
Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday Five for May 1, 2015

1. Congratulations to everyone who made it through the A to Z Challenge! We had a lot of fun with it over at the Untethered Realms blog. Take a break this weekend. You deserve it!

2. I had a rough day at my local critique group meeting last Saturday. It's been a while since they really tore into one of my stories. I almost forgot how rough it was to do that in person. I've been revising this week. Slowly trying to patch up the problems and make my story work.

3. I haven't done any writing on my WIP lately. Hopefully next week I'll get a chance to jump back into it. I'm also slowly making some headway with my reading. So many great books, so little time!

4. It's going to be a sunny weekend here. My son starts tee ball tomorrow. We're meeting up with friends and having a barbecue. Lots of fun!

5. May starts off with a couple of great bloghops. On Monday, Sharon Bayliss is hosting the Writer Mama (and papa!) Bloghop and it's IWSG day on Wednesday. I'll see you all then! Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Sorry about the critique group, but I hope after you lick your wounds, it will be helpful. I've been through a few sessions and at the time, I just wanted to melt into the floor.

    I hope your son enjoys tee ball. I played that when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. Such fun. And a BBQ. Does that mean it's summer :)

  2. Criticism is supposed to be constructive, not destructive, Christine. Sorry to hear this. Carole.

  3. Ouch. Sometimes words do hurt. Best of luck as you enter the revision cave. And remember, critiques are just opinions. *Hugs*

    Enjoy the sunshine, your son and the bbq this weekend!!

  4. Critiques can be brutal. Hope it was more helpful than destructive.
    Have fun at the tee ball game and barbecue!

  5. TB, it's almost summer! One month left of school and then it's here.

    Carole, thank you. They weren't mean about it, but highly critical.

    Mac, you too!

    Jaybird, I'm making great progress and I've had enough chocolate to ease my worries. Plus a fun weekend coming up! :)

    Sarah, thanks! I do remember it's just opinions.

  6. So pleased you are going to read my poetry. I've subscribed to your newsletter, if you can subscribe to mine that would be vey helpful, Christine.

  7. Sorry about the critique group, but hopefully the changes will make your story even better... if that was possible:)

    Have a great weekend.

  8. So sorry to be a nuisance Christine, have sorted the signup form and it works, many thanks for letting me know.

  9. Many thanks for persevering, you deserve a medal for that! :0)

  10. Hey Christine,
    How's things in IN?

  11. Sorry about your critique group exoerience. I hope you have a better week this coming week. Thanks for the IWSG reminder . I'm so worn out from the A to Z challenge, I would have missed it again .


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