifters series as BS for now. I hope you're having a good weekend!

  11. Lots of cool things going on. Good luck with the short story, the fall fair and everything. Sounds like an exciting time. :)

  12. Very exciting -- and having only a week definitely amps up the (positive) tension. Congratulations, Christine!

  13. How exciting for all your endeavors this week! I'm sure you'll be accepted after your re-writes. You are very talented!

  14. Mac, thanks!

    Heather, I'm glad someone understands! :)

    Carrie-Anne, that sounds like a lot of fun.

    Patricia, now that title sounds good!

    Tania, Cherie, and Emilyann, thank you!

    Milo, I hope so!

    Karen, aww, thanks. :)


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