
Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday Five for June 19, 2015

1. One week until the release of Masked Kiss, the final book of the Dice & Debauchery series! It's available for pre-order everywhere right now. I'm excited that the whole series will be out. The trilogy is like the 13th Floor in that all the books link together and happen over the same space of time. It's fun to write and read the same scene from different points of view.

2. While next Friday will be a big day, I won't be around to promote it. I hope to do a tour in August for the series. Just not a three month tour this time! That was far too long and tiring. Two weeks seems to be the best time period for a tour.

3. I'll be taking a blogging break for the next three weeks. I do have some pre-scheduled posts during that time, so please stop by for a fabulous guest post about surviving a horror story by Cherie Reich on Wednesday and some tidbits about Masked Kiss next Friday.

4. I've gotten a little writing done this week. My WIP is still moving slow. It's at 15k and there's only one dead body! I've written a lot of novellas in the past few years, so this pace feels odd, and the story is challenging me. But that's a good thing.

5. Don't forget the T.B. Markinson's June Giveaway is still going on. You could win five awesome books and an Amazon gift card. One of those books is Of Blood and Sorrow by me!

Have a wonderful rest of the month. I'll see you in July!

My little guy swimming in the lake!


  1. Enjoy your blogging break! How exciting that the D&D series will soon be fully published. Best of luck with this latest release, and the new WIP you're working on, too! (Only one dead body so far? Tsk, tsk! ;)

  2. Just when I'm trying to get back into blogging you're taking a break?! Ugh. Poor timing on my part lol. Enjoy your break and your summer! trish - tales from trish

  3. Enjoy the break! We'll help you spread the news about your release next week while you're gone.

  4. Hey, have a wonderful break!!! I'm jealous!! Congrats on your upcoming release!!

  5. Your little guy is really growing. Contact me if you want to appear on my blog when you start promoting in August.

  6. I want to jump in and join in the fun! Sweet pic! Have a great break and best of luck with your uncoming release. 'See' you soon!!

  7. Enjoy your break. I hope the launch goes well :-)

  8. Have a great break, Christine! I'll be sure to comment/visit people when my post comes up. I owe you a review on Masked Kiss too. I'll be sure to get one up next week. :)

  9. Enjoy your break and woot on the new book release. Mega exciting!

    Your 15K has me beat...

  10. Enjoy your break!

  11. Congrats on getting the final part out! You're always so productive, you more than deserve a blogging break. Hope you're having a good summer, it looks like someone is!

  12. I wish I could get my series to the end, but it gives my nightmares! Shorter projects are much more my thang at present. Congrats to you on completing another one!!

    Have a great break, see you soon.

    If you want me to help with the book tour I'm in. :)

  13. i hope you enjoy your blogging break - i'll give your new release a shout =)
    and your blog touring probably seems long because you've had so many come out in a row! it's nuts how fast you're releasing that series! you'll have to let me know how the sales are going for it, i know the genre is hot like the books (look at GREY coming out after 50 shades...)

    i hope you are having fun with your longer wip - i look forward to reading it!
    and yay for tbm - love her new giveaways - and love being in this one with you!

  14. Enjoy your break! My pace has been slow this summer, but I keep telling myself I'm on vacation. We can afford to cut ourselves a little slack, right?

  15. I gobbled up Loose Corset last week--am looking forward to the other two in the set!

  16. How exciting that book 3 is coming out already. Congrats!!
    Enjoy your break and see you next month. I'm reading Blood and Sorrow right now and it's awesome as expected. :)


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