
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween and Friday Five for October 31, 2014


1. What sort of scary good fun are you having today? My son is really excited. He'll have a party at school and then go trick-or-treating with his best buddy this evening. (If it isn't raining!)

2. Another good writing week. I'm one-sixth of the way done my third and final D&D novella. This one is from the guy's POV, so I've been pestering my husband with a ton of questions!

3. I did some critiquing and wrote up two short skits about bullying for a friend of mine. It's a bit strange for me to write for an eight-year-old audience. I tend to fall into quirky Harry Potter-like prose when I do. But since this was a serious subject, I had to keep it realistic. A good writing exercise.

4. I'll be absent from the cyberworld next week as my mom is visiting. We'll get our Christmas shopping done early. I still have my IWSG post ready to go for Wednesday along with a fantastic guest post by Carol Kilgore on Monday, and the second week of November is Realms Faire. Huzzah!

5. Thank you to everyone who entered my Creepy Freebies giveaway and to all who helped promote it. Thanks to the participating authors for all the awesome free reads. My Kindle is packed with scary stories. A final big thank you to Milo who organized it. I can't wait to do it again next year!

The winners of my Creepy Freebies giveaway are:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi Christine .. I reckon come rain or shine .. the littlies should go trickle treating for a time .. enjoy Halloween - cheers Hilary

  2. Your son looks so cute! And have fun with your mom next week.

  3. Sounds like you're doing well with your writing, keep up the good work. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Enjoy this time with your son!

  4. I hope your family has a great Halloween!

  5. Enjoy Halloween tonight with your son and your mom's visit next week!

  6. Yay for Mom visiting! I love it when you get to spend time with family, so have a blast shopping. (And pick me up some cheese, eh?)

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  7. What a little cutie in the pumpkin patch. :)

    Happy Halloween and have a great visit with your mom next week.

  8. Sounds like you've been busy writing! That's good your hubby is willing to answer your POV questions. The picture of your son is too cute! Have a great Halloween and a good time next week!

  9. Happy Halloween! I love that picture. Too cute.

    ~Patricia Lynne~
    Trick or Treat Books

  10. Have fun with the trick or treat night. Hope for good weather. Have fun with your mom. I miss that.

  11. You son is cute; looks like you'll be having fun. I will be passing out candy, as usual. Hope I have enough, as my 16 year old has been raiding the stash this last week.

    Have a good week with your mom.

  12. Do kids let rain hold them back? I think I remember going out in the rain when I was a kid, but my mom probably discouraged it. ("You'll get SICK!") I know our local malls have trick or treating sometimes, so that might be an indoor option if it rains.

  13. Good luck with the writing. I'm wrapping up a WIP that's in the editing stage. Such a good feeling. Just have to keep plugging along.

  14. Have fun Christmas shopping, I wish I could get mine all done that quick. It's nasty here too, so I think that's going to put a damper on a lot of people's fun tonight. =/

  15. Thank you, everyone. The cold dreary weather didn't cancel Halloween. My little guy went out with his buddy and came back full of candy! Have a terrific weekend. :)

  16. Have a great visit with your mom. Your son is so cute! Hope it didn't rain your way.

  17. You're little fella is simply adorable. Have fun shopping with your mom!

  18. Thanks for the book, Christine! Hope you had a happy Halloween.

  19. Wow! You're a busy woman too!! You're on the third novella! You inspire me! Way to go!

    Hope you had a fun Halloween, and I hope you have a wonderful visit with your mom. Happy week!

  20. Hi Christine. Hope you had a great Halloween! You won copies of my books in the Trick or Treat blog fest. Please let me know where you'd like me to send them. My email address is

  21. My Halloween fun involved alcohol. But then, some of the better things do. ;-) Your little guy is adorbz; about a week ago, I visited my "little guy" up at college and, among other things, we visited the cemetery on campus! Never thought such a thing would provide a fine mother/son bonding opp, but it totally did. :-)

  22. Your son is really adorable! Thanks for sharing.


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