
Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday Five for July 17, 2015

1. I've managed to catch up on my sleep and some online things. I think I have to realize that I'm not going to catch up on it all and just let it go. Sometimes that's difficult for me. I'm still learning to be easier on myself.

2. I wrote a flash horror piece for my local critique group tomorrow. A Christmas story with a monster in the closet. Perfect for July! And no, it's not a Fearless story. I wanted to write another Christmas tale because right now is the time of year to submit them to magazines and other venues. I still have six stories out there under consideration, and hopefully after this weekend, I can send out a seventh.

3. I've been sending out my Dice & Debauchery series to reviewers. It's hard to find people that review erotica. I sent out a batch of queries in December and didn't receive one reply. I've only received one reply from the dozen I sent out this week. One of my dream reviewers would be Felicia Day. She and three other geeky women have a book club called Vaginal Fantasy. It's absolutely hilarious and fun.

4. Only two weeks until Gen Con! Will any of you be attending this year? I'll be going on Sunday for Family Day. Their writer guest of honor this year is Terry Brooks.

5. A reminder for two fantastic giveaways: Win 5 awesome ebooks and an Amazon gift card from T.B. Markinson, and celebrate Tara Tyler's book birthday with an incredible giveaway that includes prizes of a signed print copy of her book, an ecopy of my book, Of Blood and Sorrow, and an Amazon gift card.

Don't forget about the Smashwords Summer Sale!


  1. It's good that you're getting stuff done AND realizing what you just need to let go.

    I hope you find those reviewers. :-)

  2. Christmas in July! There's a channel in my listings that's been playing nothing but Christmas movies all month long. Hope you find a home for your Christmas horror story (is it about my family get-togethers?)

    Awesome giveaways.

    Enjoy your weekend!

  3. Finding reviewers is tough. Especially for certain genres. When I was looking for reviews for PoA1 I kept stumbling on "No novellas" I did receive replies from most of the ones I emailed. I was shocked.

  4. Sleep is just like my to-read list. I'll never catch up, but it doesn't stop me from trying. LOL! Finding reviewers is not an easy task. Yay for getting a bite, though. I hope you have fun at Gen Con. One of these years we need to go together to it. It'd be cool.

  5. Gen Con sounds like fun. It's close enough for me to drive, but I think I'll be out of town during the Con. Too bad.

  6. Best of luck with your submissions... you're so productive, having 7 stories out there. Your new flash piece sounds great:)

  7. Thank you, everyone! I hope you're having an awesome weekend. :)

    M.J., the Christmas story is not about family reunions but a monster in a kid's closet that he asks Santa to take care of. Family reunions are just too scary for me.

  8. you're so awesome! thanks for the shout out!

    and it's okay to not get everything done, it's impossible to do it all
    you're amazing with your submissions! i started it last fall and let it sit, but i hope to have a Cooper and Geri Christmas story next year. It's a hometown mystery and we get to know cooper's family...

    i'm super jealous about gen con - take lots of pics!

    and on a future side note, i had an idea when i found a couple of contests for tv series screenplay submissions for major networks. i really think the 13th floor would make an awesome Melrose Place meets Vampire Diaries tv series. anyway, someday down the road, i may ask if we can collaborate on a screenplay for it!


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