
Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Five for July 24, 2015

1. A few more short story rejections came my way this week, but one with an offer to send something else. My local critique group liked my horror flash piece. I'll be sending that out today. This year has been a much better one for me writing and submitting short stories. I'm still working on longer tales, but I feel good that I'm practicing the craft and getting myself out there.

2. This week was rough in some aspects, and I settled my soul by watching a bunch of B rated movies. Zombeavers gave me exactly what I expected from a low budget horror flick about zombie beavers. Sharknado 3, well, I watched the whole thing, but it's my least favorite of that series. I laughed, but I groaned far more. The top one which I highly recommend to B movie fans is Dead Snow: Red vs. Dead. It's a ridiculous idea (zombie Nazis) taken over the top and done incredibly well. Much better than the first film. I also saw Inside Out with my son this week. Thumbs up!

3. Two reviewers responded to my queries. There are a lot more that I haven't heard from, but two is far more than the zero I had in response to my queries last December. It's like pulling teeth trying to get stories reviewed.

4. I was over at the Untethered Realms blog this week talking about the joy of listening to stories. Click on over and tell us about listening to your favorite storyteller.

5. As I'm sitting here, the light keeps flickering. Just now, accompanied by absolute silence, it went out. Only the lights. Not the computer. I know it's probably just the light bulb, but what a great ambiance for the ghost story I'm working on!

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. That is great ghost story ambiance, for sure.

    Too bad about the rejections, but yay for the offer to send something else.

    I haven't seen any of the Sharknado movies. I fear I may be the only person who hasn't.

  2. I'd warned you about the Zombeavers. Decided to skip Sharknado 3 and wait until RiffTrax riffed it.
    Weird about the lights flickering, although I'm sure that's helping with the story. (Except when you're in the dark and can't see to write.)

  3. M.J., you haven't seen any of the movies? Well, I can forgive you if you've been writing like crazy for NaNo. :)

    Alex, yup, you were right. RiffTrax will have a ball with that flick!

  4. I've seen ZombieBeavers on Netflix, but it's not the kind of movie I like to watch, so I've passed.

  5. I don't get much response from reviewers, either. I know they are busy, but a 'no thanks' would be nice than just hearing nothing. Well done on the short stories :-)

  6. Glad to hear all the good news!!! Yay for good ambiance, good movies, storytelling, a great critique group, and reviews!

  7. I need to get off my butt and start submitting to reviewers. I hate the selling. Love the writing part.

  8. Ha, that's pretty cool about the light flickering. Hopefully it provided some inspiration.

  9. It's good that it was just the light bulb and not the power. I hate when the power goes out.

  10. Patricia, there are far better things to do with one's time than watch Zombeavers! :)

    Annalisa, yeah, I'd like an acknowledgement. Anything! Thanks. :)

    Tyrean, thank you!

    Mac, I hate selling too.

    Sarah, it was fun, and a little annoying that now I have to change the lightbulb!

  11. Cherie, especially in the middle of writing! =P

  12. My cousins' mom is a storyteller. I wish I lived closer to her so I could hear her tell them.

  13. The light flickering in your house has to be a ghost. No other explanation! Have a great weekend!

  14. The light flickering in your house has to be a ghost. No other explanation! Have a great weekend!

  15. Sorry about the rejections...maybe the ghost is flickering the lights to show his support. I haven't watched any of those movies yet, not that I mind B rated ones. There's time when they are the best!

  16. I' not much of a B horror movie watcher. I've heard of the 1st 2, but not the 3rd though. Boo on rejections.And I'm glad you got some responses back for reviews!

  17. The more rejections you get, the better...that means you're putting yourself out there and you're just one step closer to an acceptance!

  18. Keep getting your work out there, Christine. I may have seen a couple of those Netflix streamers myself... Brainless fun to give our brains a break, right?

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