
Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Five for August 21, 2015

1. I've had an awesome week of writing. I finished the second novelette in my newest series and I'm a few chapters in to the third and final. This trilogy came together in a flash and it's been so much fun to write. Two of my critique partners have read the first book and loved it. Yes!

2. I had one short story rejection this week and submitted two more elsewhere. I keep a record of my submissions in a little notebook, but I think maybe I should keep a spreadsheet on the computer. That poor notebook is looking a mess!

3. My Google searches this week have included what does it feel like to be possessed by a good spirit (for my current project) and the Inuit god of icebergs and glaciers named Nootaikok (for a future project). Sometimes it's dangerous to do searches on these things because they can be so fascinating that I end up reading more and more pages rather than writing.

4. With my son now in public school, I worry about all the germs and such he can pick up. Ours is also one of the states that have been warned to be on the look-out for mutated head lice. Mutant lice. My brain is coming up with all sorts of disturbing images! There's got to be a story in there somewhere.

5. The weather has cooled down and I'm getting excited at the approach of autumn. It'll be time to go to the apple orchard and then the pumpkin patch. I love those fall trips! This weekend, we'll hopefully get out for a walk in the woods. Have a great weekend!


  1. Congrats on all the awesome writing progress! How cool that this trilogy came together so quickly. Hope the third book goes just as smoothly for you!

    And a computer spreadsheet sounds like a great idea. I use one to keep track of my art progress, despite also writing all that down by hand, and it's just so convenient...

  2. Awesome news on the writing progress. And boy, I hadn't heard of mutant head lice. I agree, there is definitely a story there.

  3. Computer spreadsheets are helpful! I'm looking forward to the third novelette in the Paramours trilogy!

  4. Congrats on the writing progress! I don't blame you about the research. Those topics sound interesting.

  5. I LOVE walking in the woods!! And Autumn is my favorite time of year. I bet you're getting a lot of writing done with the little guy in school, that's good. Have a nice weekend!

  6. Mutant lice?! That's terrifying. Ew!
    Trish - tales from trish

  7. Pumpkin patches are such fun!
    Fall is so great!
    Congratulations on all your progress, you're very disciplined!
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Congrats on the writing progress. And yes, I recently put together a spreadsheet and glad I did, it does make things easier to track :)

  9. Mutated head lice... well there has to be a story here for sure. hehe

    Your new series is coming along wonderfully. Loving number 2!!!

  10. I always kept a record of my submissions, too--and it served as motivation because I'd want to fill that darn thing up! Sounds like you're doing a great job.

  11. Yay for awesome writing this week! I definitely keep a spreadsheet for my subs. Ha, I Google some weird stuff sometimes, too :) Mutated lice??!! Ggggaaaahhhh. And yes, looking forward to fall!!

  12. Heather, thanks!

    Mac, hope you did too!

    Angela, it still makes me cringe. I trimmed my son's hair short this weekend!

    Cherie, you'll get it this week. :)

    Misha, thank you!

    Patricia, sometimes it's so easy to get lost "researching" stuff online!

    Cathrina, thanks! We had a nice Saturday out in the woods by a lake.

    Trish, I know!!!

    Yolanda, I love the ones with hayrides and corn mazes.

    Emilyann, good job!

    Tania, awesome. Thank you!

    Stephanie, that is a good idea. I'd be motivated to fill it up too!

    Alexia, thanks. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.


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