
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - Loose Corset's tantalizing cover

Geek girl Morgan Reid has been to many conventions, but none that had her wishing it would never end.

Dressed as their characters from the online game Steampunk Quest, Morgan and her best friend meet the other players for the first time in real life. Morgan's attraction to the gorgeous Dean Bradley is immediate, making it difficult to breathe in her tight corset. Even after a few dice shattering orgasms, she doesn't believe this can be anything more than a con fling. But Dean is making her feel things she's only read about in books. Can Morgan let go of her cool-headed logic and allow herself to fall completely for the perfect geek guy?
There's nothing sexier than a shiny, new D20. Look at those angles! And ooh, the luscious crimson color of the gem die.

I'm pleased that the cover has some gaming nerdiness to it, and that it isn't an overly buff dude and too blonde woman locked in a passionate yet weirdly awkward pose.

Loose Corset will be released January 9th. That's 23 days away! You can add it to your wish list HERE.

This is the first book of my Dice & Debauchery series with Ellora's Cave. It will be released as a part of their special call, Geekgasm! So hopefully we'll get some great nerdy romances and erotica next month.

If you'd like a review copy of Loose Corset, please email Ellora's Cave to request one at


  1. Geeks rule! And wow, LOVE the cover and the blurb sounds fantastic! You are coming out with awesome books, Christine. You rock. Seriously. :) Off to tweet this!!

  2. Congrats. Interesting cover. I say, maybe a little cleavage would be nice...but that's just me :)

  3. Great cover, Christine. Just the right geek touch.

  4. I like that it has the corset and the die instead of some couple. Congrats!

  5. Woo Hoo! Congrats, Christine. The cover and blurb are both very intriguing ;)

    P.S., did you know your captcha is on?

  6. Awesome cover! I can't wait to read this one, and to host you in February for your geeky guest post. :D

  7. That is such a great title and perfect cover. Yippee.

  8. Thank you all. I've been prepping for the release. Tours and hosts are ready. Writing up the posts. I hope everyone really likes it!

    Gwen, I know it's on, but I have it turned off on my settings. I've heard there's a bug going around on blogger that the number verification is on for some odd reason. What a pain the rear-end!

  9. Interesting cover, Christine. I tried one once for about ten seconds!! Let's just say, I didn't need to see a handsome man in order for my breathing to stop :) Wishing you lots of success with 'Loose Corset' and others projects lined up for 2015. Happy Holidays!!! All the best.

  10. I can't believe the release is only 23 days away. Yay!!
    Congrats on the cover and the trilogy.

  11. Awesome cover!! And it sounds like an awesomely geeky read!! :) Congrats!

  12. Love the cover! It really seems to tie into your book well, and it stands out (in a good way) from others in the genre... :)

  13. Awesome! I'm getting the post ready to go on launch day, Christine. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas in the meantime. X


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