
Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday Five for October 17, 2014

1. It was a good week for writing. I got a good chunk of the first draft of the second D&D novella done. If I push it, I might be able to finish it in a few days. It feels good to be back in the swing of writing things.

2. I had two short story rejections this week. Both were short-listed at pro venues, so I won't complain. I'll just submit them again. Hopefully next year I'll get a little more time to write short stories. The folder I keep all the unpublished ones in is getting thinner.

3. It's only two weeks until Halloween! Are you dressing up this year? My son is going to be Batman. Tomorrow, we're going to a local event called the Trick-or-Treat Trail. It's a very family friendly event where the kids walk along the trail and meet fairy tale and nursery rhyme characters who do a little act and give out treats. A ton of fun!

4. I've been critiquing and writing and scheduling blog posts since November will be a busy month for me. I do love it when I see my blogger posts and there are a month's worth of posts done. It's only these Friday posts that I type up quick the night before!

5. This week, Twisted Earths was released. Woo-hoo! Nine twisted stories from nine twisted worlds. It's an awesome collection from the authors of Untethered Realms. And something wicked is coming the last week of October. Wicked good! Creepy Freebies is returning this year. I'm giving away books including a signed copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Congrats on your writing this week! I am failing miserably at getting any words down at the moment!

  2. Wow, the only time I can get that far ahead in writing is for April (AtoZ). Congrats.

  3. I get excited if I can schedule a post two days in advance.
    Have fun tonight!

  4. I too love seeing my post written and schedule all ready to go for a month!

    I also love the idea of a Trick-or-Treat Trail. How adorable!

  5. Must be great to be seeing the end of another project. My oldest son dressed as Batman for a couple of Halloweens. He's 29 now and would still go as Batman if he had to dress up.

  6. You're being very productive. Congratulations on getting so much writing work done.

    I never dress up for Halloween, but my apartment is already decorated.

  7. Yay for getting back into the swing of things!

    Cute about your boy being Batman. I'm currently sewing a Snow White costume for my daughter, but from the sounds of it, she wants to wear her witch costume again this year. We'll see which she chooses when the day comes. :)

  8. I'm so jealous! That Halloween thingy sounds awesome. We're going to do a trunk or treat, and my oldest is going to a costume dance. (So strange to think he's old enough to do that.) I love Halloween!

    I love it when I'm way ahead on blog posts too...but it rarely happens anymore. Too much going on...

  9. Thank you all. I love doing all the fun Halloween stuff. I should really think of something fun to dress up as too!

  10. Good luck wrapping up the second D&D novella! That Trick-or-Treat trail sounds like heaps of fun. Hope you guys enjoy it! :)

  11. I love the idea of the trick-or-treat trail. What fun for the kids! Congratulations on being so productive with your writing. Rejections suck, but all we can do is just write, write, write!

  12. Glad you're writing again and the unpublished folder is shrinking. Great to have you aboard for Creepy Freebies!

  13. I have a copy of Twisted Earths. I look forward to reading it.


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