
Monday, March 16, 2015

Doubling up on the tours!

Geek girl problem #491: You have so much awesome stuff you want to share, so you book two blog tours and then realize they overlap!

It just means double the fun for you!

Let's talk about games. Board games, video games, role-playing games.
Click on over to the wonderful Trisha's blog and tell us what your favorite games are.

Today we have Of Blood and Sorrow's protagonist, Erin Driscol.
Find out an interesting tidbit about why I had to rewrite the entire novel because of Erin.
My most awesome host is Carol Kilgore!

Plus, check out this awesome review by Graeme Ing.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow!I can't believe how long you've been on a blog tour. Hoping it's been fun and productive.

  2. Already visited Carol - will go visit Trisha now.

  3. Overlapping isn't necessarily a bad problem. It just means you have a lot of awesome news. :)

  4. No wonder I see you everywhere I visit today! Keep up the good work, but don't wear yourself to a mini-geek

  5. Natalie, neither can I! *LOL* The geeky tour has been really fun, though. I'm just talking about stuff that I talk about every day!

    Alex, thanks!

    Cherie, that's true! :)

    Lee, I'll try! My son is off on spring break this week, so that's the mini-geek I'll be chasing after! :)

  6. I'm loving having you visit my blog, Christine!


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