
Monday, January 26, 2015

Review for Stiff

Stiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers some willingly, some unwittingly have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. In this fascinating account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries and tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them.

My review:
I don't always read nonfiction, but when I do, it's the most odd stuff ever!

This book is wonderfully humorous and dark, sometimes gruesome. Mary Roach explores what happens to our bodies after death from the normal to the extremely strange. Cadavers have all sorts of scientific uses and many aren't what you might expect. It was educational and fascinating with a dose of quirky humor.

Not recommended to those with weak stomachs!

I have since picked up Mary Roach's Packing For Mars. Everything you didn't know about astronauts but always wanted to. Like astronauts throwing up in their spacesuits and space toilets. 

Find out more about Mary Roach on her website.

* * * * *

Congratulations to the winners from the Loose Corset Goddess Fish tour! All the emails have been sent, and I'm packing up the prizes to be mailed this week.

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour will continue this week.
Don't forget my first geeky giveaway is still going on!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I remember stumbling upon this cover, but I haven't read it yet. Sounds like a quirky read I'd enjoy. There's a cemetery near my flat that has really high walls for when grave robbers used to strike. Crazy stuff. Good luck with the tour this week!

  2. It sounds like Mary has a good nonfiction voice that makes the topic even more interesting. Don't think I'd read it but it sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. It does incredibly interesting, but I don't know if I could read it. Not that I have a weak stomach or anythi—Yeah, I totally do.

    Still looks cool, though.

  4. That book sounds really unique. I admit, what happens to our bodies afterwards is not something I've ever thought about.

  5. I very rarely read non-fiction, but this sounds strangely compelling :-)

  6. I don't read much non-fiction, but it does look interesting. And dark humor? That's the best approach to postmortem bodies.

  7. I'm not sure I could read that though it's a very interesting subject. Congrats on finishing the tour.

  8. The cover is a grabber. And the postmortem has offered up some amazing knowledge that has helped us understand disease. Interesting topic. Grim, but interesting.

  9. TBM, the book talks about grave robbers too! Nice that you have some quiet neighbors. ;)

    Natalie, Mary's voice is fantastic. :)

    M.J., this is the moment I gross you out with some random detail from the book, right? Heh.

    Alex, it is a great read. I'm already an organ donor, but after reading the book, I will donate all of me to science because it helps so many people.

    Annalisa, it absolutely is!

    Loni, it's the only way to stay sane when doing such work.

    Susan, thank you!

    Lee, it's a bit morbid, but fascinating for sure.

  10. Many years ago I saw this book featured in a Writer's Market book. I've been curious about it ever since, and what's funny is that I saw it at Barnes & Noble last week. I guess fate is telling me to read it. ;)

  11. Um, yeah. I do believe that a book about what happens to our shells after we croak is pretty WEIRD.

  12. Stiff sounds like a fascinating read. Thanks for the review!

  13. Chrys, yes, read it! :)

    Jay, it is weird but utterly fascinating.

    Cherie, it is! Thanks for popping in. :)

  14. I don't have a weak stomach but it's the type of book I'd read in bits and pieces. Interesting subject. I find it intriguing that she writes about things like bodies and astronauts.

  15. Oh my gosh, what an interesting book for horror inspiration! LOL
    Probably won't be reading anytime soon, and it's why I've chosen cremation! LOL again!

  16. I love quirky non-fiction. Both these book sound like something I'd proudly display on my book shelves.

  17. That is indeed a subject I am not sure if I wanted to read. Not because of the corpses but because pf the gruesome. There is one reason why I didn't become a doctor.

  18. I don't read much nonfiction either, but this one sounds fascinating--and good for research if one is doing very dark fiction. LOL.

  19. No book can be for everyone. I'm too squeamish for this one am afraid. :-(

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  20. Sia, I just finished her newest one about the mouth and digestive system. Great stuff!

    Yolanda, it totally is! I just happen to be publishing a book that involves a funeral home in March. :)

    Dolorah, me too!

    Al, that's same reason I didn't either!

    Catherine, awesome research. :)

    Anna, that's okay. It made me squirm a few times!

  21. OK. I need to check out the packing for Mars book. Don't know about the dead people... they've been advertising about leaving our bodies to the dogs around here, which kind of creeps me out and makes me curious. My husband asked me to please quit talking about it.

  22. *LOL* Mary, you always make me laugh. Is there really a program to leave your body to the dogs? Science does some weird things to cadavers, but I never heard of the dogs thing.


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