
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - blogging about blogging

There has been a lot of talk lately about blogging. Is it losing popularity? Will blogs disappear while everyone tweets? Will Twitter give way to something faster and shorter?

Not everything I have to say can be said with 140 characters. I've been blogging for a long time. Not here on this blog, but over the course of ten years, I've had three of them. I'm nearing 1000 posts on this blog.

My blog is my number one tool for marketing and connecting with people. I'd give up Facebook and Twitter before blogging. Not only do I like writing posts, I love reading other people's blogs. I feel I really get to know people when they share little slices of their lives.

I do understand that people are getting tired of too many cover reveals, blitzes, and bloghops. Readers want either more personal posts or helpful ones with advice and tips. Shorter is also better.

Yet I want to support my fellow writers by promoting their works. I don't want to chase off readers, though.

The best way to do this is to set up a blogging schedule. This way, readers know what to expect and when. If they're not interested in certain things, they can skip that day and visit another.

My blogging schedule:

Mondays - Promoting other authors with cover reveals, blitzes, reviews, and guest posts.

Wednesdays - The first Wednesday of every month is IWSG, and the others will be my Wicked Wednesdays where I talk about writing, marketing, and publishing.

Fridays - This is my weekly update. Friday Five catches my followers up on where I am with my writing and gives you a peek into my everyday life.

There will be exceptions for special events, but I'm sticking with this schedule. It'll save my followers valuable time and me as well.

Do you have a blogging schedule?


  1. I'm working on my own blog schedule, and thinking about what I want from my blog.
    I think I've become a bit bored with posting at times, doing the same things all of the time. I want to liven it up for myself and for readers.

  2. Blogging is the last thing I'd give up. I still enjoy it. Agree that it's grown promotion heavy, which is why I'm scaling back on that stuff and returning to my geek roots.

  3. I think blogging is the last thing I'd give up too. I feel more comfortable blogging and visiting/commenting on blogs than trying to socialize on Twitter, although I do find Facebook as easy to comment upon as blogs.

    I love having a blog schedule. It helps readers to know what to expect, and I can schedule posts in advance more easily.

  4. I love blogging, even though it's become a bit overwhelming for me lately. I can't imagine ever giving it up for good! I don't have a blog schedule, I must admit, even though I usually reserve Fridays for my "weekly webcomic updates." A schedule does seem like a pretty smart thing to have, though!

  5. Scheduling does make it easier for me when it comes to blogging. Wednesdays are whatever and Fridays are photos. I suppose I should define the "whatever" a bit more. Maybe someday.

    I'm glad you're not giving up blogging. I'd miss you.

  6. I love the idea of a schedule. I've lost some fidelity to my blog the past couple of years as blogging ceased being a main feature of my writing routine. Scheduling would give me purpose again.
    Good post.

  7. I should probably set up a blog schedule, too. But I have to agree, that I get tired of seeing the same cover reveal on, like, ten different sites. While I agree with helping fellow authors out, there has to be a better way. Author interviews and book reviews are far more interesting to me.

  8. Sounds like a good plan!

    I'm way too random to schedule at the moment. Plus, it's hard to schedule things like being kidnapped by carnies. lol!

  9. I'm planning the same sort of schedule (once I get myself back into the groove!). I hope to do a reader friendly post on Tuesdays and writer oriented post on Fridays.

    I like blogging too. Don't let my occasional absences scare anyone...I always come back. Now that twitter...whole different dilemma. I just don't get twitter.

  10. I wouldn't want to give up blogging, either. It's such a great community, and it's a nice way to get to know other writers.

  11. I don't think blogging will go away, but I've seen a lot of writers scaling back lately--me included.

    The promo does get old, in a way (although I'm always excited for the author). I tackled that by starting Promo Friday. It's a once-a-month post where I'll list all the new and up-and-coming stuff for those few weeks. So far, it seems to be working.

    My writer's blog really isn't for readers, although they are welcome to visit, and I'm aware that they might. For them, I started a newsletter on my website. I only fire those off when something very important is going on (cover reveal, sale, new release, etc.). That way, I don't lose subscribers over flooding their inbox.

    Anyhow, great post. Your idea for a schedule is a good one. :)

  12. Thank you to everyone for commenting. This confirms for me that having a schedule is a good thing and that people are tired of too many cover reveals, etc. If only there was a better way to market.

  13. I've been thinking of going to a schedule. I like following blogs where I know they post on a certain day, like Kelly Hashways. I'm just a little leery of change, even if it's for the better sometimes, heh! And I'm one that likes to see sliced of ppl's personal life. They're some of my fav posts to read!

  14. I think there are just some of us who are going to stay bloggers. And I'm cool with that, 'cause I'm one of them. :)

    I do agree with trying to keep posts relatively short, though. I tend to skim over longer ones.

  15. Interesting to pop by and read this today since I've been thinking about my blog quite a bit and what to do with it. Thanks for sharing your ideas and concerns

  16. I have been in a bit of transition lately and dumped a few on-line accounts I have while at the same time rebranding and increasing my blogs focus. It is the last thing I would give up.

  17. I definitely have a blogging schedule. If I didn't, I'd slack off on posting too much. And I think readers appreciate knowing when to stop by, too.

  18. I don't have a schedule as much as I used to but I try not to have too much of any one thing, especially promotions, either my own or someone else's.

  19. I totally agree with your thoughts about blogging. It's my favorite social media, too. I like your schedule.

    For a year or so now, I've been blogging only once a week. That's helped a lot. But I'm now seeing a need for a monthly schedule. Since I'm busy promoting a book right now, readers can look for that beginning in January.

  20. Hi, Christine. As for social media, blogging is number one for me. No way can I fit what I want to say in 140 characters. I like being able to stop by and see what everyone is writing abut. I also like helping promote other authors. Thanks for sharing your blogging schedule.

  21. Blogging will never go away, it creates stronger connections.

    Schedules are great for the blogger, but really the readers don't pay attention to those. I have no idea when someone is late posting or "off schedule". I just go through my feed reader of the few 100 people I follow which is what most people do.

    Having an accurate post title is the most helpful.

  22. I happen to really like blogging, and helping out my fellow authors in their book launches. It has been a tad patchy for me this summer, as I have been traveling a lot! I just returned from a jaunt at the beach. LOVE the ocean, she is my god(dess) and my peace. And there were some big waves to jump!


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