
Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Five for July 18, 2014

1. I think I've been outsmarted by a chimp. A Mailchimp. Is it really that easy to use? I didn't find it to be. Setting up the newsletter itself was simple, but the whole setting up a list and subscribers thing was not. I'm crossing my fingers. So... TA DA! I created an author newsletter which I have named "Geeks, freaks & EEKS!" You can subscribe to the newsletter by typing your email address into the handy little box on the right side of my blog. Subscribers will get all my exciting news before anyone else. Plus there will be special giveaways, previews, and excerpts.

2. Sorry, I can't share the secret I've been bursting to tell you yet. This contract business is slow-going. I really, really want to tell you, though.

3. My website is still under construction. You'll see the old one if you click on the link. I wanted a minimalistic and clean look, but maybe it's too bare? I don't know. My husband is slowly working on it.

4. Click on over to Untethered Realms for the monthly news post. We're having a huge giveaway celebrating reaching 100 followers on our blog, and some of us are participating in Smashwords' July sale. Find out which books are half off or free!

5. The weather has been mild here all week. My son and I have been out most days enjoying this lovely summer. My husband and the boy are going to do some backyard camping this weekend. I hope to enjoy some quiet writing time, and at night with my husband outside, I will joyfully hog the entire bed!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Haha, you are not the only one to have been outsmarted by MailChimp - it drives me nuts! Every time I go in there, I have to re-teach myself how to use it!

  2. Hi Christine - lucky you having a hubby to work on your new website ... however slow - it'll make such a change ..

    Lovely times with your son or without him when he's with his dad camping - great fun .. I remember doing that!

    Cheers Hilary

  3. Great news about the newsletter, I'll get myself signed up.
    Enjoy the writing time without the boys, I'm sure they'll have a great time.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Don't explode because you can't tell us!
    Too humid to do much outside here. Enjoy your nice weather. And an evening of writing.

  5. It's been amazing here too, lately. No humidity! Yay! Very neat you started a newsletter. I've always been curious about the set up of them.

  6. I signed up! And Mailchimp does have a learning curve, but it's not too bad.

  7. I'd like to start a newsletter one day, maybe when I have more publications under my name. I hope it's easy or I pick an easy service when I'm ready.

    It's been raining almost every evening here.

  8. I love the choice of title for your newsletter! :D

    Looking forward to seeing what your husband makes for your website.

  9. I can't believe how cool it's been. My kids like it until they want to swim. I had a hard time with mailchimp- gave up and returned it to my to do list.

    Can't wait to hear your news!

  10. I love the name of your newsletter! Mailchimp scares me. Lol

  11. Thank you, everyone! I'm getting emails that people are signing up for the newsletter. So it's working! Yay! Have a terrific weekend. :)

  12. Totally cool news! I haven't tried MailChimp yet - I haven't been brave enough. Someday . . .
    Hooray for backyard camping and extra writing time! And hooray for super secret exciting news and a new web look!

    And many, many thanks for your sweet review of Champion in the Darkness at Amazon!!

  13. I like your minimalist website. I kinda miss the pic of the lady with a sword and the child though. It was sweet and kick-butt at the same time. I can't wait to hear about your news. Newsletters are such a pain to figure out. *sigh*

  14. Oh my, I always get outsmarted by a certain celebrity Jack Russell dog! :)

    "Geeks, freaks & EEKS!" I love that name.

    I love backyard camping. Something I will miss when I move.

    A lovely weekend to you and your loved ones, Christine.

    Gary :)

  15. you better drop what youre doing and tell me right now!!

    ok, i'll wait
    but seriously!!!!

    tell me how it goes with mail chimp - i'm looking into it after i submit simulation... and i have loads of questions!

    a dismal day outside = productivity inside, right? ha!
    tell me!!!!

  16. Slow but sure! Sometimes that't the only way to get through these negotiations. Wish you luck on all fronts, Christine.

  17. Awesome job on Mailchimp... might have to pick your brain on how you did it:)

  18. Looking forward to the big reveal, and I've signed up for your newsletter. Thanks for being a loyal subscriber to mine these past months.

  19. I haven't tried MailChimp so I can't comment on how easy or hard it is to use. I hope your husband and son had fun camping outside.


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