
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

IWSG for January 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

Two days until the release of Loose Corset, the first book of my Dice & Debauchery series with Ellora's Cave. TWO days!!!

There are all those pre-release jitters. I know these. I can deal with them.

What I'm worried about is being different. My contemporary erotic romance is different from everything else I've been reading in the genre.

Different is good, you say. And sometimes it is. But other times, it's not. Readers like what they like, and to be met with something different can turn them off.

I'll never know if the risk is worth it until I take it. So here we go. I'm holding my breath.

Two days.

Are you taking any big risks this year?


  1. Hi Christine!
    Congratulations on the new series!
    You are brave! A change IS good and you'll never know until you try...
    I took my risk with the urban fantasy story... the anthology should be released within the next two weeks... *biting nails*

    Writer In Transit
    January IWSG co-hostess.

  2. Congrats on your new book, Christine. It must be exciting and scary because it's different. Hope it goes well for you.

    I'm hopefully going to find a new job and a new career soon. Also exciting and scary.

  3. Best wishes on your new release, Christine. Better breathe occasionally. LOL It's always scary to release a book. You've passed the point of no return. The book will come out whether you're anxious or not. Just enjoy!

  4. Two days! Woot! I'm looking forward to the release. I read your excerpt and it was excellent.

    I like the new look! Guess it's been a while since I've been blog visiting.

  5. Wow, good luck for the launch. Always remember: fortune favours the brave.

  6. I think different is good! Good luck, and congratulations on the upcoming release!!

  7. No big risks from what I know. Of course, the year is still young and can change.

    Congrats on your upcoming release! I really liked your geeky erotica novellas. They're fun and steamy and I found myself laughing a lot and tearing up some at what happens in the plot. :)

  8. No new risks this year. I still have plenty of unfinished goals left over from last year. Congratulations on taking the leap of faith. Good luck.

  9. I bet different will work in your favor!

  10. Congratulations! Embrace your nonconformity! I love it! Start a new trend!

    You'll do fine, just fine! I have no doubts!

  11. Congratulations on your new book! I agree with Alex - I bet you'll expand the audience!!! :)

  12. congratulations, that's exciting!

  13. Congratulations on the new book. I think it's good to be unique.

  14. Michelle, thank you. And good luck with your UF story!

    Natalie, good luck with your job search. That is even scarier to me!

    Diane, thanks!

    Loni, thank you. It's a recent new look! I'm so glad you liked the excerpt. And your new book, wow! It's awesome. :)

    Angeline and Rachel, thank you!

    Cherie, thanks so much! Let's hope everyone else likes them too.

    Chemist Ken, good luck and thanks!

    Alex, Yolanda, and Tyrean, thank you. I hope it does too!

    E.E. and Elizabeth, thanks! :)

  15. I think different is good too. Good luck with it :-)

  16. Two days - you are so close and it's going to be wonderful! Congratulations Christine and I can't wait to read your new book!

  17. 2 Days!!! How Exciting!!!!! I love the title!!! Good Luck and much success in 2015!!!!

  18. Nothing wrong about being different. Yes, readers like what they like but as a reader, I like finding something different and entertaining.

    Wishing you the best with your new book!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  19. Congrats on the new release. Like others have said, different is often a good thing. I have the submission jitters at the moment so know how scary the unknown can be. Best of luck and Happy New Year, Christine.

  20. Congratulations on your upcoming release! Different can really help a book to stand out, and readers may be pleasantly surprised to find something different from what they're used to.

  21. Two days. Time flies whether we pay attention or not. :-)

    Good luck with the release and congrats.

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  22. I don't care what you write, I'm gonna read it.

    Best of luck!


  23. Dare to be different. Be yourself and trust your instincts. (I also missed the note on introductions, so I went back into my post and added it.)
    Happy New Year!
    Play off the Page

  24. 2 days!!! YAY!!! And different is definitely good. While this may not be what some of your readers like, you'll find many new readers and that's always a plus!

  25. Yes, but you'll also be expanding into a new audience, and there's nothing to fear about that. New readers are new readers. Sending cheese your way! Two days. Yippee!

  26. I'm so excited for you. I know you'll do great.

  27. Good luck on your release! I'm a reader who believes different is good.

  28. Good luck with your jitters. It's totally natural, and I'm sure you'll do amazingly! I'm all fan-girl over the cover of B&S. Awesome!

  29. Congratulations on your publication date, Christine. After all the hard work of writing and editing, etc., now comes the marketing! Best of Success in 2015.

