
Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Five for July 11, 2014

1. For the month of July, The 13th Floor Complete Collection is on sale at Smashwords for 50% off with coupon code SSW50. With the same code, you can also get most of the novellas for FREE! So far I haven't had many sales there this month. Last year's Smashwords sale was more successful for me.

2. Sorry I still can't reveal what my big news is yet. It's a bit frustrating waiting, but this is what you deal with when you sign on with a publisher. It has to be before the end of the year because I know when my release date is!

3. I've not done any writing lately, but I've written blog posts and done a lot of little things. Obsessing about my author tagline took a lot of my time. And I'm still thinking about different ones!

4. My son finished his summer reading class this week. He's absolutely brilliant. So smart and yet has the focus of a four-year-old. (He is four, after all!) We'll spend the rest of the summer hanging out at the parks and pools. No other big plans.

5. I was lucky enough to win the awesome Tara Tyler's newest book, Broken Branch Falls from her Goodreads giveaway. It's absolutely amazing! I'll have a review on my blog in a few weeks, but this is one I recommend to everyone.


  1. Looking forward to hearing your big news as soon as you are allowed to tell! Have a great weekend!

  2. Tawa looks mighty proud of your win!
    Sorry sales haven't been as good. I'd go buy it but I already own it.

  3. I know what you mean about the Smashwords sale. I guess people don't like to buy there too much or something. *shrugs*

    Tawa looks great with Tara's book!

  4. You're keeping us on the edge about your big news. Great for your son and the reading.

  5. Congrats on winning Tara's book. It looks delightful. And staying tuned for your great news.

  6. Hopefully soon I can share my news. Waiting is not fun at all! Have a great weekend, everyone. :)

  7. Can't wait to hear your news! I'll give the sale a shout out. Funny how they work sometimes and sometimes not. I miss my guys being little, though they are still fun.

  8. Hi, Christine. Looking forward to hearing about your big news. Hanging out at the parks and pools sounds like fun for you and your son. Enjoy the rest of the summer!

  9. LOL. Saw your line up top. My kid has too much energy. So do my protagonists. I need more sleep. I can relate.

    You dropped the paranormal romance?

  10. Loni, I needed to drop the label of paranormal romance since I'm going to be published with something else. I can collect all of it under speculative fiction, though!

  11. That "big news" tease in going to keep us waiting on the edges of our seats to hear. ;)

  12. Hi Christine,

    Such a tease not revealing your big news yet! LOL

    Good luck with your author tagline.

    Like mother, like son. Parks and pools will be loads of fun for you two.

    Well done on winning a copy of Tara's latest book.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Gary :)

  13. So excited about your big news...yay:) I've been a bit slow in the writing dept lately too, though I have been doing lots of editing..:)

  14. Looking forward to the big news -- waiting is tough but well-worth it when you've signed with a great outfit. I know what you mean about sales. Mine are trickling, but nowhere near last year's volume. Time to get some new stuff out there, I guess.

  15. Yay for winning Tara's book. I look forward to your big news.

  16. I'm going to check out your sale! I haven't had any time to write either. My kiddos are taking center stage right now. Summer vacation is no vacation for mommies!!

    Can't wait to hear your good news. :)

  17. I haven't stop by your blog in a long time but it seems like things are going really well for you happy for you!!


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