
Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Five for September 11, 2015

1. I didn't get as much time to write this week, but I passed the 10k mark with my newest project. I finished the first round of edits for the first book in The Paramours series. Not much needed to be changed at all. My editor might send it back to me once more for an okay, and then it can be sent on for formatting. That's when I get my release dates!

2. My holiday horror short story, "All I Want For Christmas" was accepted by 9 Tales for their upcoming release, 9 Tales Told In The Dark. Yay! It will be released late this year. Another one of my stories was short-listed by a pro venue. I've been sending stories to this venue for the last few years, and this is my fourth time being short-listed with them. Maybe the fourth time is the charm!

3. Have you heard of the movie Tusk? It's a Kevin Smith film. A ridiculous shock horror about an insane man who kidnaps people and makes them into a walrus. I expected utter silliness when I sat down with my husband to watch it. What I found instead was brilliance. Not the story itself, but in the performances from Michael Parks and Johnny Depp. I haven't been this blown away by a pair of actors in a long time.

4. It's getting to that time of year where there are a lot of scary movies and shows on TV. When I do my exercises during the weekdays, I don't watch talk shows or soaps. I watch ghost and monster hunters. I've been seeing a lot of commercials for what's coming in October. Here's one show you might not have heard about: Exorcism Live! Yes, they'll be doing a live exorcism. Don't let the ads fool you (like they did me!). They're not exorcising a person. It's a house. I always wonder about these live shows. What do they do if absolutely nothing happens?

5. It's almost the weekend! What are your plans? We have a BBQ & Blues Fest and a hot air balloon festival going on nearby. It'll be the perfect cool autumn weather for it too.


  1. Hi Christine - you're still doing lots and your books/stories are progressing. Tusk sounds an interesting film ... while your BBQ and Blues Fest and those hot air balloons I'm sure will be great fun for the whole family - enjoy it - cheers Hilary

  2. Awesome news on your short stories!
    Tusk just sounds so odd...
    Be funny if nothing happens. I mean, it's a house. What's it supposed to do?

  3. I'm too much of a chicken to watch the movie or show you mention! Horror, ghosts, exorcism- oh no. Find me My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake and I'm good! Enjoy your weekend!! Trish - tales from trish

  4. Hilary, thank you. Hopefully the weekend will be a good family weekend. :)

    Alex, Tusk is odd, but the actors will surprise you. As for the house, I have no idea!

    Trish, you could watch My Little Pony with my kid. :)

    Mac, thanks! :)

  5. Fingers crossed for you on that pro venue!

    Now I have to check out that Tusk movie - sounds utterly weird but sometimes that's what I'm in the mood for. :)

    Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Why doesn't it surprise me that Johnny Depp was in Tusk?

    Congratulations on having your short story accepted. That's awesome news!

  7. Why doesn't it surprise me that Johnny Depp was in Tusk?

    Congratulations on having your short story accepted. That's awesome news!

  8. Congratulations on your writing successes! The short story acceptance is exciting, and I'm glad the first round of edits for the first book in your Paramours series went well.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Congrats on the acceptance, and the word count!

    I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented - he gets led astray with some of his projects, but on the whole I think he will be remembered as a great and diverse actor.

  10. Yay on the 10k mark! You just started that one a couple weeks ago, right? That's great. And very cool about the short stories! I'm jealous you have cool autumn weather. It's still hitting the 90s every day in Florida.

  11. You never fail to amaze with your dedication and achievements!
    I'm an HGTV addict, it's where I learned all my remodeling skills. The few their are!
    But if you're going to write the genre you need to surround yourself with it, and that's why you're the best at it!
    I do watch a lot of murder mysteries, and detective shows, but horror, I'm really choosy about. I can't stand the gore. The older versions with Hitchcock though, very cool!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Madeline, thanks. I hope you enjoy Tusk if you watch it!

    Sherry, thank you! Nothing Johnny does should surprise us. :)

    L.G., thanks!

    Annalisa, thank you. Yes, very diverse. He plays Guy LaPointe in Tusk and it's an odder role than Hunter Thompson!

    Alexia, thanks! I'll be wanting some Florida weather come this big long winter we have looming over us.

    Yolanda, I watch tons of HGTV. I think I have some terminology down. I like the Hitchcock stories better too. Good suspense is much more chilling.

  13. Congrats on your short story, your edits, and your 10K words! That all sounds like great news! Sorry to say that I'm not a scary movie fan, though. I'm too easily freaked out.

  14. Great news about your stories and edits. My weekend just started and I have beta reading to do, so I'm hoping to get it done.

  15. Is that Kevin Smith movie for real? Really? It sounds...strange!


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