  30. Your series will be a smash hit, no doubt. Good luck!

  31. Congratulations! Different is good. You'll do great, I know it!

  32. Different IS good! Who wants to read the same book over and over again? Congrats on the release!

  33. Wishing you great success! Remember us little people. I'm going to read it. :)

  34. Yay for your release!! I can totally understand your jitters, but I think it's going to be awesome :)

  35. Wow you are so right in readers like what they like but they like new things unless they don't! Nail-biting stuff! I wish you the best and awesome success.

    (did you know captcha is on?)

  36. Holy Snoopy Dance, congrats! And simply LOVE your cover for Of Blood and Sorrow. Must know where you got it ;)

  37. I haven't included intentional risks in my to-do this year list. However, I'm sure I'll stumble on something risky that I won't be able to resist.

    Here's to your risky, risque launch. I'm sure it will be very successful.

  38. Best of luck with the new release! Sometimes being different is what makes readers love your book. :)

  39. Congratulations on your new release! I have one coming out as well this month, but am soooo far behind in getting the word out... here is the link if you'd like to take a look,
    Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  40. Hey Christine, I am moving more into Adult Contemporary and trying my hand at a dark romance series. I have only published New Adult so far, I look at it as a transition. That's my risk for 2015.

    I thank you should promote that it's different. Everyone is looking for a different especially in an established genre. Good luck with the release.

  41. Annalisa, thanks! :)

    Krista and Cathrina, thank you! It's so exciting.

    Sia, Suzanne, and Carrie-Anne, I hope readers like my type of different!

    Anna, time certainly flies by. Thanks!

    Heather, thanks so much!

    Mary, I don't know how I missed that message, but it's nice getting to know more about everyone today. :)

    Chrys, that's definitely a plus!

    Crystal, yay for cheese!

  42. Susan, Sandra, and Gail, thank you!

    SA, thanks! I love the cover too. Erin Dameron-Hill is a fantastic cover artist.

    Julie and Stephanie, thanks!

    Sarah, so true. I love picking up new reads!

    Mary, you'll be right there with me. :)

    Meradeth, thank you.

    Southpaw, thanks! And yes, the darn robot thingy. There's no way to turn it off.

    Huntress, thank you! Left a comment with cover artist info on your blog.

    Lee, love it! Risky/risque! Hehehe!

    Emma and Lisa, thank you!

    Sydney, good luck!

  43. Your book will be a huge success!

    I'm focusing on writing this year.

  44. I'm excited for Loose Corset and hope it takes the geeky freak world by storm :-)


  45. Happy release week! Congratulations.

  46. I hope in this case the different is exactly what makes it big! I have a friend who loves romance and erotica, who's also a gamer, and I know there have to be more like her out there. Good luck!

  47. I believe different is good and I love your writing so I'm sure I'll love it. Best of luck!

  48. Carol, Medeia, and Angela, thanks so much!

    Shannon, that gives me hope! At least I'm not the only gamer who love erotic romance. :) Thank you!

    TBM, thanks!

  49. Christine, CONGRATS on your upcoming release!

  50. Congratulations on your new release. I'm sure it will be a success!

  51. Congratulations on your new release, Christine. Don't worry too much about being different. You are a very good writer and I'm sure it will work out in your favor. Besides, it takes courage to prove different things but as you said, it is the only way to know if they work or not. Good for you! Dragon Hugs!

  52. When you try a new genre, it's always scary. It may be practical to follow the genre's tropes and expectations, but what you really need to do is what makes you happy! Congrats and good luck!

  53. Congrats on your impending release! That's awesome. (slinks away to look at the book on amazon)

  54. It's good to shake things up with something fresh every now and then. You could start the next big trend! Congrats and enjoy your day!

  55. Susanne and Sherry, thank you!

    Al, thanks for the encouragement and dragon hugs. :)

    Lexa, geeky romance does make me happy!

    A.B. and Nick, thanks!

  56. Congrats and good luck. Different may start a new trend. And you'll be at the top of the wave.

  57. Ooh, yes, I can definitely see why you'd be jittery! Still, the moment before any good risk worth taking always inspires jitters, right? Otherwise you know it's not a risk. So congratulations on leaping despite the risk. Best of luck with your release!!!

  58. You are an amazing write and I am sure this book is just as awesome as all the rest. So don't worry, I for one will definitely be reading it. :)

  59. Jeff, thanks! :)

    Caryn, that's true! Thank you.

    Joss, thanks so much!


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