
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

IWSG for February 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

It's a double IWSG day for me! I'm here today giving you some encouragement, and I'm also at the lovely Shah Wharton's blog for my Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour sharing some geeky writer problems.

Starting a new story, releasing your book to the world, speaking about your writing in front of an audience. With all these things and all the steps in between, we experience fear. But if we push through that fear, we can do great things.

You can do it.


  1. Great inspiration Christine. Thanks for the quote.

  2. Love the inspiring quotes. Really needed them this morning. Thanks.

  3. Love the quotes! Very potent. Thanks so much for sharing :)

  4. Love these, especially the last one!

  5. Awesome words of encouragement!
    And already visited Shah.

  6. Thanks for sharing some inspiration with the rest of us.

  7. Love that quote, I definitely write to be the characters I know I'll never be in real life. :-)

  8. I disagree with Stephen.
    The scariest moment is right after you click publish. LOL

    IWSG #143 until Alex culls the list again.

  9. I love those quotes! Thanks for sharing them!

  10. Great quotes. Love Stephen King's - that is so true.

  11. Those are some great inspiring quotes! :)

  12. Thank you, everyone. Glad I could inspire you today. :)

  13. Wonderful quotes, and the best thing to surround yourself with when trying to get started, or running into a block!

    Great inspiration!

  14. Yes I can. =) Thanks for the encouragement today! Your tour thus far has been epic.

  15. Thumbs up for the quote by Stephen King.

  16. Woot woot! I feel we should be throwing confetti and giving a standing ovation. Nice to fire everyone up.

  17. I always find the first time I'm terrified, but once I make it through, afterwards, I'm not as afraid.

  18. The scariest part is the start of the story, pushing through the middle of the story, and finishing the story. It's all freakin' scary! I love it!

  19. I still can't get past my fear of speaking in front of an audience! The rest of it is scary, but not as scary as public speaking for me.

  20. One of the quotes on the quotes pages on my old Angelfire site was about not waiting till everything is absolutely perfect to begin. I forget who said it, and will have to look it up on my rescued Angelfire files on my flash drive later.

  21. Great quotes. I agree about writing what frightens you.

  22. Oooh! I love that last quote. Writing in a way that scares me. I need to try that.

  23. love the inspiration!
    and you still have time to read and review!
    you're an amazing inspriation yourself!
    happy february!

  24. A dose of fear is the energizing charge that we sometimes need to get going.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  25. Great quotes! I'm reading Stephen King's On Writing again, but I don't remember if that quote's from the book or something else.

  26. I love these quotes. The one I would add is "Experience, the thing you need just before you get it."


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