
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The geeky tours continue!

Push up your glasses and read on!

Today I'm visiting with Merissa and Debbie at the Archaeolibrarian.
I'll be giving you tips on how to meet your deadlines and remain sane.

The next host on my Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour is a proud geek girl, L.G. Keltner.
Click over to her blog and learn about gamers' superstitions about their dice. Oh yes, we gamers are a superstitious bunch!


  1. Sounds like you've got a great blog tour going. And great that you're reaching out to new audiences. Good luck with it.

  2. Awesome. I'm headed over to check the posts out. =)

  3. Sounds good! I hope the tour is going well. Thank you for the promo material for Loose Corset. Love the die, magnet, and postcard!

  4. I still have my multicolored dice from my d&d days back in college. Those were the times.

  5. Thank you all!

    I'm happy you liked them, Cherie!

    And you can never part with your dice, Ken. They'll always be with you!

  6. Congrats, Christine. I love your book cover designs. Who designs them?

  7. Hope you have time to eat now and then. I really enjoyed your book. It was really funny in many spots. I'll get a review up for you shortly.

  8. I'll go check it out. I can certainly use some tips on that!

  9. Congrats on your latest novel, Christine! Your cover is amazing! I hope the blog tour is going well—I'm enjoying seeing your book around the blogosphere. :)

  10. Meet deadlines AND stay sane. Must check that out!

  11. Hosting you today was so much fun! I hope the rest of your tour goes well!

  12. Hope you are having fun Christine.


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